1453 R, on 16 September 2015 - 05:52 PM, said:
It's why I hate Dire Whales. Well, allied Dire Whales. Gimme allied Warhawks every single time. Whales tend to be driven by people who hate moving and feel like they're entitled to dictate the location of the battle by dint of having fifty tons of guns, and invariable they want the location of the battle to be "my spawn point." They cannot seem to comprehend the enormous value of Hustling Their Freaking Hams and getting somewhere the enemy can't strike them to death or pound them with sniper fire.
But seriously. Movement is good. But straight up NASCAR, running counterclockwise from the get go no matter what, is profoundly stupid.
Did your assaults spawn on the left? Yes, move. Go LEFT. Don't run right then cry because your assaults did nothing in the match. I'm always about personal responsibility in matches, but:
As a Direwolf pilot, I'm always moving from touchdown, and you'll never see me complaining of being left behind. I never am left behind, in fact. However, with limited torso twist, I cannot bring my guns to bear at all if I'm to keep up. This means, if our lead elements in NASCAR do poorly, we've already lost the match before its even possible for me to fire a shot.
I'm familiar with that match - it ends with me having a huge score, and the rest of the team doing miserably, not because they were bad individually but because they made a very serious tactical error stringing out too far. That's on them, I did everything I could, but my mech only goes as fast as it goes. They knew they had 100 tons of armor and weapons behind them - not even far behind - but they chose to race forward as fast as they could regardless. That is 100% their error, not mine. All they had to do was keep moving, but a little but slower, so I could bring my weapons and armor to bear. My Direwolf can eat a lot of fire, and will eat a lot of fire, if people just ease up and read the situation rather than always rushing blinbly like morons.
But that's just it. NASCAR isn't a good tactic. Camping isn't either, but those aren't the only options. You can be mobile without leaving your most potent mechs behind.
But as I said in the beginning of this thread, people NASCAR not because its good, but because a bad plan leads to more success than disorganisation.
NASCAR vs NASCAR: Faster team and/or better spawns wins. Call it 50/50 overall.
Unorganzied vs unorganzied: highly random. Call it 50/50 overall.
NASCAR vs Unorganzied: NASCAR wins. Thus, where the common options are NASCAR or random unorganzied play, NASCAR is a winning strategy.
Note that you can replace NASCAR with basically any strategy in the logic above and it still holds true, even very poor ones.
The problem with NASCAR is its is ONLY an effective strategy if you have the right team composition AND spawns. Otherwise, it beats disorganised play but nothing else. And losing because your team went NASCAR when the circumstances where not good for it sucks in a big way.