Splatshot, on 04 November 2015 - 12:25 PM, said:
Still having a Double do less then a Single, makes no sense as why would the double actually exist then.
Dude, you're not getting it.
Doubles still cool the mech faster than singles.
However! IS heat sinks increase the heat cap more than Clan heat sinks (so it takes more heat to force a shut down). Clan mechs will have a slightly higher cooling rate. So the IS mechs will take longer to overheat, but don't cool down as fast. It's all about making them different, not necessarily better.
One big balancing factor that is being left out of the game is use of water to enhance cooling rates of heat sinks. More maps need useful water areas (or deep snow) so you can cool off if you have heat sinks in your legs. This would make IS singles worth considering more often.