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Mechwarrior Online Steam Launch Party!

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#81 Arkhangel


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Posted 12 November 2015 - 09:31 PM

View PostNavid A1, on 12 November 2015 - 09:25 PM, said:

Yup.. i did it all with a 3xMPL spider only... so?

speaking of weak sections... I think You should be worried about protecting those XLs more... just saying!

So you say we like it how it is? ( please quote)
death of the game comes from the current balance and in-game economy from the a new player's viewpoint.

yes, but you put that succinctly. there's a whole ton of people who complain about the game because "OMG HAX Changez R Bad".

If there's one thing being an EVE player taught me, it's to be patient. rushing people to do stuff makes you end up with a crap game. let them take their time. IGP were the one who pushed them to launch prematurely AND the ones who thought up "Gold Mechs". given Pirahna's now got Catalyst and HBS partnered with them, i expect the game will become much better over the coming year, and honestly it's not that bad, especially comapred to games like Call of Duty, a.k.a. training for an actual fps.

Edited by Arkhangel, 12 November 2015 - 09:36 PM.

#82 Kaptain


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Posted 12 November 2015 - 09:34 PM

I agree with others who have stated you are not ready.

#83 Vespaer


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Posted 12 November 2015 - 09:44 PM

View PostNecromantion, on 12 November 2015 - 05:32 PM, said:

Youd fit in well on the PGI dev team

You are exactly who i am calling out with my post. You complain about the game saying its broken and yet you still play. whats the point in complaining? Thats like saying you hate peanut butter but your gonna eat it anyway.

Like seriously man, give PGI a break, you can't do any better if this is all your doing with your time is trying to bring them down. This is an opportunity to get their name our there more and if you don't like it, then theres the door.

Don't be a hypocrite man. Just dont play if you dont like it. >.>

#84 Arkhangel


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Posted 12 November 2015 - 09:59 PM

View PostKrayten, on 12 November 2015 - 09:44 PM, said:

You are exactly who i am calling out with my post. You complain about the game saying its broken and yet you still play. whats the point in complaining? Thats like saying you hate peanut butter but your gonna eat it anyway.

Like seriously man, give PGI a break, you can't do any better if this is all your doing with your time is trying to bring them down. This is an opportunity to get their name our there more and if you don't like it, then theres the door.

Don't be a hypocrite man. Just dont play if you dont like it. >.>

Damn straight. at least PGI MADE a MechWarrior game, rather than Microsoft just leaving the franchise to rot in some back closet after the horrific games that MA and MA:LW were.

Edited by Arkhangel, 12 November 2015 - 09:59 PM.

#85 Mcgral18


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Posted 12 November 2015 - 10:00 PM

View PostArkhangel, on 12 November 2015 - 07:28 PM, said:

Clan mechs have crap heat efficiency as laserboats. sure, you might have capacity over us, but you don't cool down as fast.

also, something to mention. there's really only two things the Clan weaponry had over the IS. Lasers were longer range, and all their tech is lighter. that's it. you hand IS Tech 2 stuff like IS LB-Xs, Ultras and SSRMs of all sizes, and you're going to notice very quickly they have a lot less of an advantage than they seem to at first glance. the IS UAC/10, once we get it, is likely to be one of the most commonly used and effective IS weapons in the game.

I've just got to correct some of this information, as it's just SO WRONG it's not even funny.
You know how heatsinks work, right?
+2.0 Heat Cap & +0.2H/s dissipation for TrueDubs and +1.4&0.14 for PoorDubs?
On Live, cDHS and isDHS are identical in performance. You have more heatsinks, you cool faster and have a higher heat cap (both) than an IS Mech.

Even Tech 2 IS stuff is worse. Ultras are heavier for the same damage, for 2 tons you'd be better off with a Gauss Rifle than a 13 ton isUAC10.
ER lasers are shorter ranged (which should be normalized in MWO), but I'd rather fix what we have than bring in a bunch of unbalanced (in either direction, Tech 2 or 3) weapons and equipment.

View PostArkhangel, on 12 November 2015 - 08:39 PM, said:

Killed them all with a Mauler, and a Battlemaster. and a Black Knight. and a Crab. also, Six Streak 6s is overkill for lights. four SSRM2s puts them down for the count just fine. ever seen a Streak crow try to take down anything ELSE with those? it's a one-trick pony. moment ECM no longer blocks locks it might get better, but then you guys'll have to deal with more accurate fire because we can actually SEE your weak sections now.

so in all honesty, all you guys calling this the "death of the game" just don't want to adapt because you actually LIKE how it currently is. deal with it.

8 SSRM tubes is pitiful, and terribly ineffective. You know they've been nerfed in multiple areas, right? They don't have splash damage on top of 2.5 base damage, which all homed in on the CT. They randomly spread between the 7 main components ("Bones"), and you need saturation to get acceptable results.
8 tubes cannot compare to 20-30.

Pumping 60 damage into a target each alpha will eventually kill anything, but it isn't efficient (and you'll lose a staring contest against anything equal or larger, no doubt about it).

Most people complaining aren't complaining about things changing, but about how things are going to change. We have no reason to believe it will be overall positive. Past changes have been clearly mixed, arguably on the more negative side.

I'm all for positive changes, as outlined here:

#86 Blazing Angel


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Posted 12 November 2015 - 10:00 PM

I would love and be so honored to come along and visit! Unfortunately I cannot afford to go! I'l be sure to write a good review for steam, and I have been wanting to make a review of this game on my Youtube channel.

Steam will make or break this game, I wish it the best of luck! And thanks for the opportunities!

Also since I mentioned my channel, #shameless self promotion-> https://www.youtube...._channel=Batarn

#87 El Moosechacho


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Posted 12 November 2015 - 10:14 PM

I look forward to reading all the great impending negative steam reviews.

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#88 cSand


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Posted 12 November 2015 - 10:17 PM


Even though I have been b*tching a bit lately of the game, I do love it and would love to celebrate. Let the good times roll!

...bonus: it's like a 2.5 hour journey from my house:D

Edited by cSand, 12 November 2015 - 10:18 PM.

#89 N0MAD


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Posted 12 November 2015 - 10:49 PM

View PostArkhangel, on 12 November 2015 - 09:31 PM, said:

given Pirahna's now got Catalyst and HBS partnered with them, i expect the game will become much better over the coming year,

Since when has PGI been partnered with them?

#90 Kushida


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Posted 12 November 2015 - 10:52 PM

CAN YOU PLEASE HAVE A LVL/RANKING FOR PLAYERS IN THE GAME QUES? I an so tired of getting Qued with a bunch of noobs! how do i know there noobs? they alpha strike every time they shoot and they shut down, or you see what there working with after they run off leaving the assaults behind and u get killed... and all there energy, ballistics, and missiles are all on 1
so we will all be in game with a s_ _ _ ton of beginners when steam launches..

The seven stages of emotions when you are trying to soar like a eagle and find out your lance is a bunch of turkeys... :D :o :huh: :( :wacko: :blink: :angry:

Edited by Kushida, 12 November 2015 - 11:00 PM.

#91 V O L T R O N


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Posted 12 November 2015 - 11:11 PM

The only thing broken about this game is the player base, hackers and the attitude of the community. Which will all get better if the population doubles or triples. I wont have to run into the same sad sack of elite players running the same builds over and over again in their meta because they are afraid to lose to the ONLY other decent team online.

Yes the hackers will get worse, the cheaters, aimbotters, but hey, im guessing pgi plans on doing something about this before launching steam as well. Maybe a monitering system or another ban-wave, if nothing, we are all ******. The steam cheaters abundant. We already have enough CSJx, aimbotters, wallhackers and things like that that go un-noticed. Macro programs that arent detectable.

Can never make people happy, even if they refuse to quit the game. Hey, maybe all the negative comments are pretty much from people who dont play the **** anymore. It will get much better with a bigger population, but the good players will always ruin it for the bad ones, and the large groups of meta elites will always be douchebags and **** all over the new community and keep them away from the game. This is what happens when you take 4 years to launch. You have this well experience elite community that has a number of ******** in it, that plays the best loadouts and stomps all over people then **** talks them as they do it. Sprinkled with some cheaters, it ruins it for new players

This willl be the hardest thing for the game to over come.

#92 Kassatsu


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Posted 12 November 2015 - 11:29 PM

I'm curious to start reading some of the reviews on steam, particularly the ones that wind up with 1k+ 'helpful' and/or 'funny' votes.

#93 Brut4ce


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Posted 12 November 2015 - 11:31 PM

Wow! You Guys! Never cease to pleasantly surprise the community with Ninja Announcements like that! Good Job! Keep up the AWESOME work! When i saw the news this morning while sipping my morning coffee i almost messed my screen up!

The best part of all this, is that, with the already big community in this game, there is gonna be a good kick off in steam with thousands of reviews to help lift it off the ground and stand high on top of the myriad mediocre games in there! Good Call!

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#94 AnimeFreak40K


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Posted 12 November 2015 - 11:45 PM

Originally posted on the other (and identical) thread, figured it should be put here as well:

View PostAnimeFreak40K, on 12 November 2015 - 11:34 PM, said:

Okay, that's way too far away for me to afford, but still a pretty cool idea, best of luck to those fine folks who win :D

With regard to the Steam Release itself, I honestly feel the game is not ready for Steam, and nor is PGI as a general thing.

While I will admit you guys have come a long way and moved things in a generally positive direction over the past couple of years (especially since you dumped IGP!), and I applaud you for it!

However, people on Steam can be a pretty caustic place as a general thing. If they don't like or care for something, they will make sure you hear about it and have none of the niceties that folks on these forums have in general. The fact of the matter is that if past action/reaction to harsh criticism by the present community is any indication, you aren't ready for the sheer brutality that will come from these folks.

That is just from a PR standpoint.

From a game standpoint, the game itself has a lot of issues above and beyond balance. I'm talking about scaling, hit-registration, rewards, learning-curve, mech appearance, navigating the UI, understanding MechLab and even base-level mechanics. And don't even get me started on the website; there are still lots of areas that are out of date or simply obsolete.

...then there is the matter of game-content. As it stands, even before the voting-thing, the game had "3 modes", and by 3 modes, I actually only mean '1' because despite the Conquest being about taking and holding points or Assault being about taking bases, most of these games (in my experience) are pretty much Skirmish (kill 'em all) in practice. I'm not sure how well that is going to fly with the steam-kiddies.

...and then there is the matter of Community Warfare. While I certainly like the overall concept of CW, there is absolutely NO lead-up to it. It has been stated that CW is, more or less, end-game content and is catered towards unit/group-based, which is fine! But the problem is that there is no instruction, tutorial or any other indication for newbies to understand these aspects of CW. What I see happening right now is people seeing that Faction Tab, picking a faction based on some arbitrary variables (color of the banner, faction name, something else entirely) and being stuck with 4 Trial Mechs and no clue what they've gotten themselves into. This will immediately be met with negativity from teammates and opponents as well as a very thorough and painful but-kicking (if they even find a match)...which will result in a generally negative experience with CW, and will then be avoided forever

To be clear, I love you guys. I've generally enjoyed the game through the highs and lows since before Project Phoenix and given you guys my support when others were throwing up their hands and walking away. I want you guys to succeed. I want you to have a good launch, and I want this game to grow and expand and generally be the game that the MechWarrior franchise always tried to be.

But I also have to be realistic here; you're not going to get the sort of leeway from the folks at Steam that the folks here have given you

In short, I just don't think you guys or this game are ready for Steam just yet.

While I know this will probably go unnoticed and unread, I still give you guys the best and I will hope for the best, but at the same time, I'm going to find myself preparing for the worst.

#95 Vellron2005


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Posted 13 November 2015 - 01:12 AM

Wow, I would really like to come and party with you guys!

Sadly, I cannot cover the travel expenses (I'm from Croatia, and you guys are like a continent and a full month's paycheck away).

I wish I could though! I know we don't always see eye to eye on major issues, and I have not always agreed with you or your decisions, (not that you should care), but I still respect you and your work, and play your game daily.

It would be an honor to shake your hand, each and every one of your hands. (Russ, Paul, Tina, and all you creative wizards who we don't see but are crucial for the making of MWO)

Congrats on the Steam release.

I hope it brings some much-needed new blood into the game, and even though I believe MWO could stand to have a lot more stuff done before this release, I guess the rushing will at lease bring in new players.

Just take care to do it AFTER the "Great rebalance" and "Phase3" hit, as to not confuse new players.

Good Luck!

Drink a glass of champagne for me!

#96 GadoGado


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Posted 13 November 2015 - 01:28 AM


I'll wait for that day.

Edited by GadoGado, 13 November 2015 - 01:29 AM.

#97 Vellron2005


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Posted 13 November 2015 - 01:32 AM

I would just like to say something to all of you who rage on the forums about PGI and MWO not beeing ready for Steam Release..

I agree that MWO could be.. well "More". Many more things could be improved upon and done differently.

But PGI has made a decision to go ahead with it, and ultimately, that's a good thing..

Because, Steam will bring in what the game needs most now - New Blood. New players, with their new outlooks, and new disappointments.

And believe me when I say that no matter how much you people are against this, PGI WILL DO IT. Nobody can change their minds.

Its a done deal.

So the best thing ALL OF US can do is to put the negativity aside, and help them promote this game we love, support our devs, and accept the exciting times ahead.

Personally, I think that after the launch, MWO will be a whole new game.

And that at least means something new to do..

#98 MyChebu


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Posted 13 November 2015 - 01:33 AM

Great !!!

#99 Arkhangel


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Posted 13 November 2015 - 01:39 AM

View PostN0MAD, on 12 November 2015 - 10:49 PM, said:

Since when has PGI been partnered with them?

that would be around the same time Jordan Weisman and HBS started using MWO's mech designs for the turn based battletch game in the works. you really think the Unseen were coming out as fast as they are just for cash? Alex is probably working his ass off so as many of the classic battletech mechs can be put into that 3025 era game as possible. Us getting them is just a nice side effect and it gets PGI some decent bank too.

#100 Scanz


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Posted 13 November 2015 - 01:47 AM

no new CW content for release = fail
no new maps = fail
more online = good

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