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The Solution For Clans And Is

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#161 Baba Gump Waters


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Posted 01 January 2016 - 09:47 PM

I am surprised that most people don't see why one side wins and the other does not. We have been through many qwirks and nerfs in my 10 month experience. Through all of this I have seen that one thing repeats it self.

Whom ever has the backing of the big merc units wins.

Pure and simple.

If you can field 5-6 12 mans in the last hour before cease-fire and those pilots are good the planet falls to them.

How do you all think wolf got to terra so fast and held it for two months?

How do you think the clans won Tukayid twice?

How do you think the clans got pushed back so fast after the reset?

I have the answers

Mercs, mercs and mercs.

Even when wave 3 hits the mercs will control what planet gets taken.

Even if you reduce the size of units to 12 you still have the same problem.

Even of you implement all the changes you suggest the end result will not change.

Even if you manage to balance out the mechs the mercs will destroy that.

Its as if two equally armed countries would go to war except one is backed by the US military.

Life is unfair, games are unfair.

Deal with it.

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