wanderer, on 02 February 2016 - 11:49 PM, said:
So lemme get this straight.
After spending most of CW basically proving that mega units can dictate the entire flow of the map, MS gets to change everything for free after farming all the benefits they wanted from the FRR on this phase.
Seriously, wat the ****. The reason the Clans are down to turret dropping is people fleeing being in front of mega units like rats deserting a sinking ship. This just means the usual tag-alongs will be following shortly.
No, no - the "real reason" according to the elitist snobs on threads like this and all over CW is because of "hating teamwork" and "not being on coms" and "not joining a unit." The horrible "match-making" seal-clubbing, and unsportsmanlike behavior are all "vital" parts of the "high skill" CW environment. Or so we're told over and over again by people who long ago lost their right to be taken seriously.
We all know people are idiots, but when they actually stand in line to defend laughable rule-bending hand-outs to the people who've basically trashed a format and are now "bored" of it, it's beyond stupid. If their logic is "whaaaa! I can't play CW for 3 days unless I get my handouts!" can I respond with, "Whaaa! I can't get my Maulers for at least 3 days! Where are my handouts?"
But, hey - it shows that PGI caves to behind the scenes pressure, and that's probably what's got the clowns in this thread who support this behavior so turned on; now they can also basically squeeze freebies out of PGI. And then people will wonder why CW continues to be a dead game mode. Maybe handing out free mechs to the big teams will fix it... morons.
Edited by oldradagast, 03 February 2016 - 04:10 AM.