Elit3 Nick, on 15 November 2015 - 07:49 AM, said:
The mechanic made no sense logically, would have been hard on new players, and unnecessarily annoying for veterans. It is far easier to curb laser vomit meta by lowering heat capacity, nerfing lasers, or buffing missiles/ACs. Adding ghost heat to MPLs is probably going to help with that as well.
Titinus, on 15 November 2015 - 08:14 AM, said:
Please listen to your player base I am a member of a clan of 160 players and we are all in shock about the mech tree Skills changes. The unlocking of the skill tree has been the one consistent driving force for all mechwarriors to achieve. It is a equal bonus for all pilots since its implementation and one of the few consistent forces in gameplay. By reducing the level based qualifier you remove incentive for a player to put the time in each mech and get to truly unlock its potential. you can't believe how many new pilots come into the game spouting how a certain "mech Sucks". Our response is always the same is it mastered? Once a mech is mastered it comes into its own. They mostly keep at it and begin to love the mech as they unlock its true potential. I am afraid you are tampering with something that has become a real core feature of the game that no one has had a issue with. remember if it is not broke don't fix it. Mech efficiencies are not broken leave them alone.
Changing mech efficiencies adds nothing to game play it actually takes away from game play, hurts the player base and the ability of new players to want to excel at MechWarrior.
Can you name a successful business model that consistently removes features and benefits given to its clients that in turn grows from this effort. It would be like Walmart offering "new higher prices with even lower quality" and expecting to attract new clientele.
Ya, I thought they were going to rework the skill tree which is desperately needed. Not just nerf the values and call it a day.
Edited by DoctorDetroit, 15 November 2015 - 08:22 AM.