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Biggest Unit Wants Extra Treatment, Wtf

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#141 MauttyKoray


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Posted 03 February 2016 - 02:13 AM

View PostKilo 40, on 03 February 2016 - 01:30 AM, said:

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I'm aiming this at all the butthurts crying about MS asking Russ for an immediate switch to Clans.

1. It will help with queues.

2. A contract break and switch takes THREE DAYS. That's 3 days of NOT having them to rebalance the queues, meaning wait times are still garbage.

3. CW is IN BETA. Who cares if Russ swaps a big unit to help fix queues? We're supposed to be playing/testing this stuff, not competing to see 'who the best is', that comes later.

4. If you're so butthurt about MS switching sides than do it yourselves. Queues are extremely lopsided and trying to blame 'MERCENARIES' for switching sides is a joke, you basically want to punish them for being what they are. It only goes to show the imbalance of the game if the 'major units' went IS suddenly for 'reasons' after a balance pass.

#142 pwnface


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Posted 03 February 2016 - 02:14 AM

View PostKin3ticX, on 02 February 2016 - 10:34 PM, said:

Don't hold your breath waiting for a free mech over this

Actually, I hope he does. Then the rest of us won't have to read his garbage posts on the forums.

#143 Kilo 40


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Posted 03 February 2016 - 02:24 AM

View PostMauttyKoray, on 03 February 2016 - 02:13 AM, said:

I'm aiming this at all the butthurts crying about MS asking Russ for an immediate switch to Clans.

1. It will help with queues.

2. A contract break and switch takes THREE DAYS. That's 3 days of NOT having them to rebalance the queues, meaning wait times are still garbage.

3. CW is IN BETA. Who cares if Russ swaps a big unit to help fix queues? We're supposed to be playing/testing this stuff, not competing to see 'who the best is', that comes later.

4. If you're so butthurt about MS switching sides than do it yourselves. Queues are extremely lopsided and trying to blame 'MERCENARIES' for switching sides is a joke, you basically want to punish them for being what they are. It only goes to show the imbalance of the game if the 'major units' went IS suddenly for 'reasons' after a balance pass.

and you quoted me because....why?

#144 Clownwarlord


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Posted 03 February 2016 - 02:39 AM

This thread should be locked and Russ should be banned for hacking the game mechanics.


Edited by clownwarlord, 03 February 2016 - 02:39 AM.

#145 Joey Tankblaster


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Posted 03 February 2016 - 02:43 AM


1. It will help with queues.

2. A contract break and switch takes THREE DAYS. That's 3 days of NOT having them to rebalance the queues, meaning wait times are still garbage.

3. CW is IN BETA. Who cares if Russ swaps a big unit to help fix queues? We're supposed to be playing/testing this stuff, not competing to see 'who the best is', that comes later.

4. If you're so butthurt about MS switching sides than do it yourselves. Queues are extremely lopsided and trying to blame 'MERCENARIES' for switching sides is a joke, you basically want to punish them for being what they are. It only goes to show the imbalance of the game if the 'major units' went IS suddenly for 'reasons' after a balance pass.

This argumentation is partly valid. The main point is what has been made possible for a single (merc) unit should be made possible for all CW units/pilots. Drop those penalties completey.

#146 TexAce


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Posted 03 February 2016 - 02:49 AM

What most of you are forgetting is to ask three simple questions:

- Why did a unit, which basically has a clan definition in their frikkin name change to IS at all?

- Why do they want to change back to clans now?

- Would they have proposed to change to clans, if it werent for the balance changes which are coming in February?

Answer is: Quirks. That pile of unloyal scum was only chasing the meta and never cared about loyalty.
If they would be real clanners they would have never left clans.

And we would never have had the problem of such severe inbalance on the fronts to begin with.

Edited by TexAce, 03 February 2016 - 03:53 AM.

#147 Kin3ticX


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Posted 03 February 2016 - 03:15 AM

View PostTexAce, on 03 February 2016 - 02:49 AM, said:

What most of you are forgetting is to ask two simple questions:

- why did a unit, which basically has a clan definition in their frikkin name change to IS at all?

- why do they want to change back to clans now?

Answer is: Quirks. That pile of unloyal scum was only chasing the meta and never cared about loyalty.
If they would be real clanners they would have never left clans.

And we would never have had the problem of such severe inbalance on the fronts to begin with.

Would they have proposed to change to clans, if it werent for the balance changes which are coming in February?

We bounce back and forth more often than the quirks change. Yet another theory blown out of the water. We also play a lot of IS but time wise its probably a 60-40 split in favor of Clan. I am rank 10 or higher in 3 IS factions BTW and I also have more IS 'mechs than Clan.

#148 Shredhead


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Posted 03 February 2016 - 03:19 AM

View PostKin3ticX, on 03 February 2016 - 03:15 AM, said:

We bounce back and forth more often than the quirks change. Yet another theory blown out of the water. We also play a lot of IS but time wise its probably a 60-40 split in favor of Clan. I am rank 10 or higher in 3 IS factions BTW and I also have more IS 'mechs than Clan.

Is he probably talking about SWOL and other bads like that? Because I don't see a "clan definition" in your name.

Edited by Shredhead, 03 February 2016 - 03:20 AM.

#149 Rushin Roulette


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Posted 03 February 2016 - 03:35 AM

MS have/are left/leaving the FRR? Nice... now I can return to CW and can expect to find matches against organised opponents.

CW with the large units in the FRR was like playing on a communal Basketball court and a bunch of professional Sports players like the Detroit Lions turn up and fill up so many spots so that the regular players dont get much game time in.


#150 sycocys


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Posted 03 February 2016 - 03:39 AM

Why are you idiots still carrying on about this?

Who f'n cares? If you want your unit switch because you might actually have to face something other than noob arse pugs ask Russ or support - otherwise stfu and either play or don't play CW, whichever you were up to before.

BTW - its particularly ar-tarded if you don't even play CW and you are b&m'ing about this.

#151 Widowmaker1981


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Posted 03 February 2016 - 03:44 AM

View PostLuxAstrum, on 02 February 2016 - 08:12 PM, said:

You Switch because of QUIRKS?!



I dont think you understand.

This was an altruistic action - Clans are noticeably less powerful than IS at the moment (if you disagree, keep it to yourself, because you're wrong) and as such are getting stomped by a combination of IS pugs stomping clan pugs and units having moved to IS for whatever reason (quirks, new mechs). MS basically offered take one for the team so Clans can get some planets back (Skill+Teamwork > Tech line advantages, always has been) and Russ said yes.

They didn't get anything anyone cares about for free, because no one gives any kind of crap about the pitiful contract cancel cost, especially not a huge unit - and on top of that they literally could not cancel due to contract ending. It was a choice between ignoring CW for 3 days (because queue times) or getting moved to help out with the queues and map balance.

People who have a problem with this are MORONS.

#152 Jaqir


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Posted 03 February 2016 - 04:04 AM

It's an interesting topic, regardless of motives. On one hand I'm only glad to have more even sides in CW, on the other PGI did kind of screw up with PR and keeping clear policies. Out of principle, I do think they should've refused, especially as this doesn't do much for solving the root issues that led to the whole hassle. Still, as long as the fallout is handled properly this probably did more good than bad. Especially when taking into account that CW is in fact in beta, and that P3 is on its way anyway. Important to keep things running after all.

#153 Ihasa


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Posted 03 February 2016 - 04:08 AM

View PostJaqir, on 03 February 2016 - 04:04 AM, said:

It's an interesting topic, regardless of motives. On one hand I'm only glad to have more even sides in CW, on the other PGI did kind of screw up with PR and keeping clear policies. Out of principle, I do think they should've refused, especially as this doesn't do much for solving the root issues that led to the whole hassle. Still, as long as the fallout is handled properly this probably did more good than bad. Especially when taking into account that CW is in fact in beta, and that P3 is on its way anyway. Important to keep things running after all.

Solving "the root issue" would require a complete redesign and re-implementation of all of CW, such as it is now. This was by far the easier, faster choice for PGI in this instance.

#154 oldradagast


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Posted 03 February 2016 - 04:09 AM

View Postwanderer, on 02 February 2016 - 11:49 PM, said:

So lemme get this straight.

After spending most of CW basically proving that mega units can dictate the entire flow of the map, MS gets to change everything for free after farming all the benefits they wanted from the FRR on this phase.

Seriously, wat the ****. The reason the Clans are down to turret dropping is people fleeing being in front of mega units like rats deserting a sinking ship. This just means the usual tag-alongs will be following shortly.

No, no - the "real reason" according to the elitist snobs on threads like this and all over CW is because of "hating teamwork" and "not being on coms" and "not joining a unit." The horrible "match-making" seal-clubbing, and unsportsmanlike behavior are all "vital" parts of the "high skill" CW environment. Or so we're told over and over again by people who long ago lost their right to be taken seriously. Posted Image

We all know people are idiots, but when they actually stand in line to defend laughable rule-bending hand-outs to the people who've basically trashed a format and are now "bored" of it, it's beyond stupid. If their logic is "whaaaa! I can't play CW for 3 days unless I get my handouts!" can I respond with, "Whaaa! I can't get my Maulers for at least 3 days! Where are my handouts?"

But, hey - it shows that PGI caves to behind the scenes pressure, and that's probably what's got the clowns in this thread who support this behavior so turned on; now they can also basically squeeze freebies out of PGI. And then people will wonder why CW continues to be a dead game mode. Maybe handing out free mechs to the big teams will fix it... morons. Posted Image

Edited by oldradagast, 03 February 2016 - 04:10 AM.

#155 oldradagast


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Posted 03 February 2016 - 04:14 AM

View PostIhasa, on 03 February 2016 - 04:08 AM, said:

Solving "the root issue" would require a complete redesign and re-implementation of all of CW, such as it is now. This was by far the easier, faster choice for PGI in this instance.

Given the number of times PGI takes the fast and easy way out - or tends to do nothing at all (witness long-standing, easily resolved balance issues), I'd say the only thing preventing more hand-out idiocy like this in the future is the public backlash against it; don't hold your breath for any changes that fix the fundamental flaws with CW. Unfortunately, a good number of people (no doubt in big units themselves) are cool with this handout for obvious reasons - now that the precedent has been set, they can also pressure PGI for handouts when decisions they made in the game become inconvenient.

Edited by oldradagast, 03 February 2016 - 04:17 AM.

#156 NextGame


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Posted 03 February 2016 - 04:21 AM

View PostKyle Ward, on 03 February 2016 - 12:16 AM, said:

but they did get to change faction without paying cbills as far as i understand it. and seeing as they could easily afford it, i find that bit a little unfair.

In the grand scheme of things, It's irrelevant.

If it makes you feel better, think of it as Russ has hired mercstar to play clans with the deal being whatever it cost to break faction contract, just like players have hired units for cbills into the coffers in the past to play for particular factions.

Edited by NextGame, 03 February 2016 - 04:22 AM.

#157 Jelan


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Posted 03 February 2016 - 04:30 AM

Hmm, notwithstanding the trolling etc going on and the obvious benefits to CW this sets a very bad precedent and shouldnt have been done.

If the 3 day rule is bad then it should be removed, no one from any group should be able to request something from the developers and be given something that isnt available to everyone else in any form

#158 Ihasa


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Posted 03 February 2016 - 04:57 AM

View Postoldradagast, on 03 February 2016 - 04:14 AM, said:

Given the number of times PGI takes the fast and easy way out - or tends to do nothing at all (witness long-standing, easily resolved balance issues), I'd say the only thing preventing more hand-out idiocy like this in the future is the public backlash against it; don't hold your breath for any changes that fix the fundamental flaws with CW. Unfortunately, a good number of people (no doubt in big units themselves) are cool with this handout for obvious reasons - now that the precedent has been set, they can also pressure PGI for handouts when decisions they made in the game become inconvenient.

hey, if you don't like it you can vote with your absence. no one is stopping you.

Besides, from the sounds of it, it seems your doctor should be ordering a break pretty soon.

Edited by Ihasa, 03 February 2016 - 05:06 AM.

#159 chewie


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Posted 03 February 2016 - 05:05 AM

Altruism and all arguments aside, perhaps a better way to have done it would be to pay the contract fee, but not have the 3 day down time before being able to swap to a new contract.

#160 Hotthedd


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Posted 03 February 2016 - 05:15 AM

If the player count is "higher than ever" as PGI claims, it would not make sense for them to agree to this. Just let it play out by the rules. There are plenty of players, right?
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