1. CW is fun. The maps may need some tweaking and we could use some different modes to encourage alternative gameplay but the essence of dropping with friends and getting to use 4 'mechs to shoot other 'mechs is FUN. It's a type of fun that solo or group queue doesn't offer; changing drop decks by maps, coordinating strategies with your team, these things aren't available in the other queues to nearly the degree they are in CW.
2. Units aren't looking to farm PUGs. Contrary to some opinions, most units don't like playing against PUG teams. Playing a team of newbies in trial 'mechs on a regular basis kills discipline and makes you worse. Most of us will look for tougher competition, but the inability to see WHO is queueing up till you drop means that mismatched games will occur. In these cases, most units will dial it back a bit, PUG stomps are not that common, no matter what the forums may lead you to believe.
3. PUGging in CW isn't that bad. I PUG probably a 3rd of my CW matches and while sometimes the matchup is horrible and we get crushed, most matches, (3/4s) are competitive. Even the stomps are worthwhile as I can see what strategies/builds the other team used and take it back to the guys in my unit to either find a way to counter it or use it ourselves. Every game is a learning experience that will make you a better player if you treat it as such and don't simply focus on the "unfairness" of the matchup.
4. Joining a unit isn't this giant time sink. Most units don't require "x" number of hours logged, meetings or practice time. Sure, some comp teams do, but most units are just a collection of guys with similar interests who enjoy jumping on Teamspeak and dropping together.
5. Most units don't require you to run certain builds/'mechs. While I'm sure there are teams that do, most units let you run what you want and we adjust our strategies to who happens to be in the drop and what 'mechs they are bringing. I'd rather drop with 11 guys I get along with, running 'mechs and builds they are comfortable in than cookie cutter builds they may not be that good in simply because you ":gotta bring meta."
6. Joining a unit isn't that big of a deal. My unit has a website, but our recruitment is "drop with one of us, if you have fun, every guy in the unit has the ability to send you a unit invite." There's no 3rd party applications, we aren't running background checks or anything. And the truth is, most units are JUST LIKE MINE. Getting an invite to a unit may take a day or 3, but your not gonna be jumping through hoops or getting hazed; every unit wants extra members, just approach a current player with a tag from a unit you played with and had fun and ask. It's that simple.
7. Teamspeak isn't a necessity but goddam does it make everything easier/more fun. There is a HUGE advantage to using TS; between matches you can work out a strategy, talk some **** with your friends and after a match you can talk about what went wrong or right in your last drop. VOIP is great for coordinating with the random PUGs that fill out a drop of less than 12 but it isn't better than TS. My unit and most every unit I've dropped with when PUGging, will invite you into TS to join them. If you have TS, take them up on the offer. You'll find that even a team that whupped your *** a few days before is fun as hell to drop with when you get to know them.
8. This game IS a social game. If you are part of a team, whether as a unit member or one of 12 guys matched up randomly, you are now a team and the best teams COMMUNICATE. Don't be afraid to talk, but for those without a mic, at least listen; you'll get far greater results and enjoy your time more if you know what/why things are happening. If you PUG and drop with an established unit, you can ask them questions about builds/maps/whatever. 99% of the guys I've dropped with are f'n helpful as hell to anyone asking questions. Don't think that you'll be brushed off as some newbie who needs to be ignored; we all want more guys playing CW and will help you get better and enjoy it more so you will play and we can enjoy the mode we like best.
TL;DR: Stop worrying about things that never/rarely happen and go try CW with an open mind and TS installed. If you go in with the attitude that you wanna have fun and can be at least sociable enough to listen, you'll have a freaking blast, I promise. Hell, friend me in-game and I'll show you around myself.