Kay Wolf, on 19 June 2016 - 12:34 PM, said:
Ah, thank you for the correction, D V, I appreciate it. However, you're still talking about a sizable map; I know you've said there would be all manner of challenges and several different sectors, but just imagine taking the current size of Polar, setting buildings properly sized on it, in blocks like a city, you're going to have an immense number of buildings, I think.
You're welcome. And yes, we're looking here for a high number of buildings, reasonably spaced, as well as some open zones too, because it will create more places for mechs to position themselves. This should be a map where the end result is that no two matches ever play out the same, otherwise it will fall back into the unfortunate "Wash, Rinse, Repeat" format that has caused people to complain and be disgusted with too many of the current maps. Maybe we're just crazy, and maybe we're aiming too high, but we're aiming for what one might call "the perfect map that the community can never be mad at", and would therefore never have a need to be revamped/changed by PGI.
Kay Wolf, on 19 June 2016 - 12:34 PM, said:
Now, some BattleTech source covers have buildings of different types, which appear strange in design, influenced by the different house themes, if you will... I wonder what it would be like to have those designs on a map such as this?
I think you have an awesome thought there! The map could be given some extra lore as well. Imagine a story line that goes something like...
"These 'Metropolitan Ruins' were once a place of peace and harmony in the heyday of the Star League. As the discord amongst the Great Houses grew, battles broke out even in this fine city and reduced it to a state of complete ruin. With the inhabitants gone or murdered, and the buildings now broken down and dilapidated, what was once a great metropolis has become merely a place where haunted souls can only watch in horror."
...and could possibly set the mood for battle on that map. Eh... I think that's my first time actually writing something on the Lore side of things. I really never thought I would land up doing that! First time for everything, right?
~D. V. "
And now, back to the battle for me..." Devnull