1. I think many of us noticed and liked the overall increase in group Q match quality that came with solo/unit division. That part was nice. Sadly, solo Q will disappear on 28th April, because there isn't enough solo players. I think group Q works good enough to leave it as it is, without solos who should have some kind of their own space.
2. The problem IMHO is that the split made 20 possible queues and turned them into 40 Qs (adding faction solos of every faction on every planet with freelancers trying to fill the gaps). This is the main problem IMHO. There shouldn't be 20 Qs for solos. There should be 1. 2 at best. Exactly as I proposed before, this is why I'm necroing this tread.
3. We need a kiddie pool for diehard solo casuals, soloing newbies and the like. This is where the line should be drawn, not between tagged players and untagged ones.
Best solution idea I could come with: make a special CW Q available (only?) to freelancers. Solo players ONLY. It could work like that:
My solution:
A stage III CW Q for solos:
1. You're new. You go to CW tab and get to choose whether you'll be freelancer, merc or a loyalist. There is a big arrow pointing at the freelance option stating: "recommended for new players"
2. You become a freelancer.
3. Instead of looking for planets available, you can just choose if you want to with clan or IS dropdeck, then push the "I'll fight for anyone" button. (that has a big arrow pointing at it that states "recommended for new players". You can only go there solo, not even a 2-man available.
4. You get added to a Q that creates matches every (e.g.) 2 minutes, a timer shows how long it will be before the next drops (to mitigate synch dropping and to don't force people to stare at the game screen all the time while waiting)
5. Every 2 or so minutes, the server checks the players in the Q and distributes them into matches. It only takes the number of IS/Clan players into account, nothing else:
a) 12 IS players,12 Clan players - They get dropped against each other on a random planet on clan-IS border
b ) 24 IS or 24 Clan players. They get dropped against each other on random clan-clan border or IS-IS border
c) odd "fours" get dropped in scouting matches.
d) those left get prioritised in the matches that will get started in the next round (2 minutes)
Voila. Newbs and diehard solos get their own matches, without dividing them into 20 Qs that they cannot hope to fill. It's kinda like a backup solo Q introduced into the CW. Good for those who just want to try out CW, don't care about faction or want to
Issues to discuss:
- whether such matches should influence planet %
- whether unit players should be allowed to drop in that Q
- why this is such a wonderful idea

- can anything be done about solo loyalists
Edited by Prof RJ Gumby, 25 April 2016 - 11:58 PM.