Maybe this is one of the problems I am having:
..apparently more Steam players have logged in today than ever before, but I still do not get why, my side is Steam newbs, and the other side is loaded with Jade Falcons named Kerensky.
I am new, but I am not a horrible player I usually do 200-350 damage per round, and many times I am the last one alive, but then again the rest die so fast in their shiny trial King Crabs.
I suggest a small change. First thing you do every match is run toward another friendly lance, ideally the heaviest one. Q brings up friendly mech info. Light mech lances tend to follow whoever moves first, getting your team grouped up is extremely helpful.
Then following a big mech and shooting anything that tries to fight it is also a good tactic, just try to not get underfoot.
I do this, the problem is, when someone see's a light mech, they go nuts and stop firing at the King Crab, and focus the light mech.
Edited by Primal Vengeance, 10 January 2016 - 07:38 PM.