Ghogiel, on 12 January 2016 - 10:00 PM, said:
True. Up until the equal tonnage thing I was laughing at the imbalance though. No it's not bad because the clan heavies are monsters in CW.
There still is no heavy that can really compete with the Timber Wolf. You can get some situational advantages in a Blackjack or a BLR 1S but, depending on preference, a deck of 4x EBJ or 3x TW and 1 ACH is a mountain of face-unwanted-sexual-attention.
Pugging you can tell the difference by such a huge amount now. The people who actually learned to play good Clan mechs are even more aggressive than before, pushing hard and brutal. The people who cry 'IS OP' are the guys in the back, poking at 1500m or trying to face-tank an Atlas in their Warhawk.
Ironically, IS bads are still bad. I had a match yesterday where 9 people on my team didn't break 800. 5 were below 500. Out of 4 mechs. You would think if you wandered around, shooting at random you would by sheer luck hit more mechs for more damage than that. We were playing against another pug team BTW. While teamwork is OP, you still need to be able to shoot **** with your guns at some point.
Conversely while pugging the Clan side in an alt this evening in CW I won every single match. I never dropped with a team having more than 3 players in a unit. Every single match someone called the drop, every single match we played as a team and flat out demolished the enemy.
I guess not sucking is OP?