Hello and Welcome to my first Post.
I was thinking about the customization feature about some hours now
and want to write down my Idea.
Well to start shortly I want to make customization depended on the Parts selected on your Mech. Which means you will Purchase a fresh out of stock Mech XX, with a pre set loadout and mouted energygrid, actuators and sensors.
So while you invest some hours of playtime into this model you can unlock new parts with earned exp in this mech, which offers you a broad possibillity
to combine Parts you like, on a chassis you prefer and stockpile older parts/weapons/sensors & so on. Those Parts will have preset amount of socket space, spocket kind, energy usage and armor planting. But are also able to be refitted by the player in a narrow way.
as example:
mech XX prime type left arm mod 0: has 4 sockets of beamtype,
one socket of ammo type and 5t of armor type XX plantings,
internal structure 100/100 and actuator power of 60/60.
the Stealthmod type has: only 2 beam type sockets, 2 sensor antenna sockets, 4t of special non reflective armor, internal structure of 90/100 and actuator power 80/60.
Which means he has lesser firingpower, but has additional space to fit sensor equipment or electronical warfare stuff (jammers, ECM, Lock on inhibitors...), an reduced internal structure (lesser mass--> more speed), but more actuator power for quick arm movement and improved weapon accuracy.
Further on it could maybe possible to change your torso twist and all those kind of things which Improves lesser dangerous mechs in the hands of a pro.
so I think you get what I mean, you can choose parts you want, and max out your wanted combat performance of your Mech. This will offer you some kind of individual look without spending real money, approvment from your fellow combatants, and a nasty surprise for your enemies. This also means players can spend money to buy bigger and bigger mechs, or for skilled players: max out the performance of your old mech.
So there is no "low tech" or "outdated, too small, too weak" mech.
So you can spend time on skilling your avatar and customize your mech at the same time.
this also means you wont see a mech, with a railgun or AC20 which was never build to use it... but you can equip it, with the shortcommings of reduced allout performance.
This is my Idea.
Feel free to use your grammar and spelling skills to correct me for yourself

And sorry if this idea was already brought to this thread.
kk thx
thank you for the taken time to read it ^^
Edited by Andar89, 06 December 2011 - 08:08 AM.