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We can't wait to see your pages guys, we know they'll be great. UM-R60 jumpjets engage!
EDIT: Per Paul Inouye "We have not made an official statement on how Canon names will be handled. With the advent that Community Warfare has been pushed back in the schedule, we will not be commenting on it until we have a further in-depth plan."
Also - these are not reservations of the name, simply a way to get the word out that your clan/corp/etc has 'x' website. Your unit/corp/company may use a name similar to a Canon unit, but not exact.
Information on Unit Name preregistration can be located here
{QQ}RageQuit Mercenary Corporation Founder
1st An-Ting Legion Founder
1st Blackburn's Raiders Founder
[10BUX] Founder
1st Grinders Corp Founder
1st Irian Knights Founder
1st Mechanized Infantry Founder
1st Reaper BN Founder
1st Skull Marshals Founder
12th Vegan Rangers Founder
13th Cavalry Regiment Founder
13th WarDogs Founder
15th Mechanized Expeditionary Unit Founder
201st Stryker Regiment Founder
228th Independent Battlemech Regiment Founder
256th Bear Cav Founder
275th Legionary Knights Founder
286th Highlander Dragoons Founder
12th Thunder-Clad Legion Founder
3 - 7 Combines Arms Detachment Founder
312th Black Trident Regiment Founder
3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment Founder
4th Red Rogue Stalkershttp Founder
The 51st Founder
501.Kampfregiment Founder
5th Regimental Combat Team "Ghost Legion" Founder
5th Royal Irish Founder
57th Squadron Founder
67th Stormbirds Company Founder
7th Wolf Dragoons Founder
6th Jaguar Dragoons Founder\
88th Mechanized Militia Founder
9th Sword of the Dragon Founder
Able Company Founder
A.C.E.S Founder
Aces Wild Founder
ACRUX oceanic gaming Founder
ADKGamers Founder
Alpha Males Founder
Apocalypse Lancers Founder
The Ancient Order Founder
Antares Scorpions Founder
Angels Of Death Founder
Armageddon Unlimited Founder
The Art of Warfare (TAW) Founder
Atlas Hunter Founder
Australasian Royal Mechanised Division - ARMD Founder
Battleborn Knights Founder
Beer Warriors Founder
Black Widows Founder
The Black Company Founder
Black Death Union Founder
Black Dragon Elite Founder
Black Forge Mercenaries Founder
Black Hearts Founder
Black Sheep of the Federated Commonwealth Founder
Black Sheep Mercernary Corps Founder
Black Wolves Founder
BlackStar Alliance Founder
Blackstone Knights Founder
Blackthornes Dragoons Founder
Black Omen Founder
Blazing Aces Founder
Blood Pearls Founder
Blue Blazer Irregulars Founder
Blue-Star-Irregulars Founder
Boondock Highlanders Founder
Bosswave Gaming Founder
Bravo Whisky Charlie Founder
The Brethren Founder
Bright Shield Founder
Browncoats and Independents Founder
Brynhildr's Merc Corp Founder
The Browncoats Mercenary Company Founder
Budget Security Founder
Bulldogs Founder
The c³ Gaming Team Founder
C4 Founder
Cameron's Highlanders Founders
Carrior Crows Founder
Chirikof Grenadiers Founder
Clan Black Sheep Founder
Clan Burrock: Dark Caste Mercs Founder
Clan Diamond Shark Founder
Clan Ghost Bear Founder
Clan Hell's Horses Founder
Clan Jade Falcon : The 5th Battle cluster Founder
ClanJadeFalcon Founder
ClanSmokeJaguar Founder
Clan Snow Wolf Founder
ClanStomp Founder
The Company Founder
Comstar Irregulars Founder
Coram Morte Founder
CORED Battalion Founder
cReddit Founder
Crimson Hydra Mercenary Corp Founder
The Crows Founder
Dark Allegiance Founder
Dark Born Founder
The Dark Horse Irregulars Founder
Dark Sabres Mercenary Corporation Founder
Darkling Inc Founder
DarkStar Alliance Mercenary Force Founder
Davion Royal House Guards Founder
Dead Man's Hand Founder
Death Adders Founder
Death Before Dishonor Founder
Death Dealer Mecenaries Founder
Death Draka Founder
Death's Hand Brigade Founder
Death Hawk Legion Founder
Death Inc Founder
Death Watch Legion Founder
The Defiantz Founder
The Defiant Irregulars Founder
Demon Hawks Founder
Devlin's Destroyers Founder
The Devil Dogs Founder
Dire Wolves Alpha Regiment Founder
Dirt Nap Squad Founder
Disciples of carnage {D.o.C} Founder
Dismal Disinherited Founder
Doom Rider Mercenaries Founder
The Dreadnought Merc Corp [TDMC] Founder
Ebonheart Dragoons Founder
Emerald Riders Founder
Eridani Light Pony Founder
Equal Opportunity Destroyers Founder
Equestria Royal Guard Founder
Exiled Knights Founder
The Fallen Founder
Fed Suns Founder
Fever Founder
Fight Club Founder
Firepower Unlimited, LLC Founder
The Followers of O Founder
The Foot Shadow Alliance Founder
Forge Founder
The Forgotten 8th Legion Founder
Fortune Hunters Incorporated Founder
The FragWarriors Mercenary Army Founder
Frontier Rangers Founder
Fury Team 8 Founder
Teh Foggie Kittenz Founder
The Gamers Legion Founder
Gold Dragons of Vincents Commando's Founder
Golden Eagle Merc Corp Founder
Golden Foxes Founder
GrayDeathLegion Founder
Gray Fox Inc. Founder
Grey Reavers Founder
Greyhounds Founder
Gun Special Squadrons Founder
Hammer and Sickle Founder
Hammer[ed] Tactical Contracting Founder
Hammerhead PMS Founder
[HARD] Founder
Harlequin Corps Founder
Harolds of Ragnorak Founder
HeadHunters of Davion Founder
HeadShot Xtreme Founder
Heavy Mech Tech Founder
Heavy Metal Brigade Founder
Hell's Black Aces Founder
Hell's Ponies Merc Corp Founder
Hellfire Brigade Founder
Hesperus II TMM Founder
The High Guard Founder
Highland Dragoon Guards Founder
Holly's Hardcases Founder
Horizon Founder
HotDrop Inc Founder
House Jurai Founder
House Liao Founder
House Luau Founder
The House of Solveinean Founder
IAM's Armored Mercenaries Founder
International Strategic Strikeforce Alliance Founder
The Ice Talons Founder
Inner Sphere Irregulars Founder
Iron Angels Founder
KaoS Legion Founder
Karaian Empire Founder
TheKellHounds Founder
Kimble's Terminators Founder
Kiith-Sa Hunter Founder
The Knights of Stone Founder
Knight Wardens Founder
Knights Who Say Ni Founder
Landsknechte Founder
Lashropa Levi's Lancemen Founder
Legion of the Damned Founder
Legion of Phobos Founder
Legion of Smiling Death Founder
Legion of Steel Founder
Legion of the White Rose. Mercenary unit Founder
Light Warriors Online Founder
Living Legends Founder
Lone Wolfs Founder
Lordz of Chaos Founder
Luna Wolves Founder
Malum Factum Founder
MarineMechs Founder
Mech Busters Founder
Mechanized Tactical Assault Corps Founder
The Mechronomicon Founder
MechWarrior BattleTech Online Founder
Merc Unit Tau'ri Founder
Mercs Platoon Founder
Mercenary Corporation the Windbourne Highlanders Founder
The Midnight Cobras Mercenary Unit Founder
The Midnight Sons Founder
Mountain Wolf Sentinels Mercenary Company Founder
Murders & Acquisitions Founder
Murphy's Law Founder
MUX Founder
Nasty Boys Founder
Nekoryu-no Seishin Founder
NorthwindHighlanders Founder
Nims Ninja Founder
Night's Scorn Founder
Night Watch Founder
Obsidian Founder
Oceanic Merc Corp Founder
Old Dragon Battle Group Founder
Omega Defense Corps Founder
The Old Guard Founder
Outlaws Founder
Paladin's Legion Founder
Paragon Founder
The Peregrine Legionnaires Founder
Phoenix Dominion Founder
Praetorian Legion Founder
Prophecy Founder
QED BlackSheep Founder
Raptor Pack Founder
Ragnarok's Huscarls Mercenary Company Founder
Raven Alliance Founder
ReaXtion Founder
Red Corsairs Founder
The Red Legion Founder
Red Sky Mech Corp Founder
Red Squadron Founder
Relic Legionnaires Founder
The Remnant Founder
Robinson Rangers Founder
Ronin Legion Founder
Rough Riders Founder
Roving Guns Founder
Royal Scots Dragoon Guards Founder
Royal Terra Guard Founder
The Rum Runners of Tortuga Prime Founder
Ryu Oni Merc's Founder
Ryuken-Ni-Sorei Founder
more to come!... see Helmer's post below
Edited by Helmer, 14 August 2014 - 02:50 PM.