(CAPPER)Despite the bad sentence grammar, I think I know what he means. It seems like even though your cockpit is this tiny window portion of your mech, that is where all of your enemies' LRMs and AC dakka is landing, seriously obscuring your screen and driving your framerate way, way down.
Exactly sometimes the animation is so overwhelming you cant see to back out of focus fire and into a safe place to reengages enemy's.
(ARESYS)Sorry, but older PC mechwarrior titles were actually a lot worse. Perhaps you forgot your entire torso getting rocked skyward by a UAC-20 in MW3, or large lasers actually pushing your torso around in MW4?
The jarring and shaking yes from weapons fire that's fine in MWO but the older PC MechWarrior games had like 50% less damage animation blinding your cockpit view
Edited by KahnWongFuChung, 19 January 2016 - 08:56 AM.