The OP mentions all his time in Dire Wolves, so I'd just like to point out that just because a mech has the potential to do the most damage in the game,that it doesn't mean that it is the easiest mech for a new player to play. It's a theory that makes sense on paper, "I'm new, I don't know much, so I'll take the mech with the biggest guns and most armor and I'll at least do OK right?!" Not true.
Dire's are especially alluring since you have people on the forums saying that a Dire is "Easy Mode".
I don't think that's the case at all. I think Assault Mechs are probably some of the toughest mechs in the game to play as a beginner. The Dire especially. It's slow, it's unmanuverable in general and horrible pig untill you unlock all the elite skills, and since every knows you're the big kid on the block, everyone targets you. Dire's are total LRM bait. I'm a decentish Dire player now, probably average about 700-800 damage per game, but it still isn't 'Easy" in a slow assault mech, you need to have a 6th sense about where the enemy is and where your teammates are, because if you get into a bad neighborhood, it's hard to get out. My tips:
1. start with a Clan Heavy or anything in the 50-75 Ton range capable of about 80 kph.
2. ECM is a great bonus. You draw less fire, good for new players
3. Get a decent set of mid-ranged weapons
4. Go mostly energy, but get at least one Autocannon till you have heat mastery down to a science
5. Don't mess with Inner Sphere XL engines on Heavies or Assaults until you are less of a bullet magnet and get good at torso twisting. Don't be tempted by the extra tonnage, it's a devils bargain.
6. Always be moving
7. Since you're new, If you're in a stand up duel with someone blazing away at each other neither backing down, assume that the other guys knows something you don't, and you're probably gonna die if you keep at it.
8. Get a Siesmic Sensor, they're a great way to keep you out of trouble
9. Take the time to look at the detailed loadout on a targeted mech, it could save your life.
10. Gauss Rifles are tricky, practice practice practice on the training grounds.
Edit: 11. the most important of all, Watch good players! watch youtube videos, streamed games. When you die, don't exit the game, pick a team mate in spectator mode, and stick with them the whole match, don't just jump around to watch "the action" . People win or lose combat often based on the actions they perform BEFORE taking the first shot.
Edited by PAINLESS 42, 09 October 2015 - 07:33 AM.