Deathlike, on 29 September 2015 - 12:32 PM, said:
If you haven't learned to brawl with the Clans, I don't know what to tell you.
It's not that I don't know how to brawl with them. It's just that the IS has an advantage at brawling. To deny that is like denying that the sky is blue. IS Mechs have better pinpoint that the Clans and faster cycling weapons. That alone means that the Clans are at a disadvantage in a brawl against them. What's not to understand about that?
Deathlike, on 29 September 2015 - 12:32 PM, said:
It's called hitreg. It's magical. That has less to do with the Stormcrow, as this happens with ALL mechs, not just the Stormcrow.
I understand hit-reg. What I don't understand is why I have more hit-reg problems with the Crow than any other Mech. I don't think I've ever had shells completely pass through anything other than the Crow.
Deathlike, on 29 September 2015 - 12:32 PM, said:
Yes, but if you simply just accept what they tell you, w/o actually analyzing what they are doing and WHY they are doing... well.. I guess we know where to find Flamers and MG usage at greater rates.
That's what the feedback threads are for. Threads like this are rather pointless.
Sure, Flamers and MGs, while not particularly useful, are fun nonetheless. If all you care about is winning, then go play the cookie-cutter meta. Otherwise, stop playing it for a bit and go build some fun Mechs and don't worry about whether you win or lose.
Deathlike, on 29 September 2015 - 12:32 PM, said:
Personally, I'm criticizing your position. If you think that's a personal attack, I guess that's your opinion.
Criticizing a position by wrapping it in a personal attack remains a personal attack, no matter how much lipstick you slap on that pig.
Deathlike, on 29 September 2015 - 12:32 PM, said:
I care enough about balance to discuss these matters pretty often, as very little positive changes at any pace.
I also care about balance, but I've learned over time that these...discussions...rarely achieve any sort of meaningful dialogue. This thread is an excellent example. I disagreed with the OP and presented my case as to why I disagreed. The epeen nonsense instantly started along with significant personal attacks. There's no interest in discussion; only in insult and shouting down of those who disagree.
Shoot, I bet nobody even bothered to read my posts to see
why I disagreed. They probably just read, "I disagree," and skipped to the "Quote" button from there.
Deathlike, on 29 September 2015 - 12:32 PM, said:
It's one thing to have an opinion... it's another to sound uninformed. You don't tell someone in a specialized position (whether it be lawyer or doctor) that you know better than they do when it comes to their job. However, when it comes to balance... people that can tangibly explain what's wrong, give examples, and demonstrate repeatedly with knowledge and some wisdom, it becomes blatantly obvious when there's a problem. When the comp community doesn't agree with PGI's direction on balance... there is a problem. It doesn't mean they aren't infallible, but at least trying to bring something to the table.. not just anecdotal evidence to the contrary.
So, you're saying the the comp players are more informed than the game developers themselves? That's kind of arrogant. In PGI's case, I'm a bit inclined to agree though.
That being said, I'm not as worried about what comp players want. I think that's a minority of the MWO community. What's better is listening to the community at large that just wants to play for fun, instead of trying to tailor the game to a few meta bean-counters that only run optimized builds.
Deathlike, on 29 September 2015 - 12:32 PM, said:
If you accept PGI's "current balance proposition", that's fine. However, if you cannot demonstrate how a certain thing does or doesn't matter when it comes to overall play... especially at higher levels... then how is the commentary meaningful? Are LRMs suddenly "acceptable at all levels of play"? Do Flamers have to stay useless indefinitely? Are quirks and hitboxes tested thoroughly?
The last rebalance PTS was a very rough pass; it's far from being complete. As such, I don't think that anyone's accepting it.
As for Flamers and LRMs, I'm confident those will be addressed after the rebalance has been in place long enough to receive rigorous testing by the community. Shoot, ECM has a big nerf in the pipeline that should help LRM'ers quite a bit. Just be patient.
Deathlike, on 29 September 2015 - 12:32 PM, said:
These things encompass the kinds of discussions that go around here... whether you like it or not. All we're here for is to make sure it doesn't get worse... at least as much as we can possibly control (in the sense that we ultimately have none, and we'll try anyways).
And I would count further nerfs to the Clans as making things worse. That's why I'm here.
Personally, rather than seeing things nerfed, I would rather see new content introduced to both increase the gameplay diversity and to help balance things. There's an awful lot of stuff in the BT lore to draw upon that has been largely ignored up until now.