TheRAbbi, on 24 January 2016 - 10:04 PM, said:
This is what it boils down to. Oh, sure, you could say the NASCAR maps are all about maneuvering, but they aren't. It's just running in a circle, and the same circle you always run in.
The only real impact you have is whether or not you keep with the group and NASCAR sufficiently hard.
On Polar Highlands, you've got a huge arena, there's always space to go around, nearer or further. There's nowhere that you can turtle and set up a firing line safely.
The best turtling spots in fact - the bases, with their hard cover - are potentially deathtraps because ridgehumpers just outside can move around to get clear lines of fire where ever they want.
Polar Highlands requires constant movement, but not just running in a circle or along a predetermined path. You need to be constantly repositioning. Push in or out depending on relative weapon loadouts to benefit your team and punish theirs. Keep probing for that weakness, that route that'll get you enfilading fire, target locks for your allies, and turn their defended ridge into a shooting gallery.
It's not good enough to get a good defensive position and hold it against two or three possible avenues of approach. Because there are always 360 degrees of approach anywhere.
It demands thought, and a break from traditional tactics.