This advantage - is direct way to Gold Star. It takes 5 minutes (1/3 of maximum match duration) for Assaults to regroup with their team. Assaults from higher team can support their team, while Assaults from lower team have to play WalkWarrior Online for the whole 5 minutes. Attacking Gold Star from the left for lower team - is suicide, cuz they will be stomped via fire from the ridge, while they will be at open space.
Hiding somewhere at the map and waiting for other team to come - is wasting time. If it takes 5 minutes to get to Candy Mountain, then it would take 10 minutes to get to other team, if it would hide at spawns or somewhere else. Having disadvantage - is better, then just wasting time, cuz it's better to die fast and quit this unbalanced map as fast as possible.

Edited by Catalina Steiner, 18 January 2016 - 01:05 PM.