CMDR Sunset Shimmer, on 15 February 2016 - 06:12 PM, said:
What is needed of a fictional universe: A fictional universe must adhere to the rules it sets forth for itself.
Battletech does this, if you can accept 30+ foot tall, 100ton walking death machines, in a future that's ******** it'self in places that's lower tech wise than what we had in the 80's. with weaponry that we right now, can outrange and out damage... then you can put up with one little tiny issue such as the coolant vest issue.
Goddess, you seriously need to adjust your priority's if this is the biggest issue you have with Battletech on the "it doesn't make sense" scale.
Or you need to learn to accept that people can come to different conclusions than you do, and stop trying to bully me into agreeing with badly written lore. It is not a "tiny" issue, it's a flagrant disregard for logical sense, and with Battletech gaining more popularity than it ever has in the past, it's time to redact some of these mistakes that FASA made 30 years ago. Now that we have 3 companies pushing new canonical content and HG is on the defensive, this is absolutely the right time to update some of the sloppier parts of the lore.
You can think whatever you want about it, but stop trying to convince me to change my mind on something I decided years ago. It wont happen.
ScarecrowES, on 15 February 2016 - 07:46 PM, said:
Whatever solution HBS comes up with will already likely fit canon... as long as they don't try to explicitly override the source material
That's always going to be a possibility, but considering who's working on it and that they're collaborating with Catalyst, they actually can do whatever changes they want. If Catalyst were to be on board with changing this part of the lore, the next print of sourcebooks would reflect it. That's why I say it's the perfect time, because now all of the major players in Battletech canon are involved, and all the previous legal holdups are gone.
Edited by tortuousGoddess, 16 February 2016 - 07:19 AM.