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The Orion Is Useless

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#1 Angus McFife VI


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Posted 17 January 2016 - 11:45 PM

I can't seem to get past 200 damage with so many builds. It's just so bad, you either get shot 100x before you finally engage someone or you get shredded instantly when you finally do see someone. The mech has some serious durability problems.

#2 Nehkrosis


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Posted 18 January 2016 - 02:11 AM

no, its got serious Speed problems. Use Large XL's.
used to be a great brawler, but after the quirkening's it started to under perform.
Now, itll only really do well if its able to move fastish.

#3 Aleski


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Posted 18 January 2016 - 02:47 AM

You should rename the topic : "The Orion Is Useless - When you're a bad player"

If you don't perform well in a chassis, it's just that you can't play with it's own wicknesses.
There is no bad mechs, only bad players.

I run my protector with the kind of build the Orion has been design for : medium and long range range engagement :

After the nerf of the Gauss, it's very less efficient, but Russ said he will change the Gauss cooldown SoonTM

I keep it simple, Gauss + ER PPC to have a good pin point alpha at 660 meters. The two ML for dealing more damages at shorter range. Never engage in a brawl, cause the Orion is not a good brawler in my opinion : too slow, too big, bad hitboxes and poor torso twisting.

Has for running XL in it, it's just so risky, you will die too quickly with it.

When the Orion is mastered, it's not so slow with a STD 300. This is a difficult mech to play, and you have to love it if you want to play a lot in it. If you are searching for a Meta mech, don't take it.

#4 Nehkrosis


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Posted 18 January 2016 - 03:12 AM

View PostAleski, on 18 January 2016 - 02:47 AM, said:

You should rename the topic : "The Orion Is Useless - When you're a bad player"

If you don't perform well in a chassis, it's just that you can't play with it's own wicknesses.
There is no bad mechs, only bad players.

I run my protector with the kind of build the Orion has been design for : medium and long range range engagement :

After the nerf of the Gauss, it's very less efficient, but Russ said he will change the Gauss cooldown SoonTM

I keep it simple, Gauss + ER PPC to have a good pin point alpha at 660 meters. The two ML for dealing more damages at shorter range. Never engage in a brawl, cause the Orion is not a good brawler in my opinion : too slow, too big, bad hitboxes and poor torso twisting.

Has for running XL in it, it's just so risky, you will die too quickly with it.

When the Orion is mastered, it's not so slow with a STD 300. This is a difficult mech to play, and you have to love it if you want to play a lot in it. If you are searching for a Meta mech, don't take it.

i'd disagree with the XL comment, only due to it being XL friendly. the ST are small enough, so i find it to be fine.
I usually run it with a STD. but after seeing the performance drop, i changed it to XL, and im back on form.
Cant get Smurfies working on the college computers, but i run an ac10s, 4 mLas, and 2 ASRM6s with an XL 340? (i think its a 340...) and im doing great.

#5 Aleski


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Posted 18 January 2016 - 03:20 AM

View PostNehkrosis, on 18 January 2016 - 03:12 AM, said:

i'd disagree with the XL comment, only due to it being XL friendly. the ST are small enough, so i find it to be fine.
I usually run it with a STD. but after seeing the performance drop, i changed it to XL, and im back on form.
Cant get Smurfies working on the college computers, but i run an ac10s, 4 mLas, and 2 ASRM6s with an XL 340? (i think its a 340...) and im doing great.

For the XL, it's really a matter of taste. I have run several time my Orions with XL engine. But i find them too vulnerable, even at long range fight. If you have find the sweet spot with a XL340, it's good.

For me the STD 300 work very well, so i stick with it ;)

#6 JunkyardJack


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Posted 18 January 2016 - 10:33 AM

I play with 4 different Orions on a regular basis. Ok, you got me, K and K(C) are the same, I run two different builds on them. But along with those I run the V and VA. All 4 are viable. That being said, all Orion chassis are viable. I have mine mastered, so i specifically run STD 300's thanks to having speed tweak to boost me. I run about 70, which is fine. If you feel like you "need" to be faster than that try the XL builds. You'll be dead faster than you'd think if you don't have a good grasp of spreading damage with torso twisting yet.

A good number of Pilots know to go for Orion's Right ST. It sports a big shiny AC of some kind more often than not. If you're running that XL, you're dead. At this point we bring up "Baby Atlas". Rework your armor around to your liking, drop in a STD 300, 4 x Mlas, 2 x SRM4, and AC/20. This is the build your should cut your teeth with. Brawl hard, 270m and lower. Use cover and your assaults to get to the fight. Mastering this Mech will make you a better pilot. Just because it's not easy does not mean it's not good.

The Baby Atlas build is tried and true, and I personally have gone toe to toe with bigger badder Assaults and come out on top. Just the other day I face brawled a Warhawk on Mining Facility and won. Weapon synergies really shine on Orion. This Mech is not restricted to this though, and can run many versatile builds, some using the XL to great effect. Another perk Orion has going for it is that a lot of pilots don't expect the pain you'll bring. They'll write you off and go for a more "juicy" or "dangerous" target. Don't give up on it after a few bad matches.

#7 Arianrhod


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Posted 18 January 2016 - 10:44 AM

Post-second wave quirks, the Orion is a very deadly and versatile machine. Undisputedly, it can fight assaults by bringing fun AC/SRM builds; alternatively, it can bring midrange AC/LRM builds and still manage damage in the 600-1000 range. The ON1-V also currently has those glorious -30% UAC/5 jamchance quirks (even though I don't make use of them). I'm most fond of strapping on the AC/20; my ON1-V has an AC/20, 2x LPL, and 3x SRM4. Meanwhile my ON1-K has an AC/20, 4x medium lasers, and 2x SRM6. Finally, my ON1-VA has an AC/10, 4x LRM5, and 2x medium lasers. Essentially, there's nothing you can't do and there are literally Atlases out there with less firepower than I've got. It's probably my single most successful mech.

OP, you're not the only one out there who doesn't like the Orion. I was recently told that the Orion "belongs in a museum". It's this constant underestimation that gives it its ungodly power.

#8 BigFatGator


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Posted 18 January 2016 - 08:10 PM

Disagree with the OP on this, as have other posters. You have to be patient with Orions, they are not for poking over ridges in the first few minutes of fight due to low hardpoints. But with the quirks they can be murdermachines. ON1-V with 2UAC5,3SRM4,2ML and STD300 works well with the 2UAC5's giving some ranged corner peaking ability. ON1-M builds with LB10X quirk were amusing when it was a full 50% cooldown,but still are playable. Of course the AC20 builds with SRMs and a could backup lasers and STD300 are classic.

I mean they are not meta, and there are a couple better mechs out there for IS heavies, but the Orions are solid now.

#9 Native


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Posted 18 January 2016 - 08:58 PM

yep... agree with others.. standard 300 is the sweetspot for this baby I have the K, VA and Protector. all fun

#10 Davegt27


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Posted 18 January 2016 - 09:05 PM

I have a hard time getting 200 dmg in a lot of my Mechs these days

This guy was pretty good but I don’t think he plays anymore

I had to make my Orions into missle boats so I could get them mastered

#11 DrRedCoat


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Posted 18 January 2016 - 09:06 PM

View PostAleski, on 18 January 2016 - 02:47 AM, said:

There is no bad mechs, only bad players.

After the nerf of the Gauss, it's very less efficient, but Russ said he will change the Gauss cooldown SoonTM

I totally agree. I believe that every mech can be good. Just some cater to common denominators better than others and those become "meta." I have far more respect for a decent player in a Vindicator than a god in a Hunchback.

Also, tomorrow's patch is changing the Gauss cooldown from 5.5 seconds to 5.

#12 Moldur


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Posted 18 January 2016 - 09:09 PM

Just to add another voice, keep the Std 300.

I've had many good games with the Orion, and I really only played it before the most recent set of quirks which improved their mobility.

All of mine are set up as a mini atlas brawler basically. You can get a pretty punch alpha for low heat in the Orion. You can repeat your ~40 dmg alpha quite a few times before heat kicks in, at which point you have to shoot your weapon groups separately. My play style is don't peek and don't be a primary target, since I have no range in them anyway. The trick is to know when to jump out and brawl people. When I say brawl, I don't mean kill each other until you're both at 30%, I mean jump out, and exchange shots in the open at close range, but know that you're going to beat them handily.

They are pretty awful compared to your other choices, but they're not impossible to do well with.

Edited by Moldur, 18 January 2016 - 09:10 PM.

#13 Moldur


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Posted 18 January 2016 - 09:16 PM

Here's some photos showing I'm not full of ****.
edit: Sorry about the pics being awful/linking to my photobucket instead of biggifying lol
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Not my best games, not super impressive, but definitely not my worst. This was before PSR. idk if I'm in the minority on this, but it seemed harder to get higher damage back then than it is now. 600 dmg was somewhat remarkable, but now that's just a pretty good game. edit: That's also probably due to structure quirks as well.

Edited by Moldur, 18 January 2016 - 09:19 PM.

#14 Night Thastus


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Posted 18 January 2016 - 09:17 PM

Orion is quite badass, actually. After the balance pass it got some nice structure quirks.

As well, SRM's got buffed in a major bunch of ways.

Here's what I'm running on my OR1-VA:


Thing is absurd. Got 6 kills + 900 damage in a match with it recently.

Cool running, high alpha and fun as ****. Durable too!

#15 JunkyardJack


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Posted 20 January 2016 - 02:12 PM

View PostNight Thastus, on 18 January 2016 - 09:17 PM, said:

Orion is quite badass, actually. After the balance pass it got some nice structure quirks.

As well, SRM's got buffed in a major bunch of ways.

Here's what I'm running on my OR1-VA:


Thing is absurd. Got 6 kills + 900 damage in a match with it recently.

Cool running, high alpha and fun as ****. Durable too!

That's a neat build on your VA, I might have to try that. I would Imagine heat is almost negligible in that too.

#16 Angus McFife VI


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Posted 20 January 2016 - 03:02 PM

I keep getting hammered by LRMs and Clan lasers before I get in range of anything. In an Atlas, you can take the hits and still have health to keep going but in this you just wither away.

The only viable build I have is the protector with 2 AC5's, 2 SRMA6, and 2 Mlas with a STD 280 (65kph with speed tweak).

I'm trying out the miniAtlas OrionK but it's getting demolished in the new LRM map.

Edited by Dont LRM me please, 20 January 2016 - 03:02 PM.

#17 Reza Malin


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Posted 20 January 2016 - 03:08 PM

My protector is still one of my top KDR mechs at 2.4.

I used to run it STD 300, with AC20, 3 x ML, and 2 x SRM 6's. You need to get close, but when you do it puts people to sleep.

#18 Angus McFife VI


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Posted 20 January 2016 - 08:01 PM

View PostAleski, on 18 January 2016 - 02:47 AM, said:

You should rename the topic : "The Orion Is Useless - When you're a bad player"

If you don't perform well in a chassis, it's just that you can't play with it's own wicknesses.
There is no bad mechs, only bad players.

I run my protector with the kind of build the Orion has been design for : medium and long range range engagement :

After the nerf of the Gauss, it's very less efficient, but Russ said he will change the Gauss cooldown SoonTM

I keep it simple, Gauss + ER PPC to have a good pin point alpha at 660 meters. The two ML for dealing more damages at shorter range. Never engage in a brawl, cause the Orion is not a good brawler in my opinion : too slow, too big, bad hitboxes and poor torso twisting.

Has for running XL in it, it's just so risky, you will die too quickly with it.

When the Orion is mastered, it's not so slow with a STD 300. This is a difficult mech to play, and you have to love it if you want to play a lot in it. If you are searching for a Meta mech, don't take it.

View PostWormrot, on 18 January 2016 - 10:33 AM, said:

I play with 4 different Orions on a regular basis. Ok, you got me, K and K(C) are the same, I run two different builds on them. But along with those I run the V and VA. All 4 are viable. That being said, all Orion chassis are viable. I have mine mastered, so i specifically run STD 300's thanks to having speed tweak to boost me. I run about 70, which is fine. If you feel like you "need" to be faster than that try the XL builds. You'll be dead faster than you'd think if you don't have a good grasp of spreading damage with torso twisting yet.

A good number of Pilots know to go for Orion's Right ST. It sports a big shiny AC of some kind more often than not. If you're running that XL, you're dead. At this point we bring up "Baby Atlas". Rework your armor around to your liking, drop in a STD 300, 4 x Mlas, 2 x SRM4, and AC/20. This is the build your should cut your teeth with. Brawl hard, 270m and lower. Use cover and your assaults to get to the fight. Mastering this Mech will make you a better pilot. Just because it's not easy does not mean it's not good.

The Baby Atlas build is tried and true, and I personally have gone toe to toe with bigger badder Assaults and come out on top. Just the other day I face brawled a Warhawk on Mining Facility and won. Weapon synergies really shine on Orion. This Mech is not restricted to this though, and can run many versatile builds, some using the XL to great effect. Another perk Orion has going for it is that a lot of pilots don't expect the pain you'll bring. They'll write you off and go for a more "juicy" or "dangerous" target. Don't give up on it after a few bad matches.

View PostArianrhod, on 18 January 2016 - 10:44 AM, said:

Post-second wave quirks, the Orion is a very deadly and versatile machine. Undisputedly, it can fight assaults by bringing fun AC/SRM builds; alternatively, it can bring midrange AC/LRM builds and still manage damage in the 600-1000 range. The ON1-V also currently has those glorious -30% UAC/5 jamchance quirks (even though I don't make use of them). I'm most fond of strapping on the AC/20; my ON1-V has an AC/20, 2x LPL, and 3x SRM4. Meanwhile my ON1-K has an AC/20, 4x medium lasers, and 2x SRM6. Finally, my ON1-VA has an AC/10, 4x LRM5, and 2x medium lasers. Essentially, there's nothing you can't do and there are literally Atlases out there with less firepower than I've got. It's probably my single most successful mech.

OP, you're not the only one out there who doesn't like the Orion. I was recently told that the Orion "belongs in a museum". It's this constant underestimation that gives it its ungodly power.

View PostBigFatGator, on 18 January 2016 - 08:10 PM, said:

Disagree with the OP on this, as have other posters. You have to be patient with Orions, they are not for poking over ridges in the first few minutes of fight due to low hardpoints. But with the quirks they can be murdermachines. ON1-V with 2UAC5,3SRM4,2ML and STD300 works well with the 2UAC5's giving some ranged corner peaking ability. ON1-M builds with LB10X quirk were amusing when it was a full 50% cooldown,but still are playable. Of course the AC20 builds with SRMs and a could backup lasers and STD300 are classic.

I mean they are not meta, and there are a couple better mechs out there for IS heavies, but the Orions are solid now.

Your right, I was wrong. I put 1 AC10, 2 SRM6, 4 Mlas and an STD300 with my Orion K and it's working perfectly. Doing over 500 now, I'm learning. I think I'm learning from being more patient. Less poking and more positioning, but this is only possible when your team moves with you.

AC10 as the DPS (and medium range suppressant), SRMs as the close range face smash and the lasers as the armor drill. Works lovely. I also have speed tweak so 69.7kph is nice.

Edited by Dont LRM me please, 20 January 2016 - 08:02 PM.

#19 mogs01gt


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Posted 21 January 2016 - 07:15 AM

IS Orions is one of the worst heavy mechs in the game and its all due to it's design. It loses side torso's too easily and the low slung energy hardpoints do not get much use. Its a mech that doesnt function all that great in the current laser meta requiring you to wait and wait until brawling starts,,,if it ever does.

If you really like it, keep it but most others have sold their's off.

#20 Aleski


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Posted 21 January 2016 - 07:24 AM

View Postmogs01gt, on 21 January 2016 - 07:15 AM, said:

IS Orions is one of the worst heavy mechs in the game and its all due to it's design. It loses side torso's too easily and the low slung energy hardpoints do not get much use. Its a mech that doesnt function all that great in the current laser meta requiring you to wait and wait until brawling starts,,,if it ever does.

If you really like it, keep it but most others have sold their's off.

I don't have sold my Orions. You shouldn't speak for the others if you have no clue. And the laser meta is not the only way to play MWO, you know ?

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