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The True Test Of Skill - Identify Your Problems

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#1 Karl Streiger


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Posted 24 September 2015 - 06:32 AM

I have a good message - in dangerous self tests I developed a test so you can determine

how skilled you are.

The good - the test is good enough to identify your ability in the following activities.
  • knowledge of the map
  • weapon usage: range / charge / duration...
  • fast and sure - aim
  • controll of your mech
  • reading of maps
  • multitasking
Isn't it fantastic?

the result in my case was:
I'm very good in using the Gauss Rifle and can fast switch between targets - when they are visible and were marked red. The defensive turning and twisting skill was adequate.

I have some serious issues with map knowledge (there were walls that wasn't there a second before) and minor defects in steering
another problem was the identify of not visible or identify targets.

Ok there are some drawbacks - you need some money:


#2 Kiiyor


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Posted 24 September 2015 - 07:12 AM

My issues?

My inner monologue routinely commentates on my performance and offers valid tactical insights about what my next course of action should be... and I often completely ignore it.

[inner monologue] "Hey Kiiyor, you're about to be flanked, AND charged. You should get to cover for a few seconds"
[inner monologue] "Seriously, Ordellus is leading the charge in that Atlas of his, and he's going to eat you. You're in an Awesome. With an XL. You brawl like stroke victim wearing a strait jacket and a colander for a helmet. Seriously, you just put up a UAV and there's a seething mass of red a-oh, would you look at that, we're dead"
[Kiiyor] "HOW DID THIS HAPPEN??!!?"

#3 sycocys


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Posted 24 September 2015 - 07:16 AM

My biggest flaw is that I don't want to find a new group of players to run with so I drop into rng queue and lose the draw repeatedly.

#4 nehebkau


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Posted 24 September 2015 - 07:17 AM

You should add Mech choice and loadout as things you need to consider.



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Posted 24 September 2015 - 07:21 AM

Being un-biased and honestly self critial of your own performance or lack of, is one of the hardest things to do in this game.

#6 izzycat218


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Posted 24 September 2015 - 07:32 AM

List of flaws
Poor positioning: meaning I push to brawl. I'm impatient and also highly aggressive. My aim could also be better. Don't have huge knowledge of the maps do to everyone playing by habit now days. I also play non meta mechs. Learning to play lights has led to bad decision making as well.

#7 Thorqemada


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Posted 24 September 2015 - 07:39 AM

Well, some of the stuff PGI has developed negates my abilities and stuff that supports my abilities has not the same big Impact so i am somewhat handicapped by the progress of the game.

•knowledge of the map
Average - i dont use it to dictate me my moevement, i fight where the fight is, fundamentally i would probably doing better on randomly generated maps making decisions on the fly about movement/cover etc.
God - i hate Idiot Hill on Alpine...
MWO really needs random placed stuff to fight for that breaks up the boring "move there do this" gameplay!

•weapon usage: range / charge / duration...
Good - i know how to use my Weapons albeit it may not be the usage others prefer...my favourite Main-Weapon is the AC10 supplemented by whatever else fits the Mech like SRM4 or ML.

•fast and sure - aim
Below Average - i do not come from the Twitch Gaming - PvP for me was allways Sport games like Soccer, Ice Hockey, American Football, Racing Games (Car and Motorcycle) and MilSims (Falcon 3.0), i never developed CoD Skills and my Eyesight has become to bad lately anyway.
In real Sports in my youth i played Soccer, rode the Bike and drove Carts - was 1 Season in a Shooters Club but that really is not my world.

•controll of your mech
Good - use Joystick + Mouse though these are cheap Standard Controllers with no special gaming capability.

•reading of maps
Good - i have had a great movement prediction pre-Seismic and was able to flank and move but the development of MWO has rendered that pretty useless.

Good - i can use several different Weapon Systems together, have an Eye on the Map and Support/Defend/Attack as necessary.

My favoured matchmode is "Conquest" (but i have anything enabled) and Skirmish is the least liked mode since Assault got rid of Turrets.

In the Mechlab i tailor my Mechs around my needs til i feel they work well for me.
I have not a single Mech that is based on Templates/Smurfy - all of them are original me.

PS: Yeah - on top of all my Sins i also do not manipulate my Gamma Settings... :P

Edited by Thorqemada, 24 September 2015 - 09:39 PM.

#8 Karl Streiger


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Posted 24 September 2015 - 07:51 AM

View Postnehebkau, on 24 September 2015 - 07:17 AM, said:

You should add Mech choice and loadout as things you need to consider.

Well right i have to admit - in perfect test condition its kind of Eeny meny... darn invalid... Eeny meny... narf invalid...
Woahh it worked - mech what mech did i used... Bnc - lm - Ah loadout is.. Omg - a Gauss oh this mech runs fast did i have mounted a xl?
Wtf this Wall wasn't there last time.

Serious when sober only the very well trained will work

#9 Vlad Ward


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Posted 24 September 2015 - 07:55 AM

I'm too sexy for my shirt. It is a sad state of affairs.

Also I spend way too much time playing phone games while "moving into position" at the start of matches. It's a bad habit.

And forgetting what Mech I'm in. All the time. I will look at red team robot, click mouse, and be like "Wait, why are there lasers on my UAC dire whale?" And then I'll be like "Oh. Because I'm in a Timber Wolf."

My mouse sensitivity is way too high because I use 3 monitors and setting up different DPIs is a pain and I'm lazy, so my aim can be anywhere from "pretty okay" to "holy crap that's terrible" depending on how much I care I put into tracking properly. As soon as I stop paying attention, the lasers spray everywhere.

Oh, and multitasking. I suck at this. I'm usually browsing 3 forums, playing a phone game, listening to music, chatting on TS3 (about non-MWO things), and playing some other simple game on a different monitor while playing MWO. It gets bad sometimes. This probably has a lot to do with the problems outlined above.

I also can't handle pumping gamma/brightness to max. Sure, you can see things at night, but holy crap the lasers are blinding. It's like they went from solid beams to weird, diffuse lightsabers that clog up your whole screen. How do people play like that? I'd rather take my lumps at stock gamma/brightness and max settings than deal with that junk.

#10 Throat Punch


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Posted 24 September 2015 - 07:59 AM

My biggest problems are impatience and more impatience.

#11 El Bandito


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Posted 24 September 2015 - 08:00 AM

View PostKiiyor, on 24 September 2015 - 07:12 AM, said:

[inner monologue] "Hey Kiiyor, you're about to be flanked, AND charged. You should get to cover for a few seconds"
[inner monologue] "Seriously, Ordellus is leading the charge in that Atlas of his, and he's going to eat you. You're in an Awesome. With an XL. You brawl like stroke victim wearing a strait jacket and a colander for a helmet. Seriously, you just put up a UAV and there's a seething mass of red a-oh, would you look at that, we're dead"
[Kiiyor] "HOW DID THIS HAPPEN??!!?"

Ordellus usually suicide charges alone after complaining about how his team is gonna lose and how NASCARing is BS.

My biggest fault is that I always want to be the guy who makes contact with the enemy first, even in an Assault. I do usually make contact first, and do usually get to 90% before any of my teammates arrive. Oh and mini-map awareness is lostech to me.

Edited by El Bandito, 24 September 2015 - 08:04 AM.

#12 Jman5


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Posted 24 September 2015 - 08:20 AM

View Postnehebkau, on 24 September 2015 - 07:17 AM, said:

You should add Mech choice and loadout as things you need to consider.

To expand on that, knowing your opponents hardpoints, loadouts, plus general strengths/weaknesses.

The way I approach this is I start with the mechs that give me the hardest time and work my out from there.

#13 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 24 September 2015 - 08:23 AM


I think for myself.
I speak from My experience
I don't have time for other self righteous Ashats (read this one exactly as written for the hidden meaning)

Edited by Joseph Mallan, 24 September 2015 - 08:23 AM.

#14 Almond Brown


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Posted 24 September 2015 - 08:54 AM

It all depends on how much was drank or smoked, or both. When both, things can get pretty dicey. The Tip of the Spear dulls considerably, a locked target disappears before guns can be trained on and the upper and lower bodies segments often start to operate in an inverse fashion.

Other than that, Fair to Midland would be a good assessment over-all. ;)

#15 Hobo Dan


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Posted 24 September 2015 - 09:50 AM

I’ll go.

I know the maps well, but struggle to find the right positioning sometimes (I swear there are no good positions on New Forest Colony). I play pretty aggressively and in public que that often gets me out on my own when I thought the PUGs would push with me and they didn’t. This is my fault, even if they are being wussies.

I am efficient with lasers and small ballistics (AC/2 and 5) but I tend to miss more with AC/10 and 20. My Gauss Rifle expertise varies greatly by mech for some reason. I rarely use LRMs these days (a tear for my CPLT-C1(F)) but am generally competent with them. SRMs I do well with if I’m in a light or medium. PPCs, I just can’t.

My aim tends to be erratic at best. Generally, the slower the projectile, the worse my aim. Some days I feel like a surgeon, others I feel like a leaf blower. I usually hit the mech I’m shooting at but not necessarily the venerable component. I am terrible looking at the paper doll, seeing a leg without armor, and shooting that leg.

I am best with mechs travelling in the 75-100 KPH range. Slower than 75 KPH and I run into stuff while turning, get stuck on steep gradients (not always my fault, but I could do better avoiding them), and just react poorly. Faster than 100 KPH and I run into stuff and tend to get into poor, overly aggressive positions.

I know all about torso twisting and do it often, but on occasion (usually in a very heated battles) I tend to care bear stare.

Overall, I consider myself decent at MWO. In a group (I play 99% Solo) I would excel at fire support, but I cannot be depended on to carry. In PUGland, I have my good matches, my great matches and my terribad steering wheel underhive matches. Mostly good.

#16 LordMelvin


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Posted 24 September 2015 - 10:28 AM

I usually under estimate the damage that light mechs with 6-8 medium lasers can put out. So dueling firestarters and cheetahs in light mechs is almost always a death sentence.

#17 Evan20k


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Posted 24 September 2015 - 10:30 AM

I play way too aggressively when I'm mindlessly dropping in solo queue and tend to not read when to disengage at target. I also have problems identifying targets without doritos in foggy/dark maps sometimes (depends on the day).

#18 Juodas Varnas


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Posted 24 September 2015 - 10:33 AM

My main problem is not running meta-mechs.

Seriously, one of my main mechs is a [1xLL, 3xML, 2xMG, 1xLRM20+A] Thunderbolt-5S. AND I DO FINE IN IT, THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
Others include a Quickdraw (not a 5K mind you. That one's a bit too good for me), Urbanmechs (non-laser builds, because those are HERESY), Jenner D and Vindicators.

#19 Aggravated Assault Mech


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Posted 24 September 2015 - 11:45 AM

My biggest flaw is that I tend to take too many risks, especially if I'm on tilt.

#20 Khobai


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Posted 24 September 2015 - 12:08 PM

my biggest problem is shooting teammates and exploding when I alphastrike too much

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