Posted 29 February 2016 - 07:27 AM
If you think that agility changes hit assaults the most, pity for you. And don't get me started on anyone and their mothers getting bonus yaw speed.
Posted 29 February 2016 - 01:48 PM
IraqiWalker, on 24 February 2016 - 11:29 AM, said:
Ozealot, on 29 February 2016 - 09:53 AM, said:
Wat? Did you even read what Widowmaker1981 posted/you quoted and responded to? Yes? Then read it again. Talking about something you know and knowing about something you talk about are two different things you mix up way too often for my taste.
I mean look at your tier. Lmao. You are explaining stuff to other people everywhere, lecturing this and that, pointing out here and there and the only thing you can show is sucksess. Tier 3? Three? How is that even possible? You play this game for three years and are in tier three? Paul Inouye stated that NEW players can get into tier three when they do well in their cadet matches and you are jerking around in there after t-h-r-e-e years. I'm sure you have a rather witty explanation as usual but I don't friggin care what you say. Yadayadayada I already see it coming "tryhards, meta, I'm playing for fun, I have a real life, I'm so casual" - just no! You just talk shop all the time to try to impress but essentially you are talking jelly and I can't stand you believe your voice has weight here because I just have to look at your hilarious skill rating combined with your pretentious attitude and lmao jdgaf. Gods I literally hate people like you. Read the thread title and do one asap. And please keep your like-button-sidekicks off of me. Thank you.
To say it with your own arrogant words:
And before you hit that report button as usual little sissy: you just got fed with your own medicine is all. Get a glass of water or whatever you usually guzzle, stfu and move on. You are not trying to discuss or make a point you just want to kill the conversation as your disgusting kind is so fond of doing in these forums. Will delete this rant anyway by myself since I can't unfollow threads here, can I?
I have a hard time reconciling the post above with the response below. Tier shaming much? Btw, how come you only hold the rank of Trinary Star Captain, which should be around rank 11 in your faction, my angry ranting fellow? You must not be playing CW too often? I thought this is where teams of IS and Clan players regularly square off and are competing directly?
Okay, let's not dwell on your faction rank too much. You where referring to Widowmaker1981's posts. Apparently, you missed this post then:
Widowmaker1981, on 24 February 2016 - 06:18 AM, said:
The heatsink capacity nerf is really, really not a thing to worry about dude.
a 28 heatsink Warhawk drops from 90.24 cap to 83.76 cap, which is really very little loss (a single ERML worth of heat cap), and at the same time its dissipation got buffed from 5.198 h/s to 5.405 h/s. Its a minor nerf overall, and really not very noticeable - and thats on the mech most affected, its even less noticeable on mechs with fewer DHS. Sadcat builds lost something like 2-3 heatcap at most.
It seems to me that Widowmaker1981 very much agrees with IraqiWalkers assertion that the heat sink 'nerf' is not too much of a burden. So, that would be at least two people disagreeing with the Russhuster, making IraqiWalkers use of plural very much correct, no? How come you missed that? Selective reading is taught in what passes for basic elementary education in your sibko?
Posted 01 March 2016 - 01:03 AM
Ozealot, on 01 March 2016 - 12:04 AM, said:
So to continue to contribute to your own extremely competent evaluations of the current game balance: do you even know how "4-6 meters away" does look from inside a Spider?
Yes. You see no terrain, just an enemy mech. Actually, not even the mech, a part of it.
It's way more amusing in Assault POV though. Atlas, for example, can't even point his AC on spider straight (Although he IS capable of shooting a spider with it).
But, I see, you prefer to think that you are the only one who knows something. Just perfect icing for the "Whiny clanner" cake.
Posted 01 March 2016 - 01:20 AM
Roland09, on 29 February 2016 - 01:48 PM, said:
It seems to me that Widowmaker1981 very much agrees with IraqiWalkers assertion that the heat sink 'nerf' is not too much of a burden. So, that would be at least two people disagreeing with the Russhuster, making IraqiWalkers use of plural very much correct, no? How come you missed that? Selective reading is taught in what passes for basic elementary education in your sibko?
The quote of mine he was referring to was the one where i compared the BJ-3 with 2xERPPC to the SHC with 2xERPPC, not that one.
Posted 02 March 2016 - 01:27 PM
Crockdaddy, on 26 February 2016 - 02:26 PM, said:
Direwolves are awesome! Still situational and require a team. Solo Dire play sucks generally. This has been a deep scientifically measured and thoughtful post.
Thank you!
Not to mention true since their day reveal.
Ozealot, on 29 February 2016 - 09:53 AM, said:
Wat? Did you even read what Widowmaker1981 posted/you quoted and responded to? Yes? Then read it again. Talking about something you know and knowing about something you talk about are two different things you mix up way too often for my taste.
I mean look at your tier. Lmao. You are explaining stuff to other people everywhere, lecturing this and that, pointing out here and there and the only thing you can show is sucksess. Tier 3? Three? How is that even possible? You play this game for three years and are in tier three? Paul Inouye stated that NEW players can get into tier three when they do well in their cadet matches and you are jerking around in there after t-h-r-e-e years. I'm sure you have a rather witty explanation as usual but I don't friggin care what you say. Yadayadayada I already see it coming "tryhards, meta, I'm playing for fun, I have a real life, I'm so casual" - just no! You just talk shop all the time to try to impress but essentially you are talking jelly and I can't stand you believe your voice has weight here because I just have to look at your hilarious skill rating combined with your pretentious attitude and lmao jdgaf. Gods I literally hate people like you. Read the thread title and do one asap. And please keep your like-button-sidekicks off of me. Thank you.
To say it with your own arrogant words:
And before you hit that report button as usual little sissy: you just got fed with your own medicine is all. Get a glass of water or whatever you usually guzzle, stfu and move on. You are not trying to discuss or make a point you just want to kill the conversation as your disgusting kind is so fond of doing in these forums. Will delete this rant anyway by myself since I can't unfollow threads here, can I?
Yeah .... You seem divorced from reality, and a bit unhinged. Okay, let's get a few things off the way:
1- Tier doesn't mean you actually understand the game. Not to mention it has nothing to do with skill. there's a 70 year old player in my unit, he could not possibly have the reflexes to be very competitive, does that mean his opinions are invalid? no, it doesn't.
2- You're tier shaming, while hiding your own tier? Pretty hypocritical.
3- You don't seem to know how tier progression works. Go read up on the subject. For someone who highlighted "Talking about something you know and knowing about something you talk about" I'd say that's a very hypocritical statement. (double hypocritical?). Not to mention you don't even know how PSR was implemented. It only factored in matches since January of 2015. I can get into detail about why I'm not in a higher tier atm, but it's unnecessary here.
4- when I say 2+ 2 = 4, it doesn't matter if I'm tier 10, or tier 1. The statement is true.
5- when you enter a discussion, notice how other people are posting. With most of them we are trading arguments back and forth, with evidence, and establishing a dialogue. You just jumped in, yelled a lot, offered nothing to back your infantile screaming, and declared yourself victorious. Are you beginning to see the difference here?
6- You don't need to be reported, not worth the effort. You need therapy, and you can unfollow threads. There's a BIG "UNFOLLOW THIS TOPIC" button right by the top.
7-For the record, Roland09 and I have had man, many, disagreements on the forums. The fact that he's somewhat on my side here speaks volumes about you, and your deranged post.
Btw, this will be my last post to you here. As it is clearly evident you lack the necessary skills to carry a discussion, and would rather engage in contests of fecal archery, instead of proper dialogue.
Edited by IraqiWalker, 02 March 2016 - 01:56 PM.
Posted 03 March 2016 - 05:56 AM
Posted 03 March 2016 - 09:07 PM
Posted 03 March 2016 - 09:10 PM
Ozealot, on 03 March 2016 - 12:24 PM, said:
That wasn't the topic. That's just what you made up for derailing this thread for your own purposes. See below:
Also, drop the act dude. In your last post you babbled about stuff like that merely "being simply a tradeoff in your opinion." And that the heatsink nerf is negligible. Look here:
Now you shifting your "opinion" or what? How about toning down range/dps quirks on IS equivalents so not only Clan Mechs keep their actual original "quirks" in the common meaning but also IS Mechs which are altered beyond the point their original purpose is even recognizable anymore? Ya that would be a bad and condemnable thing because what I just wrote was just an example of Clanner whining, IS is in need of "some love" and you could call that maneuver a nerf - also it's so nice to pilot a Blackjack with beyond-Assault-class-durability, or tear down an Dire Wolf with an Atlas while face to face tanking or endorse Firestarters for months but call on all unified IS fronts for a nerf of the Arctic Cheetah which is essentially the same but far hotter and a tad more range.
To answer your question though: what about creating an alt account or changing faction just to take advantage of those "community catered balance efforts" and call it a day to not have to "discuss" with morons which defend that bulls like you do and feed them their own medicine? Your "question" itself is so ignorant... how about Clan Mechs don't need help but some IS Mechs may need to be toned down a notch or two? Yayaya, buff sounds better than nerf to everyone involved - nobody loses something real and some even get something in addition. That's the way it went for more than a year now and this is where MWO is today. Next patch there won't be any new quirks changes as of yesterday so why waste any more words on that matter?
Reading comprehension still eludes you I see.
It's still a trade off, I haven't shifted my opinion from that. Especially since I already said the SHC needs help. It needs help, but it's not a bad mech. You see, mechs don't exist in an either or state. They are not either godlike super good, or terribad. There's a whole spectrum. The SHC is good, but could use some improvement, like pods with more hardpoints other than ballistic. Maybe a speed buff like the Summoner received (another mech with anemic hardpoint syndrome).
Now be a good boy and let actual adults discuss things.
To answer your idiotic question: IS mechs can get quirks that help them overcome many of their shortcomings, but clan omnis can't live on quirks alone, since they have hardlocked elements that prevent them from improving. Like the Mist Lynx for example. Or the JJs strapped onto that Gladiator, or the 20 DHS on the WHK.
Now if only you used your brain to think, instead of just try to throw insults.
Edited by IraqiWalker, 03 March 2016 - 09:13 PM.
Posted 04 March 2016 - 12:22 AM
Enjoy making up imaginary arguments, and fantasizing about whatever crazy things you dream about that have nothing to do with what people are actually saying.
Posted 04 March 2016 - 12:41 AM
IraqiWalker, on 03 March 2016 - 05:56 AM, said:
Ice ferret is boned forever. 360 engine is rofl for a 45 tonner. Sorry, cant be helped. 30 tonner that ate all the pies so its the size of a 45 tonner. Thats what you get for trying to turn a medium into a light.
Mist Lynx.. eh. Its 25 tons so it wont ever be good (see commando). massive arms fall off too easy. Idiotic locked CAP taking up 16% of the mechs podspace. At the very least unlock the CAP.
Shadow Cat needs very, very little to make it a top end mech, imo. 10% energy heat reduction would do the trick.
Posted 04 March 2016 - 02:56 PM
Widowmaker1981, on 04 March 2016 - 12:41 AM, said:
Ice ferret is boned forever. 360 engine is rofl for a 45 tonner. Sorry, cant be helped. 30 tonner that ate all the pies so its the size of a 45 tonner. Thats what you get for trying to turn a medium into a light.
Mist Lynx.. eh. Its 25 tons so it wont ever be good (see commando). massive arms fall off too easy. Idiotic locked CAP taking up 16% of the mechs podspace. At the very least unlock the CAP.
Shadow Cat needs very, very little to make it a top end mech, imo. 10% energy heat reduction would do the trick.
It doesn't help that it's only got 9 tons of free pod space with max armor. Even if you dead side, it can't carry 2 LPLs. The ferret is the one that has stumped me the most. For MLX people have come up with all kinds of ideas to try and improve it, but only one for the IFR; toss the engine out, or 3+ E hardpoint pods, even then, it's gonna be unable to use those for much, because of the 9 ton limit.
Posted 07 March 2016 - 05:55 AM
IraqiWalker, on 04 March 2016 - 02:56 PM, said:
Luckily its also incredibly fugly, so to be quite honest im perfectly happy for it to rest in peace forever, lol.
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