For TT based on 10sec rounds is one thing, but the closest you will get to it is the Solaris VII instead of the default BT settings. And do not forget, whether it be TT or SVII, there are no additional heat threshold being used.
Hellstar 4ERPPC / 30 DHS / max 64kph (4/6 hex speed)
Solaris VII 2.5sec rounds
120 heat cap (4*2.5=10sec)
30DHS equipped
60 cooling pts
60 Heat per ERPPC (15 heat pts ERPPC * 4 multiplier/same as heat scale)
3 Delay (Fire Round 1, Rd2/Rd3/Rd4, Fire Rd5)
(only Heatscale in effect is shutdown, as per MWO)
Hellstar runs 6 hexes
2pts heat running
Rd1 - Fire 3 ERPPC
Heat spikes to 182pts (180+2)
30 DHS cools mech to 122 at end of Rd1/shutdown
Rd 2 no action, heat drops to 62 at end of Rd2
Rd 3 mech starts up and runs another 6 hexes
2pts heat
Heat scale at 64pts
Heat scale drops to 4pts at end of Rd 3.
Rd 4 mech still running, ERPPC will be ready next Rd
2pts heat
Heat at 0pts at end of Rd4
Solaris VII 2.5sec rounds but using MWO cooldown timer for ERPPC - 2delay/round (5secs
120 heat cap (4*2.5=10sec)
30DHS equipped
60 cooling pts
60 Heat per ERPPC (15 heat pts ERPPC * 4 multiplier/same as heat scale)
2 Delay MWO (Fire Round 1, Rd2/Rd3, Fire Rd4)
(only Heatscale in effect is shutdown, as per MWO)
Hellstar runs 6 hexes
2pts heat running
Rd1 - Fire tic 1 - 2 ERPPCs
Heat spikes to 122pts (120+2)
30 DHS cools mech to 62pts at end of Rd1
Rd 2 mech continues running 5 more hexes
2pts heat
Heat rises to 64pts
Fires tic2 - 1ERPPC
Heat spikes to 124pts
Rd2 - cools down to 64pts
Rd 3 mech runs another 6 hexes
2pts heat
Heat rise to 66pts
Fires tic3 - 1ERPPC
Heat scale spikes to 126pts
End Rd3 cools to 66pts / tic1 would be ready in Rd4.
Rd 4 mech still running
2pts heat
Heat rises to 68pts
Pilot can fire tic1 again (120heat), heat up to 186/cooldown 126pts for shutdown, or change to chain fire.
Simply trying to put things into perspective, that MWO in many aspects is closer to Solaris VII and its 2.5 sec rounds than it is to BT's 10 sec rounds, especially since S7 has cooldown timers (delays). Every PC game has interpreted the heatscale and cooldown timers scaling differently since then.
If you take firing those weapons in MWO, without the ghost heat, and current MWO heat scale 30+(# HS*type). For a TW with 26DHS (10 true + 16semi)
Alpine firing 1 ERPPC gets to 14%, 2 ERPPC gets it up to 35%ish, 3 kicks in ghost heat approx 86%.
River City - 1 abt 21% / 2 abt 43% / 3 w/GH 94%
The 3ERPPC is closer to where it hits the heat scale when compared to S7. Reducing or locking the heat capacity to a lower level, increasing the cooldown timer on long range energy weapons would have the potential of having players reconsider their weapon load. Then also adding 1 or 2 additional heat thresholds that would restrict speed, more line like the current C-XL/ST loss movement penalty (and remove side penalty from it), has additional potential of more changes to load outs.
/shrugs I do not see any of that happening though. So we will continue with the laser vomit and the few mechs that can dish it out on both sides