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Create Your Own BattleMech! Bragging Rights for Winner(s)!

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#41 Big Willie


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Posted 10 December 2011 - 03:06 PM

Night Owl OWL-1D (60 tons Inner Sphere 3028)


Edited by Big Willie, 10 December 2011 - 03:14 PM.

#42 Mythosha


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Posted 10 December 2011 - 03:29 PM

Name: Mercury 2 IS
Technology: Inner Sphere
Cost: 7.604.460 C-Bills
Weight Class: Light
Tonnage: 35
Internal Structure: Endo Steel
Engine Type/Rating: Extra-Light/280
Cruising Speed/Top Speed: 86.4 km/h; 129,6 km/h (172,8 km/h)
Heat Sinks: 10 (Double)
Jump Jets: Yes (210 Meters) 1CT / 3LT / 3RT
Armor Type/Rating: Standard/112
Equipment (Location)
ER Medium Laser (HD)
2 ER Medium Lasers (RT)
2 ER Medium Lasers (LT)
Beagle Active Probe (RT)

Um einen Scout zu schaffen der den schnelleren und härteren Gefechten gerecht wird wurde der Mercury aufgewertet.
Dies verdoppelte zwar fast sein Gewicht, aber das Ergebniss war mehr als zufrieden stellend.
Er war genauso schnell, aber Sprungfähig, und mit erheblich besserer Bewaffnung und Sensorausstattung versehen.


Dieser Mech ist für den Einsatz als Scout gedacht, kann aber aufgrund seiner guten Bewaffnung und der hervoragenden Beweglichkeit, aufgrund des MASC und der Sprungdüsen, auch Störangriffe durchführen.

Edited by Mythosha, 10 December 2011 - 04:13 PM.

#43 Omigir

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Posted 10 December 2011 - 03:30 PM

View Postfeor, on 10 December 2011 - 08:23 AM, said:

The other problem with that design is that the Inner Sphere didn't develop the LB-20X until 3058, putting him in violation of the tech availability rules.

Im not all that great with table top. Maybe spent a month dabbling in it. BUT! I have an idea. I will throw up some pic's and you guys can fit them how you think they fit. You all know it much better then I do.


Have at it boys!

#44 Mythosha


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Posted 10 December 2011 - 04:36 PM

Name: Beamer
Technology: Inner Sphere
Cost: 15.392.000 C-Bills
Weight Class: Heavy
Tonnage: 60
Internal Structure: Endo Steel
Engine Type/Rating: Extra-Light/360
Cruising Speed/Top Speed: 64,8 km/h (75,6 km/h); 97,2 km/h (118,8 km/h)
Heat Sinks: 10 (Double)
Jump Jets: Yes (180 Meters) 2CT / 2LT / 2RT
Armor Type/Rating: Standard/200
Equipment (Location)
Medium Pulse Laser (HD)
Medium Pulse Laser (LT)
Medium Pulse Laser (RT)
2 Medium Lasers (RA)
Dreifachmyomer (LT/RT/LA/RA/LL/RL)

Um die die altgediente Guillotine an die derzeitigen Gegebenheiten und Technologie anzupassen wurde ihr Chassie komplett überarbeitet.
Dabei kam ein absolut adäquates Pondon heraus, welches aber leichter, schneller und besser Bewaffnet war.


Dieser Mech ist für die Nahdistanz entwickelt und besitzt deshalb auch nur 1 wirkliche ReichweitenWaffe.
Das Dreifachmyomer, die Batterie einfacher als auch gepulster Mittelschwerer Laser machen aus diesem Mech eine absolute Gefahr für jeden Gegner der ihn Nah genug heranlässt und das ist aufgrund seiner Geschwindigkeit zumeist nicht einmal abwendbar.
Ein Tritt dieses Mechs bei aktiviertem Dreifachmyomer kann so ziemlich jedes Bein verwüsten oder schwer anschlagen und in Verbindung mit dem Laserfeuer, welches Aufgrund der unübertroffenen Beweglichkeit eines Mechs dieser Tonnage, meist den Rücken eines Gegners aufschneidet, kann einen Kampf in wenigen Sekunden entscheiden.

Edited by Mythosha, 10 December 2011 - 04:48 PM.

#45 Mythosha


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Posted 10 December 2011 - 05:08 PM

Name: Breaker
Technology: Inner Sphere
Cost: 20.017.725 C-Bills
Weight Class: Assault
Tonnage: 95
Internal Structure: Standard
Engine Type/Rating: Extra-Light/285
Cruising Speed/Top Speed: 32,4 km/h; 54,0 km/h
Heat Sinks: 12 (Double)
Jump Jets: None
Armor Type/Rating: Standard/272
Equipment (Location)
LSR-20 (RT)
2 x @LSR-20 (RT)
Gauss Rifle (RA)
Gauss Rifle (LA)
2 x @Gauss (CT)
@Gauss (HD)

Um einen Überschweren Mech zu schaffen der sowohl Feueruntserstützungs- als auch Durchbruchsmissionen durchführen kann, stattete mann ihn fast ausschließlich mit Munitionsabhängigen Waffen aus, dies erhöhte die Schlagkraft für einen fest umrissenen Zeitraum erheblich und durch eine Munitionskapazität welche so kalkuliert wurde das sie für 1 - 1,5 Gefechte reicht, wurde dieses Ziel erreicht.

Ein Devastator mit einem Naginata Seitentorso ... nicht schön aber effizient

Fast ausschließlich als Feuerunterstützer gedacht, erfüllt er diese Aufgabe mit bravur.
Durch den ansehnlichen Panzerschutz ist es ihm aber auch gestattet feindliche Stellungen im Frontalangriff anzugehen, auch wenn dies besser in enger zusammenarbeit mit anderen Einheiten geschieht, da seine Bewaffnung Reichweitentechnisch unterlaufen werden könnte.

#46 Mason Grimm

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Posted 10 December 2011 - 05:11 PM

View PostOmigir, on 10 December 2011 - 03:30 PM, said:

Im not all that great with table top. Maybe spent a month dabbling in it. BUT! I have an idea. I will throw up some pic's and you guys can fit them how you think they fit. You all know it much better then I do.


Have at it boys!

I'm impressed!!!

#47 Omigir

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Posted 10 December 2011 - 05:12 PM

View PostMason Grimm, on 10 December 2011 - 05:11 PM, said:

I'm impressed!!!

XD feel free and use em!

#48 Connor Macleod


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Posted 10 December 2011 - 05:48 PM

View PostOmigir, on 10 December 2011 - 03:30 PM, said:

Im not all that great with table top. Maybe spent a month dabbling in it. BUT! I have an idea. I will throw up some pic's and you guys can fit them how you think they fit. You all know it much better then I do.


Have at it boys!

Ok, you are a talented artist. Those look really good. Anyways, Jack used info from your original idea to make your 'Mech Tabletop Legal. Personally I would downgrade the LB 20 X's to Ultra AC 10s. Why you might ask? Same damage output as LB 20Xs (Ultra AC 10s can fire twice in one "turn" as compared to once per "turn" with all other Autocannons save the Rotary, with 10 damage per shot), with the added mobility of arm mounted weapons that can fire to the side and straight forward, as opposed to just straight forward. With your original designs, you would have had to split the crit requirement with your torso, resulting in a "torso-mounted" weapon with only the capability of firing forward, which leaves you at a disadvantage. Not only that, but this way you get to keep your actuators in the arms. Believe me you want them, 'cause it's a b**** to try and stand without them if you're knocked down, leaving you an easy target while you attempt to get to your feet.

On a side note, you seem to be a fan of the Timber Wolf (Mad Cat) design, because the torso, cockpit and legs of most of your drawings look heavily influenced by it. At least that's what I see, and I could be wrong.

Also, I hate to be a d*** Mythosha, however whatever language you're typing in, I can't read or understand it. Translation would be nice, if you speak any English? I slacked off in high school, so I'm not even partially bilingual like most of my classmates.

EDIT: Okay nvm, I can really only see the Timber Wolf influence in the first pic as well as the artwork for the 'Mech you entered into the contest. BTW is that third pic your take on a Cougar? Pretty bad a** if I do say so myself.

Edited by Connor Macleod, 10 December 2011 - 05:54 PM.

#49 Gunman5000


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Posted 10 December 2011 - 05:53 PM

Decided to repost this and delete my old post simply because there was a large number of changes to make and wanted to make sure it was this post that was entered.

******BattleMech Technical Readout******

******Battlemech Overview and Capabilities******

******Battlemech TRO details******

Sorry no picture, not very artistically inclined, hope I described it in the Overview well enough though.

Let me know what you guys think.

#50 Omigir

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Posted 10 December 2011 - 06:05 PM

View PostConnor Macleod, on 10 December 2011 - 05:48 PM, said:

Ok, you are a talented artist. Those look really good. Anyways, Jack used info from your original idea to make your 'Mech Tabletop Legal. Personally I would downgrade the LB 20 X's to Ultra AC 10s. Why you might ask? Same damage output as LB 20Xs (Ultra AC 10s can fire twice in one "turn" as compared to once per "turn" with all other Autocannons save the Rotary, with 10 damage per shot), with the added mobility of arm mounted weapons that can fire to the side and straight forward, as opposed to just straight forward. With your original designs, you would have had to split the crit requirement with your torso, resulting in a "torso-mounted" weapon with only the capability of firing forward, which leaves you at a disadvantage. Not only that, but this way you get to keep your actuators in the arms. Believe me you want them, 'cause it's a b**** to try and stand without them if you're knocked down, leaving you an easy target while you attempt to get to your feet. On a side note, you seem to be a fan of the Timber Wolf (Mad Cat) design, because the torso, cockpit and legs of most of your drawings look heavily influenced by it. At least that's what I see, and I could be wrong.
EDIT: Okay nvm, I can really only see the Timber Wolf influence in the first pic as well as the artwork for the 'Mech you entered into the contest. BTW is that third pic your take on a Cougar? Pretty bad a** if I do say so myself.

O__O whoa, your the man! or woman.. i dunno which.. ima guess man. Either way that is a really sick break down, thank you! if the behemoth wins, i think that falls on you because well.. <__< >__> you made it work i just drew it.

and yeah, The cougar, timber wolf, daishi, masakari, warthog (mektek) among other 'bird legged' mechs are my favored kind. I think they are more elegant and lethal looking mech's for some reason. I think human like mechs tend to be more tank like in the end.

Edited by Omigir, 10 December 2011 - 06:06 PM.

#51 Connor Macleod


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Posted 10 December 2011 - 06:25 PM

View PostOmigir, on 10 December 2011 - 06:05 PM, said:

O__O whoa, your the man! or woman.. i dunno which.. ima guess man. Either way that is a really sick break down, thank you! if the behemoth wins, i think that falls on you because well.. <__< >__> you made it work i just drew it.

and yeah, The cougar, timber wolf, daishi, masakari, warthog (mektek) among other 'bird legged' mechs are my favored kind. I think they are more elegant and lethal looking mech's for some reason. I think human like mechs tend to be more tank like in the end.

Don't worry, I'm a dude :P . I don't know any chicks that are fans of Highlander, which is where I got the name "Connor MacLeod" from. Also, you might want to thank Jack Gallows as well, as he's the guy who came up with the TT Legal specs for your 'Mech. All I did was recommend a weapon switch-out.

#52 Artanis Creed


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Posted 10 December 2011 - 06:26 PM

well no comment is better than getting flamed about my mech...

#53 Jack Gallows


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Posted 10 December 2011 - 06:31 PM

I shall take a crack at them for you, and build what I see in the picture. You may use the designs for your own entries into the contest if you like, sharing helps bring the community together...right? I can also tweak any of them if weight class/etc isn't to your liking. You can then add your own fluff to make them your own, I'm just doing the data leg work :P

View PostOmigir, on 10 December 2011 - 03:30 PM, said:

Ok, so this one on your deviant art is Random Mech 2, this is what I've whipped up for it. Decent speed for it's size, made it a low end heavy mech with jumpjets. Could make it move walk of 6 and run of 9, but shaved off speed for a bit more armor and overall ammo for the LRM (and so it wasn't a dinky LRM 5.)


View PostOmigir, on 10 December 2011 - 03:30 PM, said:

This one you have labeled "Alpha Strike" Here's what I've linked to the picture.


View PostOmigir, on 10 December 2011 - 03:30 PM, said:

This one is labeled the "Pred Cat" Pic says 65 tons, so I'm going to work with that. I made a variant without jump jets in favor of it hitting harder. The model with jump jets didn't strike very hard, but then I also loaded it up as an ewar boat as well. (Interesting side note...it's one of the only IS 'mechs I've ever designed with both ferro-fiberous and endo-steel. Usuaully it's far too crit costly for IS mechs to mount both.)


View PostOmigir, on 10 December 2011 - 03:30 PM, said:

Assasin 2k is what you've named this one on deviantart, and here's a rough idea of what it might turn out to be. Another mech with both ferro-fiberous and endo-steel, seems easier on lighter mechs due to not being able to fit more of the bigger weps due to tonnage limit. (Note, it's heavier then the original Assassin while keeping a similiar but higher damage and mobility profile.)


View PostOmigir, on 10 December 2011 - 03:30 PM, said:

Ok, for the last one "Murading Battlemech"


Remember, these are your designs, I'm just trying to help. Whatever you want changed we can hash out and I can tell you what does and doesn't work, even if it changes based on the "look" of the design.

Redone Behemoth



*Edit* He's definitely got some Clan mech influence, but it is used to great effect imho. I very much like how your designs come together and don't look too outlandish, and all work as actual mechs. There's a bit of Couger in that one pic, and a wee bit of Marauder in another...but they aren't carbon copies and it looks feasible as an actual influence and not a rip off. You make the designs your own, and I really like that. Even with the back canted legs on the more humanoid mechs, they look very nice.

Edited by Jack Gallows, 10 December 2011 - 07:03 PM.

#54 Omigir

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Posted 10 December 2011 - 06:34 PM

View PostArtanis Creed, on 10 December 2011 - 02:45 PM, said:

My first time using the Skunkworks program, hell first time creating a mech from scratch. If anything doesnt look right let me know an i'll try an fix it. Phlegethon

Quad mechs: rare. Flamers: underused. Sounds like a mistery mech. Very cool man, interesting choice on load outs!

#55 Jack Gallows


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Posted 10 December 2011 - 06:37 PM

This post saved for commenting on every 'mech in the thread, so no one feels left out.

*Edit* Nevermind. Had the entire thing posted up then lost it. Not doing that all over again, sorry gents. Some really nice designs though, so the voting is going to be hard when the time comes from that. I'll probably give my views then on the winners and who I'd select as a runner up.

View PostOmigir, on 10 December 2011 - 06:34 PM, said:

Quad mechs: rare. Flamers: underused. Sounds like a mistery mech. Very cool man, interesting choice on load outs!

Indeed. I've got a nice quad mech, but it's not....contest friendly. lol

The only thing I hate is that Solaris Skunk Werks won't save the bloody turrets, so I have to remake it every single time I want to post it... How's this for not contest legal? lol


Edited by Jack Gallows, 10 December 2011 - 07:40 PM.

#56 Blacstonn


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Posted 10 December 2011 - 06:38 PM

hey can I ask about something. My au has a number of systems that change everything can I show them just so you all can get a feel for them?????

#57 Omigir

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Posted 10 December 2011 - 06:44 PM

Wholy s**t there, Jack Gallows, Connor wasnt kidding. Those are all awesome views of my mechs! You did way better than I did. All I can do is draw. I give credit where credit is due, and you took and ran with em!

#58 Jack Gallows


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Posted 10 December 2011 - 06:47 PM

View PostOmigir, on 10 December 2011 - 06:44 PM, said:

Wholy s**t there, Jack Gallows, Connor wasnt kidding. Those are all awesome views of my mechs! You did way better than I did. All I can do is draw. I give credit where credit is due, and you took and ran with em!

Doesn't really take long with a program like Solaris Skunk Werks. Though, it was a lot of fun to try to make 'mechs from a picture instead of the other way around, can really give you inspiration and give life to a mech that may be more mundane (I really like how the Pred Cat turned out.)

Remember, made these for you, so if you want you can use them or store em, and even enter them into the contest as yours. :P

*Edit* Remade the Behemoth with Ultra AC/10s, posted it in the big post with your other 'mechs.

Edited by Jack Gallows, 10 December 2011 - 07:02 PM.

#59 Omigir

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Posted 10 December 2011 - 06:58 PM

View PostJack Gallows, on 10 December 2011 - 06:47 PM, said:

Doesn't really take long with a program like Solaris Skunk Werks. Though, it was a lot of fun to try to make 'mechs from a picture instead of the other way around, can really give you inspiration and give life to a mech that may be more mundane (I really like how the Pred Cat turned out.) Remember, made these for you, so if you want you can use them or store em, and even enter them into the contest as yours. :P

I will keep em and use them, but it does not feel right entering them in as mine. Not souly as mine atleast. Besides, i think others might like to use the pictures too XD

#60 Jack Gallows


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Posted 10 December 2011 - 07:05 PM

View PostOmigir, on 10 December 2011 - 06:58 PM, said:

I will keep em and use them, but it does not feel right entering them in as mine. Not souly as mine atleast. Besides, i think others might like to use the pictures too XD

Just remember, I only did partial work. You would still need to fill out fluff for the individual 'mechs. If one of your 'mechs win in a specific category, I get to feel good cause I helped you do it. You pictures were the basis for my inspiration, I only filled in what the artist provided :P

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