Kay Wolf, on 19 May 2012 - 11:14 AM, said:
I also agree that using full words to convey the meaning is not, necessarily, the best way to do things. However, you have patches like the ones NASA did, with the names of the astronauts and the mission, and those are traditional. On military patches, traditionally, you have the name of the unit and whatever image you're going to convey, perhaps a motto, as well. Hayden, looking over these, I would say putting your abbreviated versions is confusing to me, and likely will be to others, as well. Perhaps selecting a single full word to put in there would be best, perhaps at the feet of the 'Mech contained within. Also, what would be the point of taking the first letter from the word Lance?
Eh, it was 4 AM, I was drunk. That's just how it fell together.
ED: That said, my reasoning was that I didn't want to keep any "intact" words.
ED: What I'll probably end up doing is making different versions once I get more input from the raiders. These are really meant to establish more of a baseline "vanilla"/generic design.
Edited by Hayden, 19 May 2012 - 11:27 AM.