El Bandito, on 21 September 2015 - 11:18 PM, said:
I reported several when the **** began to start. And when multiple people began to do it per team, I just couldn't be bothered to report them all.
Scumbags, all of them. So what if this wasn't the map they wanted--what about the needs of the 11 other members in your team? Those people you are leaving behind to fend for themselves need points too--some might need to do well in just this map for completion.
Instead these DCers/Suiciders/Out of bounders had sold their dignity for the chance at the tiny amount of virtual rewards.
Had this exact problem. Just one map left to get points on in CW, and I finally get it (only got it three times over four evenings playing). At the start there was one disco on my team, and one on the enemy team.
*Ok, this might work" thought I.
After the first push I saw we had two discos, and I also noticed 2 friendly mechs that were just standing still. So we were really four down throughout the game.
In some games I have had people reconnect 10-15 minutes in, rather obvious they played a pug drop instead of helping out in CW, and then reconnected to not get the penalty.
Lame as hell, I finally gave up on getting that last map. With all the discos it just became untenable.