"... clan mechs will simply be better in all areas"
Excuse me, Sir, but do you even play the game ? Your argument up there regarding IS mechs and their "perceived weakness" sounds incredible ignorant , for instance the glory of a 12man BlackLas push easily shows that Clans can be beaten in closerange racing brawls .
8 Firestarters with 4 ECM Spiders and off you go, killing stuff left´n roight .
12 Assaults (Atlants,Banhees, Stalkers) holding a base, now thats some hardcore-to-defeat opposition with all the quirking that has been done.
Fancy a poking game ? Bring 12 mechs wielding lasers and win most trades (isay most with the prerequisit that you know what to do in a poking-match), just because of the IS-favoring burntimes, their top-class heatmanagement-capabilities, HSR, etc. etc.
Fancy dakka ? Bring all the Ilya´s an Jaegrmechs and BJ´s and Centies and Miseries and and and
Fancy sniping ? Bring BLR´s, BJ´s, Gauss-Phracts and Jaegrs, CDA´s and and and
Th only thing clanmechs have left as defense against all that is their average of a slightly higher speed across the single most used mechclass, namely the heavies .
Clans havent got single-shell AC´s and ultra-short burntime lasers . The IS scrubs saw to the burntimes .
Clans havent got giant laservomit alphas anymore . The IS scrubs saw to that -
Clans havent got a range advantage anymore . The IS scrubs saw to that
Clans have just got a minor mobility advantage . IS scrubs are taking a look at that .
Funny how a mercenary needs to teach you your own battlemechs ... maybe start reading those highly interesting quirk lists, because I´m very sure there is many good mechs to be fielded that are literally easymode in their quirked-out easymode anti-glory .
Mechreg, I really thought you had better insight into this quite easily analysable game, but thanks for clearing up my misconception about you .
Case closed .
Edited by Rad Hanzo, 10 February 2016 - 04:51 AM.