New Mech Details For October 20Th Patch
Posted 19 October 2015 - 06:07 PM
In the end only the one with the XL315 offers something different enough to make it worth playing.
Posted 19 October 2015 - 08:50 PM
Sereglach, on 19 October 2015 - 03:30 PM, said:
We already know that every mech is getting entirely different quirks once the rebalance hits.
Now, once the rebalance happens, then we should be paying attention to what quirks look like for mechs, to make sure that none are overbearing. No one really complains too much if a mech is released too weak and then gets a buff. People would utterly lose their minds if a mech was released too strong and then needs a nerf.
Yeah, with the quirks PGI really can't win right now ... give it moderate placeholder quirks and people will complain about that, or give it bigger "old style" quirks and people will complain about nerfbat when the rebalance lands. I agree that only relevant thing is how the mech is handled in the rebalance, and how the rebalance works out in general.
Posted 19 October 2015 - 10:05 PM
Posted 20 October 2015 - 05:12 AM
Narcissistic Martyr, on 19 October 2015 - 06:07 PM, said:
In the end only the one with the XL315 offers something different enough to make it worth playing.
Whaa? The Jenner had a 300 from the word 'go'. The Raven was just a twinkle in PGI's eye when that decision was made. I've been playing MWO since there were only 4 mechs, and 2 maps

The 300 only offers an extra heatsink if you run out of crit slots otherwise, with both ferro and endo, it's possible.. But not likely... It just doesn't have the tonnage...
Posted 20 October 2015 - 05:19 AM
Posted 20 October 2015 - 07:17 AM
Twilight Fenrir, on 20 October 2015 - 05:12 AM, said:

The 300 only offers an extra heatsink if you run out of crit slots otherwise, with both ferro and endo, it's possible.. But not likely... It just doesn't have the tonnage...
6ML and 6SPL builds have the tonnage but not the space with endo/ferro for the extra heatsink if you strip a bit of armor
JR7-F needs it and it'd be really helpful on the 6 hard point wolfhounds
Edited by Narcissistic Martyr, 20 October 2015 - 07:17 AM.
Posted 20 October 2015 - 07:44 AM
jaxjace, on 19 October 2015 - 02:00 PM, said:
Not only that... but they all come with standard engines...
Who, may I ask, is going to run these engines?
Posted 20 October 2015 - 07:48 AM
Grayson Sortek, on 20 October 2015 - 07:44 AM, said:
Not only that... but they all come with standard engines...
Who, may I ask, is going to run these engines?
They are going to be upgraded with 5 million C-bill XL engines. It is part of the IS Mech Tax that Clan mechs already include when you buy them, that is the XL engine, double heat sinks, and endo/ferro where applicable. There is a reason IS mechs are so much cheaper!
Posted 20 October 2015 - 10:55 AM
Great that I didn't bought this package.
Posted 20 October 2015 - 11:16 AM
I understand that the upcoming rebalance will mean that any quirks given now will be replaced. But why on earth wouldn't you give this mech some hefty armor or structure quirks since it has no JJs and crap weapon quirks?
I would really enjoy playing that - quite hardy but with weapons mostly unquirked. It would be the sort of inverse of the firestarter, a mech that could actually spend time at the front but wouldn't have the killer las-boat aspect to compensate for that toughness.
Posted 21 October 2015 - 05:27 AM

Posted 21 October 2015 - 06:06 AM
The specific thing I had to point out, was about AMS. It's been stated it's a waste of tonnage. As things stand in its use, .5 tons on equipment and a single ton of ammo, is a waste when you are the only one sporting it and it points out that you are there right behind that ridge. But I have been on teams that for funs, deliberately brought every mech with an AMS. Some mechs ran 2, like the 2 jesters we were running, filled with MPL. The Jesters ran 2 ams, overload, range modules and like 2 tons AMS ammo, before they increased the AMS rounds for tonnage to match clan. The enemy team, as was common at that precise time, was fairly heavy on ECM, but also had spotters and both clan and IS missiles. The clan missiles became utterly useless against our team any time two or three mechs were in AMS range of each other. Cross fire took out whole streamed volleys, one after another from multiple mechs. When focused missiles started dropping on pushes, our Jesters moved right into the range and shielded mechs making pushes in areas that had open ground but that would result in good flanking action or splitting the enemy positions. IS volleys, even full LRM40-60 just vaporized as they started dropping into our radius. We had no ECM, vs. their combo of IS/Clan ECM. Their NARC attempts were utterly useless and the tagging pretty ineffective. We won. Repeatedly. Group queue, admittedly and then later private matches it showed AMS had a place, when taken as a group choice, which it never is in the public group queue. But when you have mechs that can run 2 AMS, they are worth consideration when you are in a group and one or two other buddies are willing to run similar setups. You then can work as a suppression lance. I have literally parked such a lance next to enemies under hard cover - situations where we really couldn't advance on them without being face melted, due to dire stars and whatnot, and watched as teammates then flanked wide to get good direct fire angles and ignored the warhawks and catapults full of missiles that tried to dissuade those flanking manuvers, their missile streams vaporizing before they made much of an ARC towards our teamates. Inevitably, when they realized the suppression, we would see thier push break up thier position and even though our suppression team would then scatter, usually the flanks were in great position to really finish them off. Done this way, an group of 3-4 in group queue really can make a repeated difference to games they are matchmade in. Wolfhounds with 2 AMS might actually be a better use of tonnage than a Jester to play this AMS role.
I know, this is the era of the direct fire meta totally, but again in group queue, you do really see missiles in profusion periodically. Certain events bring it out, certain new mechs and quirk changes as well. If PTS changes from recent runs ever come in regarding information warfare, you will see more LRMs as well, so AMS bears consideration in general as well as how to use that 2 AMS wolfhound.
Edited by Mad Porthos, 21 October 2015 - 06:11 AM.
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