pwnface, on 12 February 2016 - 07:22 PM, said:
Currently flamers generate heat on the mech using them immediately. The patch notes say they don't generate heat for the first 6.25 seconds which is incorrect. So you can see how all of this is very confusing for players who are trying to figure out what is what...
Exactly one of the problems that I have with this so-called "fix". PGI doesn't even seem to understand the functionality of their own weapon system; and yet they're claiming that they have this great idea for how to make the weapon functional. At the same time, those of use who understand the weapon system and/or have STILL been using it (despite its horrid condition) are at a loss for this terrible iteration of a fix or balancing attempt . . . especially if their own nebulous and nonsensical "acceleration"/"exponential scaling" heat buildup system for the wielder.
Rampage, on 12 February 2016 - 07:26 PM, said:
All these complainers about Flamers: do you really want the new Meta to be 4-5 Flamer equipped Mechs running around locking down ever Mech so that a team mate can then walk up and shoot it? How boring. As it is, a Mech at 90% heat is going to be able to fire two lasers once before it either shuts down or has to hit over-ride. Next shot he shuts down anyway.
Well, I guess that will curtail laser usage and encourage ballistics.
Maybe, we chould wait to see how Flamers actually work post patch before making 8-10 post complaining that they won't work.
The sad part here is that those of us who've still been using flamers, any at all, can already see how terrible this is going to be for the weapon system. While I've calmed down some from my first post, I'm still extremely irate about this whole debacle. It's going to cause a world of problems that they've yet to even touch or consider in this lackadaisical approach to "fixing" the weapon. Here's what we're going to have:
1. Boat flamers, get enemy to 90% heat in mere moments, but at the same time overheat yourself in the process. No one will then be firing any weapons (except machine guns).
2. Attempt to alternate weapon systems. While your enemy will have opportunities to cool down, when you're not firing flamers, you'll still overheat yourself in attempts to keep the enemy's heat levels at oppressive levels. In the end they'll be able to put more damage on you then you'll be able to put on them (same with how it currently is).
3. PGI is claiming that Flamers don't cause heat for the shooter right away, but they do (seriously go equip them and test them if you don't believe me). Even if they may have a delay (which is currently not visible on live servers) with only one equipped, I assure you that "delay" is also affected by the exponential heat scaling/acceleration mechanic that they possess. Therefore, using more than one flamer is going to exacerbate issues #1 and #2 even more so.
4. Utterly neutering (basically removing with a whopping .1 DPS) the damage value from the weapon leaves it in an even less desirable state of use, and also perpetuates an utterly bogus TT myth that Flamers don't do damage to mechs . . . seriously . . . people need to go pick up a Battletech Rulebook. The weapon should have some reasonable damage dealing utility to keep them reasonably competitive and effective.
So, with all that said, what we are now going to have for Flamers is a sterile weapon system that cannot do even remotely substantial damage, doesn't have a cooldown and is supposedly meant to fire in a constant stream; however it's going to be so neutered and heat intensive that it'll have a forcibly imposed cooldown (to keep from shutting yourself down, because you can't do that to the enemy but you CAN do it to yourself) and prevent Flamer wielders from effectively doing any actual damage in combat.
Just wait, with this change to Flamers next they'll turn around and make it so that MG's literally will do 0 damage until armor has been stripped, and then will only do damage to internal components . .. but not the structure itself. You know, because they need to keep perpetuating these myths that MG's and Flamers cannot damage mechs.
This Flamer debacle is such a pile of malarkey that it makes me sick. The weapon's "fix" is going to make it even less effective then it is now. This is the exact kind of thing that PGI should have come to the community for, or even listened to the boatloads of solid feedback that's already been on the forums about the weapon system. At the very least they could have done some sort of test to see if it'll actually be practical or reasonable in live settings (and 1 on 1 NGNG duels -that we normally see when a mech is about to come out- don't count as real field tests for the purposes of something like this).