Dodger79, on 06 December 2015 - 12:19 PM, said:
And i think THAT is what bothers most Clanners: they are constantly reminded at all the advantages they have like range and dps and then they look at some specific IS-Mechs and think "wait, what? We are getting nerfed because we have better equipment, but this IS-Mech has more range and more dps? Why do my Mechs get nerfed, then?!?"
Additionally, getting more and more IS-Merchs to Clan-level-performances, is lowering the ttk even more. So we need global Clan-nerfs concerning their weapons (lower damage and range then now, only slightly better then IS-tech, not 2-3 times better like in the start) and IS has to get rid of their quirks. Atleast most of them, some can stay for the special feeling of specialized Mechs (like no ghost heat for the 3rd PPC on an Awesome and stuff like that). And thenrework some other weapons, too, to give IS more variety and choices (e.g.: the PPC needs to get rid of its minimum range just like AC/5 and Gauss have lost theirs).
But nonetheless: the outcome of this battle does not really say anything about balancing but about the organization of the different factions. The Clanners seem to can manage to run big premades quite constantly while the IS has a lot of pugs and their premades have to wait much longer to get a drop (and therefore dropping fewer then Clan-premades). And it's about activity all the way, if you have to live a life during this event you might be too short of time to really achieve great things for your faction/unit, while really big units can divide the "work" on much more shoulders.
Finally someone who understands what is going on with the balance! I am IS pilot but I decided to actually give my Clan Mechs some love this fall by switching over. The variation between chassis is so annoying on IS and this recent nerf killed the already non existent clan mechs more. My direwolf builds have problem with slots because the ratio between firepower and heat sink is terrible. Especially when you consider the direwolf costs 18 million cbills but is as good as an IS assault which is half as much.
I had to strip off a good quarter of my weapons this past balance around to keep the same heat efficiency by adding more heat sinks, sure i dissipate more heat but that doesn't help when a thunder bolt can shoot 3 times successively with his pulse lasers before i remove the heat i generated from one volley.
Granted I do think the pug match vs pug match was pretty well balanced, but that was mainly because IS pugs were running everything and not organized with their drop builds. The times i got steamed rolled were when we went up against groups of well coordinate drop decks of IS meta. The weapon quirks for IS mechs need to be toned down more. I have seen 12 man thunderbolt armies wipe the floor of 48 clan mechs like it was a walk in the park.
Nothing makes you feel bad when you are in a timberwolf and a blackjack is holding more fire power, moves as fast and can tank as much damage. If they are going to leave the heat as is, remove some of the weapon nerfs for clans or apply the same for both sides (2 Large lasers -> if it is already this why aren't stalkers blowing up instantly?).