Escef, on 03 November 2015 - 12:55 PM, said:
There are words in common usage today that used to be considered profanity. And words that are considered hate speech today that weren't a few generations ago, hell, there are words that are considered hate speech today that were acceptable to use as insults when I was a kid. Language changes.
However, the fallacy that naughty language indicates a "lazy mind" is a lazy stereotype subscribed to by those that value haughty garbage. If I may be so bold as to quote the late Frank Zappa, "They're just words."
or crutches.
Do I value haughty language? I know not, but educated speech does tickle my ears more merrily than the common "herpaderp" slung about today, yes.
It may be "just words" but you see, when tossed about lazily and constantly, those words lose their power. Time was, you tossed out an F-Bomb, heads snapped around, because it meant something just got real.
Now it's just the beginning of a litany of foul spewing because some schmuck lost at candy crush.
So perhaps It's not "haughty" language I value, but language in general, and when used as a crutch, you weaken language as a whole. It's probably why I find a Joss Whedon dialogue far more enjoyable than one by 50cent.
So sad.