Titannium, on 09 October 2015 - 12:12 AM, said:
I replaced my arti strike with UAV because i found out that in T4 that is a lot more helpful.
Anyway, since introduction of the xp bar i am making screenshots from my progress (including stats page) from time to time. At my current w/l rate of ~2/3 wins plus several losses with PSR =/+ it took me around 75 matches to make ~25% progress in T4.
In February i started using a data tool, and since i am mostly playing my 4G(F) it is rather easy for me to backtrack my PSR. Stats are from start using the tool, up to introduction of PSR, to current values.
2015-02-04 21:52 : HUNCHBACK HBK-4G: 2270 Games, 1189 Wins (52.4%), 2854/1310 K/D, 303 DPG
2015-08-17 21:15 : HUNCHBACK HBK-4G: 3644 Games, 1877 Wins (51.5%), 4373/2151 K/D, 288 DPG
2015-10-09 00:23 : HUNCHBACK HBK-4G: 3821 Games, 1983 Wins (51.9%), 4643/2253 K/D, 290 DPG
Despite the fact that i was still above average at introduction of PSR the half year of ELO hell kicked me into low T4. Now i am plowing through that tier and it is only a short matter of time i will reach T3.