Dead Meat, on 05 December 2011 - 05:59 AM, said:
Assuming, of course, there will be no respawn durring a match, what should happen after death? I love going into spectate mode and watching everyone else duke it out, but how do you keep people from ghosting?
With 3rd party programs like Vent and TeamSpeak, you can ealy have someone relaying enemy positions to you while there in spectate mode. It seems that the devs are working hard to make the game tactical and this seems like a way to ruin it.
Perhase spectate mode should only allow you to look through the eyes of players on your team, so you don't see anymore than the players would.
It's too bad we can't rely on everyone being honest.
Honestly, if your drop commander, or Command & Staff, has authorized a certain amount of tonnage, or certain chassis', if that's how our hosts are going to build this game, and you're not out of available chassis, yet, you should be able to reappear at a 'Mech hangar or DropShip or field base, get into your next 'Mech, and get to the battlefield... but not instantly... it should be between two and five kilometers before you reach the edge of the battlefield.
Otherwise, once you're out of tonnage or chassis, that's it for you... game over.
One of the monsters from "Where The Wild Things Are". Sorry, I could NOT resist.
Edited by Kay Wolf, 05 December 2011 - 08:41 AM.