You described how differences in player skill would lead to the problem I described. Hence I can't help but perceive that as you trying to blame a problem that might exist in game mechanics on the player without even considering the problem. Your ignorance to the problem description lets that post appear as trolling. Your further posts are more objective, so welcome to the discussion here.
Lets analyze the mess I described:
675m IS base range ER LL
740m Clan base range ER LL
Relevant Commando quirks according to
Also the Commando gains 15% more armor on all Torso and arm parts.
That means if you build the command like this:
it will have 25 x 1.15 = 28.75 CT armor for example.
Direwolf quirks according to
This renders the commandos actual range (without weapon modules) to 945m
The Direwolfs actual range (without weapon modules) remains at 740m
IS ER LL does 9 base dmg.
Clan ER LL does 11 base dmg.
But the IS ER LL outranges the Clan ER LL on said chassis by 27% (!). That means it only begins 27% later than the clan laser to drop damage (linearly). At a distance of rougly 900m the clan lasre will have dropped already roughly 22% of its damage. Leaving it with 8,58 damage, which is already less than the IS laser at 9 damage. But then it also needs 0.25 seconds more to deliver it, which is the same as another 20% damage nerf, since the Commando will move out of fire when its own lasre duration has finished. Putting that into the equation we end up with 6,8 damage delivered effectively by the Direwolf per ER LL, assuming you hit the commando the entire time. Now if you factor in, that the target is vastly smaller and even with advanced zoom it is more or less impossible to focus the laser for its entire duration on one zone, the commandos entire upper front (arms, side torsos and center torso) has a combined paper armor of 97 (see above linked build) times 1.15 effciency from quirk = 111,55 effective armor. Which is about the same as my Direwolf's CT (which has 114), which is reasonably easy to hit because of the Direwolfs immobility and size. Then mobility comes back into play and gives the Commando certainly better opportunities to pop out and fire. Also ghost heat will make sure the Direwolf can not fire more lasers than the Commando at the same time, rending its effective payload advantage irrelevant.
I mean this shows that a 30 ton light mech can have under certain circumstances a realistic chance in a 1v1 shootout with a Direwolf, that is 70 tons heavier and has the highest payload in the game.
That's realistically spoken so imbalanced. It can not be more obvious. This also explains why a Battlemaster with ER LLs will absolutely demolish a Direwolf, since the Battlemaster has e.g. 25% more PPC velocity or 25% more energy range on certain variants.
My god, this was rather easy to prove via numbers. It's embarassing.
Edited by Autobot9000, 31 December 2015 - 08:10 AM.