Here is a zip with orthogonal screenshots of all current mechs that I used to calculate the profiles and an OO calc document containing all numbers both of Tennex and me: dropbox-link
The measurement method is not 100% exact of course, because in order to do this, we'd have to have the profiles of the actual hitboxes, not the 3d art. But since the hitboxes should follow the 3d art pretty closely, the trends found in this way should still be relevant.
The square root of the area of the profiles has been divided by the cubic root of the mech's tonnage. This yields the value PPTA, which tells us how much surface area the mech is exposing per ton and allows us to directly compare mech profiles.
Here is a picture showing the relative PPTA values of all mechs compared to the average PPTA value both for my own and Tennex's analysis:

As you can see, the values are pretty close.
So what does this data tell us? The first insight is that in general, light mechs are much too small and everything else is slightly too large, with a few extreme mechs being much too large. Remember, this "size" is normalized by tonnage, and in the ideal case, all mechs would have 100% here, which would mean they all expose the same profile per ton. This is clearly not the case.
It also shows us that some mechs, which feel much too large, actually don't derive that much from the average, like the Awesome, for example. This mech probably needs remodeling of the whole torso area instead of a simple proportional rescale.
We can also see that there is a reason so many players are raging about the light mechs. Some of the worst offenders are MUCH too small, and they also seem to cover the mechs that attract the most rage (Spider, Firestarter, Arctic Cheetah).
Another interesting insight is that the latest mechs all seem to be scaled smaller than mechs with comparable tonnage. The Mauler has the second smallest assault mech profile after the Zeus, and both the Black Knight and the Crab are much smaller than anything else in their tonnage.
If PGI ever starts with the rescaling project, they can take a look at the lower end of this list for a hint where to start. Catapult, Nova, Dragon, Quickdraw are all good candidates.
[edit]Karl Streiger has done some interesting work comparing the armor values (including quirks) of mechs with the mech profile data. Read all about it here. It yields yet a slightly differently ranked list of a "size" concept, basically dividing the size of the mech by its armor+structure, or calculating a sort of "density", if you wish, which determines how squishy a mech is normalized over hitpoints.
The winners are: Spider, Commando 1D and Panther 10P, which are all below 50 pixels per hitpoint.
Average mechs are around 75 PPHP, such as Kitfox, Jagermech and some Grasshopper variants.
The clear
What this means is if you take the HP of a Spider, divide it by the HP of a Maddog, then use this ratio to scale the Maddog down, the Spider will still have a mech profile that is HALF the size of the Maddog.
[edit]New data below[/edit]

Edited by zagibu, 23 May 2016 - 03:22 PM.