So to look at this mathematically:
Currently the most ideal situation is 3/3/3/3 which can exist exclusively within 600 - 795 tons so this should probably be the inner bounds proportional to group size, which seems to be the case in the suggested limits for 12-mans. The most extreme team comps that are seen in SoloPUG are 1/1/5/5 and 5/5/1/1, and these can exist exclusively between 440 - 965 tons so this should be the weight range for groups consisting of all 2-man groups if we're going to enforce that type of team comp. So a 2-Man group weight should be 75 - 160 tons. Assuming we move linearly between these two points (and round on 5s):
Size Min Max
2 Man 75 160
3 Man 125 225
4 Man 180 285
5 Man 230 350
6 Man 285 415
7 Man 335 475
8 Man 390 540
9 Man 440 605
10Man 495 670
11Man 545 730
12Man 600 795
I'm still unsure if I'd want to even bother enforcing anything on 2-Mans, since with these^ restrictions you can go 2L or 2A. But either case, I think this looks good. Potentially, 6 2Man groups can make 12/0/0/0 or 0/0/0/12 but from looking at the odds of this just from solo pug queue sizes (15%L, 20%M, 40%H, 25%A) this shouldn't occur often enough and will likely be a fun match anyways
EDIT: I nearly got ninja'd, Kin3ticX has similar numbers
EDIT2: I can't math today, 2L in a 2man aren't possible here
Edited by EmperorMyrf, 29 September 2015 - 03:55 PM.