Mawai, on 21 January 2016 - 12:04 PM, said:
I like the idea of new shinys to play with ... however, I see a few issues ..
1) PGI can't balance the weapons that we have now ... how can adding more make the situation better?
Well most of these are just variations on existing ones... Example: IS mlas... well, extend the range of the existing one, add more heat. Done! IS Streaks, no problems there, and same with UACs.
2) LBX, Machine Gun, Flamer are current weapons that are not used much because they aren't effective ... should PGI fix the current weapons before adding more?
Agree with the flamer and MG, but the LBX has its uses (I love the LBX myself. Open the can using lasers, explode the can with the LBX
3) In many cases, the weapons cited are upgrades to existing weapons in terms of Battletech lore. Some of the weapons are strictly better than the existing weapons which was the result of technological innovation related to the clan wars and the end of the dark ages. This, unfortunately, neither fits nor makes sense in MWO terms which means that the lore role and values for these weapons would be changed to make them balanced so that people would want to use the regular PPC in some situations for example. This would result in new weapons either having unique drawbacks/advantages that balance with any improved performance OR they will simply be scaled versions ... a 1/2 weight PPC that does 1/2 damage for 3/4 of the heat with the same firing rate ... etc.
Hey all those things are A-OK with me