@russ_bullock said:
New subject - I am reviewing the reward table for possible changes to get a FEW more cbills to players - looking for a few suggestions
1) I'd love to see alternative victory conditions (capturing in conquest & assault) mean more, especially when accomplished by sacrificing direct combat effectiveness and without incentivizing "don't kill the last guy; finish the capture win for more rewards!". Could we get alternative victory rewards increased by the amount of enemy mechs still on the field, as though they had all been killed (count as kill assists at least)? Increasing the rewards should increase how often those victory conditions occur. Tying the reward to remaining enemy mechs should dissuade people from elongating a victory. This is an improvement over the existing situation where a group of 3-4 fast mechs can force an early end to the match in which most people are unhappy because they have to decide betweening helping win (helping capture) and earning rewards (engaging in combat, even suicidal combat just to get some damage in).
2) For skirmish, could we get a reward for enemy damage taken as a percentage of your initial health, and a reward for destroying mechs quickly (destroying them with a minimum of damage as a percentage of their initial health)? In a relatively even match, the team that can soak more damage before dying has a significant edge towards victory. I think it would be good to incentivize soaking damage (buying time for your team) and putting down mechs (stopping them from returning fire) instead of farming them for high damage scores.