Satan n stuff, on 28 September 2015 - 01:50 AM, said:
A 50+ alpha to a CT makes it a hell of a lot easier for someone to kill a mech than several such alphas sprayed all over the mech, your argument is invalid.
Edit: I'd say the damage mechanic can be salvaged, if it were to factor in it's effectiveness. It wouldn't need to be entirely accurate, as long as it rewards damage to the most important sections of a mech the most.
For example:
All sections are valued by (item tonnage/total hitpoints+shield value/item tonnage)*multiplier, each point of damage will be multiplied by that to add to the match score. Match score is awarded per destroyed item or component, to anyone who damaged that component.
The CT will be valued at the total remaining value of the mech at the time it's destroyed.
The first leg to be destroyed has the engine tonnage included in the value, minus whatever engine tonnage would be needed to move at legged speed. The remaining leg will be valued at the total remaining value of the mech, like the CT.
The sidetorsos will be valued like the CT if the engine is an IS XL, in the case of a clan XL the second sidetorso to be destroyed will be valued like the CT. The first sidetorso to be destroyed with a clan XL will have a shield value added, so will both sidetorsos on mechs with a standard engine.
The arms will also have a shield value added.
It's also possible to value remaining ammo and heat sinks ( collectively for each type of item ) based on the value of the weapons that depend on them, so for example 3 tons of AC/5 ammo might be worth a third of an AC/5 if it exists on a mech in that combination.
A system like this will obviously never be perfect, but it will give significantly better rewards for effective damage than for ineffective damage.
There is no such thing as ineffective damage. All damage leads to the defeat of that mech pilot.
A for instance, in a match I played on saturday. I alpha'd in my Arctic Cheetah at an EBJ, and because I was falling hit a leg, which instantly disappeared. The second alpha to the other leg killed him completely. According to the OP's assertion that would be ineffective damage, but it is VERY effective, especially against faster opponents. And in this case it was easier than coring him out.
Another example, you are involved in a peek and poke situation and your opponent continues to not retreat effectively, leaving an arm that has the weapons he's shooting you with exposed, not shooting and removing that arm, is the height of stupidity and is effective damage, but by the OP's assertion would be classed ineffective.
Edited by Lugh, 28 September 2015 - 04:53 AM.