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Tier Visibility - Today Ingame

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#141 His Holiness Pope Buster


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 03:04 PM

View PostSarlic, on 15 September 2015 - 01:08 AM, said:

I don't give a jackshit about tiers, all i know i can still wreck clanscum in my Atlas and that's what it counts, no?

Where would you hyphenate 'clanscum' exactly?

#142 Yellonet


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 03:04 PM

View PostBalder Shadow, on 15 September 2015 - 11:30 AM, said:

I agree, you only get better by fighting those that are better.

( I'd like to "see" their tier level displayed in match! )

New Achievement Unlocked!!!

Chuck Norris

Destroy Eight Tier One players in a single match!

Chuck Norris cannot beat T1 players because the matchmaker doesn't let him drop down to T1 from his own Tier -13.

#143 One Medic Army


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 03:06 PM

View Postbad arcade kitty, on 15 September 2015 - 03:01 PM, said:

ice ferret with 5 ml is much better than any locust

kit fox isn't bad if you are a medium pilot too




At least the locust has speed.

#144 Speedy Plysitkos


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 03:09 PM

im tier 4. definetly.

#145 bad arcade kitty


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 03:10 PM

View PostOne Medic Army, on 15 September 2015 - 03:06 PM, said:




At least the locust has speed.

ferret is 140+ kmh too

#146 Revis Volek


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 03:11 PM

i can only hope im tier 3....

#147 ShinobiHunter


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 03:22 PM

I'm looking forward to seeing my own tier, but I don't really care what other players think about it. I would have guessed myself Tier 4 before, but after some of the players I have seen in game, I'm thinking lower tier 3.

#148 jper4


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 03:52 PM

View PostSarlic, on 15 September 2015 - 12:32 PM, said:

I have been fiddling wih Atlas RS builds today. Sometimes i barely dish 300 damage other times i dish 700 plus. But man, piloting the Atlas on the live servers is brutal. I am really feeling the med laser + gauss / clpl alot. Real challenge. Like its getting thougher by the day! I can deliver a punch but the team has to work a little with me. Stomps (most of the time justified, others dont) everywere. Or teams collapsing like a cardhouse.

My peformance does heavily fluctuates though. In group que most of them acknowlegde the force multiplier of a Atlas present and i dish out some good damage to my liking. (Not all matches though, but the mentality of supporting your backbones is much more present)

I have an easy way to drop my numbers if need be- I have a few stray assaults lying around, the bonus atlas, bonus crab, a lone stalker from way back when and the battlemasters- hop in them and watch the 100 point damage matches roll!

#149 Alex Morgaine


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 04:47 PM

View PostEvan20k, on 15 September 2015 - 01:25 AM, said:

I want to be a tier 5 solo queue player. 0 expectations on you, so it's all the more rewarding when you clutch a win!

Also an excuse to bring any legit or lol build :3
Oh to experiment with no care, the best part o the game.

#150 Col Jaime Wolf


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 06:15 PM

I reside in the mystical tier 42 reserved only for those that simply cannot be placed in any other tier lest their whole team faceplams.

#151 crashlogic


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 06:30 PM

put me in a maddog and I am probably tier 2, put me in a battlemaster and I am tier 5. The mech makes a huge difference, so tier is meaningless to me

#152 Ultimax


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 08:58 PM

View PostLord Scarlett Johan, on 15 September 2015 - 11:47 AM, said:

I regularly see top players and fight against the top teams that are full full of likely T1-T2 players. However, I firmly expect to be T4 or T3.

Going to single you out, because I've played with you and against you enough to state that you are no way T4.

I think a lot of people here are being unnecessarily hard on themselves, I highly doubt many people who at least make it as far as the forums are T4 or T5.

T3 is going to be the biggest group, and that's basically "average" which doesn't mean "bad".

I suspect a lot of veterans who are in T3 are probably laid back/casual about the game, and play whatever mechs they feel like playing good or bad but still do well enough in them (and probably think they are T4 or lower when they aren't).

#153 FupDup


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 09:03 PM

View PostUltimatum X, on 15 September 2015 - 08:58 PM, said:

Going to single you out, because I've played with you and against you enough to state that you are no way T4.

I think a lot of people here are being unnecessarily hard on themselves, I highly doubt many people who at least make it as far as the forums are T4 or T5.

T3 is going to be the biggest group, and that's basically "average" which doesn't mean "bad".

I suspect a lot of veterans who are in T3 are probably laid back/casual about the game, and play whatever mechs they feel like playing good or bad but still do well enough in them (and probably think they are T4 or lower when they aren't).

But dat modesty tho.

#154 Mechwarrior Buddah


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 09:22 PM

View PostMellifluer, on 15 September 2015 - 06:15 PM, said:

I reside in the mystical tier 42 reserved only for those that simply cannot be placed in any other tier lest their whole team faceplams.

Tier 42 is reserved for those who know The Question as it is The Answer

#155 Y E O N N E


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 09:41 PM

I'm ready to broadcast scrub tier. Forum scrub.

#156 Ultimax


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 09:42 PM

View PostFupDup, on 15 September 2015 - 09:03 PM, said:

But dat modesty tho.

I'm not sure if it's modesty on their part or just being worried what their actual tier is, and going for the lowest so they might be happy when it's not actually that.

#157 Mcgral18


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 09:52 PM

View PostUltimatum X, on 15 September 2015 - 08:58 PM, said:

Going to single you out, because I've played with you and against you enough to state that you are no way T4.

I think a lot of people here are being unnecessarily hard on themselves, I highly doubt many people who at least make it as far as the forums are T4 or T5.

T3 is going to be the biggest group, and that's basically "average" which doesn't mean "bad".

I suspect a lot of veterans who are in T3 are probably laid back/casual about the game, and play whatever mechs they feel like playing good or bad but still do well enough in them (and probably think they are T4 or lower when they aren't).

Depends on the Scoring. If it's exclusively UAVs, I'd be a tier 5 Underhive lord, as I might have used 3 of them over the past year, while if it's (as expected) mainly shooting robots, I've got a fair chance at Tier 2.

The scoring system has a big impact on where you land. I wonder where my XL400 Assault got me.

#158 Y E O N N E


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 10:00 PM

I'm probably upper Tier 4 to mid Tier 3. I play terrible 'Mechs pretty much all the time, but I do have positive W/L and K/D by what I think is a healthy margin.

#159 Saint Scarlett Johan


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 10:12 PM

View PostMcgral18, on 15 September 2015 - 09:52 PM, said:

Depends on the Scoring. If it's exclusively UAVs, I'd be a tier 5 Underhive lord, as I might have used 3 of them over the past year, while if it's (as expected) mainly shooting robots, I've got a fair chance at Tier 2.

The scoring system has a big impact on where you land. I wonder where my XL400 Assault got me.

Well... I am a light jock. I also really love my Pratty Babby. Which is why I'm expecting a lower tier, to be honest since my average is only like 450 damage and an RCH over 2 kills a match.

#160 Davers


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 10:27 PM

View Post1453 R, on 15 September 2015 - 11:51 AM, said:

Group queue results are really nothing to judge by anyways. I've seen 228s, plenty of -MS-, had a few run-ins with SJR. Heh, was once personally slaughtered by TheB33f's Wubshee.

Just because I've seen those players in my group queue drops from time to time doesn't mean I'm automatically T1 or T2. Just means the group queue is starved for players and the top dawgs need to beat up on someone. Maker, Trav and I just got voluntold for the job is all.


Yeah, I see SJR, Emp, and HoL in group queue, but I never see those guys in YoloQ. Pretty sure they don't always do group stuff...

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