KinLuu, on 27 January 2016 - 05:56 AM, said:
3.0 w/l ratio is what I consider better than average. Besides - you can not really calculate averages from 30 something games.
3.0 WLR is ridiculously high. You have to be playing group queue and stomping a lot to get ratios that high.
Actual data to the rescue:
(yes, 200 players seems like a pretty small sample size, but try doing better yourself, it's a lot of work. =P )
The average Tier 1 player had a 1.60 WLR.
The average Tier 2 player had a 1.25 WLR.
Only 1% of the sample had a WLR of 3.0 or higher.
"Ah, but I meant WLR for mechs, not overall WLR you idiot!"
Taking a lot at the data on MechStats, only 8.5% of owned mech variants have a WLR of 3.0 or higher. The average mech WLR on the site is 1.81. And for both my survey and MechStats, we pretty much miss out on data from the steering wheel underhive, which would drag our averages down a lot further. I consider 1.40 to be "above average".
Bishop Steiner, on 27 January 2016 - 05:40 AM, said:
Those are some extraordinarily lofty numbers. You're just making these up off the top of your head because nobody ever actually bothers to calculate these figures.
I'll share mine in case it helps. Eliminating mechs that I have fewer than 20 matches played:
Average damage/kill: 379.7
Lights: 354.4
Mediums: 452.1
Heavies: 386.6 (probably skewed by how much I play dual gauss Timberwolves)
Assaults: 461.2
Lowest damage/kill:
FS9-A: 256/1
LCT-1E: 277/1
ACH(cSPL): 278/1
ACH(cERML): 284/1
Highest damage/kill:
TBT-7M (LRM boat): 843/1
NVA (PPC poptart): 606/1
ADR (LRM boat): 565/1
GRF-3M (LRM boat): 547/1 (yes I know blasphemy -- back in the day I leveled this as a LRM boat and sold it in favour of the -1N instead for an SRM6 brawler)
Unsurprisingly, the only three mechs I ever LRM boated show up in my top four highest dmg/kill ratios.
Taking a quick look across the player stats from my unit's spreadsheets, our best player has an average dmg/kill of 350.7.