I read the entire Wiki page on the word Meta, and it can be construed as a prefix for "Meta-Mech" in this game by people who choose to use it as such; and to point out that it is gaining popularity as an adjective describing such things as its foundations, methods, form and utility.
You can not just stop at the etymology of a word or prefix in this case (or any other), and stop there as the definitive nature of what it means (cultural (historical) bias - not sure here; but there is some form of bias in doing this).
And even then, adjacent is among those beginning meanings; A non-Meta Timber is adjacent to a Meta-Timber, and describes its utility and form, method of use, based on the adjacent foundations as being beyond that of the original.
Creative Writing Major not-withstanding; as that is not a play on words, but directly derived from the meaning of the prefix.
Addendum: I would also like to point out that the original Greek Prefix meaning, "after", or "beyond," can be directly related to a standard (stock) Mech compared to a Meta-Mech; whereby the Meta-Mech came after or is beyond the scope of the original, stock Mech.
And, it is this creative abstract of the original stock Mech, that produces what we now know today as a Meta-Mech as it completes or adds to the nature of the original design. And researching the meaning of Abstract seals the deal for me, for selecting only the aspects which are relevant for a particular purpose, deriving a concept that acts as a super-categorical noun for all subordinate concepts, and connects any related concepts of that category, is precisely what we are doing by ascribing the prefix in the first place.
Without the influence of the human mind, the Meta-Mech would not have been realized, as it is only "we" who can through abstract creativity perceive the Meta of what was originally designed; going beyond the intent, reaching for the "After;" what comes next.
After-thought: this is not to say you are wrong, however, as it is, in itself, an abstract prefix to begin with (i would even venture to say that the originators of the prefix came up with it to try and describe what other words could not), and throughout history, individuals have used their creativity to use the prefix in various ways for lack of better ways to describe or bring meaning to an idea or principle (or to just simplify). If you so choose to ignore the possible uses of the prefix, that is your right, as is the right of others to use it for clarifying what, to them, may be a lack of better words to use to describe such a leap in design of a Mech and its use, form, etc..
"Uber" and Super doesn't quite cut the meaning of these Mechs, as the pilots themselves play a role that cannot be quantified; thus, beyond the idea of the Mech itself.
Meta indeed; I see no other way to describe it, for any other adjective falls short, least a dissertation be written that excludes the simplicity of just saying, "Meta-Mech."
I think the real question to answer, is whether it is a Meta-Mech to you; or in your hands? To me, it is just a re-design, and it is the pilot that brings the Meta (shrug).
Note: on the reference of etymology, the Greek preposition is relative to the old English preposition mid "With" and only later on used to describe higher orders of abstract thoughts; what I find most interesting is this quoted item, "In origin Metaphysics was just the title of one of the principal works of Aristotle; it was so named (by Andronicus of Rhodes) simply because in the customary ordering of the works of Aristotle it was the book following Physics; it thus meant nothing more than "[the book that comes] after [the book entitled] Physics".
This suggests that the original premise being put forth is contradictory to just simply saying that a Meta-Mech came after the Stock Build or any design that is not stock could be a Meta-Mech (in the right hands, of course

I highly doubt a Midwife was an abstract idea. Or that the origins of the prefix had anything so grand in mind as to say anything more than what came next, or is like (adjacent), that even the Beyond additive to the meaning didn't come until philosophical debates on other areas of thought needed a term to describe the thoughts above the original thoughts.
Per my signature below, take it for what it's worth.