Many have Ideas of how Convergence could be Implemented, no To are alike,
i thought perhaps i should take a swing at the Problem and perhaps a Solution,
=First the Problem=
now this is a Simple Problem, Pin-Point & High Alphas,
But what is wrong with Mechs having Pin-Point & High Alphas?
Well, Pin-Point(Everything hitting 1 spot) & High Alphas(lots of damage),
so allot of damage all hitting a single point on a mech destroying it,
most FPS style games work off of what is known as a ray cast,
here a Ray or beam is cast out from the camera, into the 3D Space,
when this ray hits something it in the 3D world, its sends its location,
usually to a weapon, which then points to the location of contact,
this is how no mater where your weapon is located,
you always can hit what in aim at, this is also true for MWO,

this is how MWO behaves right now when playing,
=My Idea & Solution=
not all Simple Problems have overly complicated solutions,
so i looked for a way Convergence could be implemented into MWO,
without much Coding and Scripting trouble, and without a large patch,
my Idea is to make weapons target past the target to simulate an Anti-Convergence,
what this would mean setting the distance to the Target Past that Target for targeting,
in Essence the father past the target you Aim at the less converged your weapons will be,
to allow for Sniping not to Suffer From this Change ive Made it Speed Based,
in a Ratio, of 1Kph:%1Range, this way at Not moving will still give you Perfect Convergence,
in this Below Example the Left Atlas is moving 50Kph, so its Aiming %50 Father way,
so if an enemy is 300m away, your weapons instead target 450m past them(+150m),
this will make Alphas Wail Moving Full Speed Less Accurate, without much Coding,

But what about my Convergence Changing as the Range Changes?
well this system takes into account your Mechs distance to the Enemy Mech,
so as-long as the Mech is going a Constant Speed it will have Stable Convergence,
Speed,.......Distance to Enemy,.......Weapons Target,.......Convergence%,...
no matter the distance to target the Convergence would remain Static and Stable,
your shots will always hit in the same locations at any range at Constant Speed,

But what about my Convergence Changing as the Range Changes?
well this system takes into account your Mechs Speed to the Weapon Convergence,
so as-long as the Players Mech is Slowing down the Mechs Convergence will Increase,
Speed,.......Distance to Enemy,.......Weapons Target,.......Convergence%,...
no matter the distance to target the Convergence would remain Linked to Speed,
yes wail decreasing Pin-Poin, this may increase aiming Difficulty in MWO,
but because of its Dynamic nature, it would be Easy-To-Learn/Hard-To-Master,
remember this proposed Cone-of-Fire does not widen the farther away it gets,
because of this players wont have to Adjust every time they look down range,
i dont feel this System will turn away New Players, if anything it may call to them,
distinguishing MWO from other Point-Click Mech shooters, wail Increasing TTK,
and Living longer in a battle will always help with Strategy and tactics,
which i believe is the Foundation of all Great MechWarrior Games,
but what about lights? will they be harder to hit with this?
yes they will be, but they will also have less Convergence at High Speed,
in so keeping balance with the rest of the game, wail lowing Pin-Point Alphas,
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Edit- Spelling,
Edited by Andi Nagasia, 09 February 2016 - 05:09 PM.