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Please Stop Telling Me How To Build.

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#41 pyrocomp


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Posted 14 February 2016 - 09:06 AM

View PostMystere, on 14 February 2016 - 08:59 AM, said:

But, but, but, there is only One True Build.

Like in one build to rule them all, one build to find them...?

#42 ScarecrowES


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Posted 14 February 2016 - 09:08 AM

The problem is multi-fold.

First, this is not YOUR game. It's a team game. You should expect, at all times, to remain competitive for the sake of the other 11 players on your team. If you bring a bad mech and a bad build, you're forcing the 11 other players to carry you. And while you might be having fun slumming it in a bad mech, the 11 other players on your team that are suffering for you probably won't be enjoying the game nearly as much.

Second, I completely agree that you should be able to take whatever build you want, as long as it has the potential to be competitive. Your D-DC build is far from that. 300-600pts of damage in a match is nowhere near competitive for an Atlas. Hell, it's not even competitive for a 35-ton light mech. And much of the damage you're laying down is LRM damage, which in reality is worth half of what the damage total actually is because it's spread all over and not contributing directly to kills. If you were able to rack up ungodly stats in that Atlas, you'd put all naysayers to bed... but you're not. You're posting sub-par stats.

Third, you're not using the hardpoint configuration to best effect for your build, and you're not utilizing the mech itself for its strengths and weaknesses. To have an ECM mech sitting in the back lobbing LRMs (and a paultry number of those as it is) is an insult to the team, and the perfect picture of selfishness. A D-DC should be up front shielding the team and soaking damage. Beyond that, simply the configuration you've chosen under-utilizes the hardpoints you have available... namely the 2 ballistics in the purse, and the many smaller-tube missile racks. Your arrangement of the LRMs is poor, which leads to those weapons mounted to not work as well as they should. You're not using the defining traits of the mech, namely the second ballistic slot and the ECM. You've mounted an engine that is too small for the mech, making you a liability for ambush during the match.

I'm sorry. But you've got a bad build. You put up bad stats in that build. And the playstyle that build is built around is nothing but a liability for the team. All you've done for them is waste an assault slot. I know all this is kinda harsh, and your OP shows clearly you're not receptive to the advice... but it's best to simply change the build to something effective and useful to the team. You'll put up better numbers, enjoy the game more, and the team will thank you for it.

#43 Felicitatem Parco

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Posted 14 February 2016 - 09:13 AM

View PostMeanFacedJohnny, on 14 February 2016 - 07:59 AM, said:

I really enjoy this game. I would consider myself a casual player. The fact that I've spent nearly $300 on this game since I started 3 years ago should tell you how much I like this game. That being said, I'd still consider myself a casual player. By no means do I play every single day.

Anyway to the point;

I got into this game because I loved the idea of customizing giant robots however I like, and battling with others who have done the same. However the past few months I can't go 3 games without someone b*tching at me for having LRM's on my AtlasD-DC. My build is 2 ER Lrg lasers, an AC 20, LRM 20, LRM 5, and ECM. It's what I have found I like best after playing this mech for 3 years. My DC (Hank) is my favorite, as well as my mainly used mech. (it's the 2nd mech I ever bought) I currently have a 1.41 W/L ratio and a 1.10 K/D ratio with it. I rarely do 'bad' with it and tend to do between 300-600 dmg a match. I know there are those with far better scores but as I have said I am a casual player and to me, staying positive is all that matters. And enjoying myself when I play.

And that is how it should be. It shouldn't matter what my build is as long as I do well with it and have fun with it. As should be the case for anyone enjoying this game. It's become so aggravating that last night I actually told someone to, "please eat a d*ck and stop telling people how to play the game". That's the first time I've ever been an *ss to anyone in this game, and to that person I do apologize. However it's nobody's business how I build my mech, nor should I have to hear about it every 2-3 games. (for the record the person who said that to me died early and did eighty something damage) There is no one single way to build any mech in this game, that's the beauty of it. That is why I love this game and it's the only 'shooter' I play. (if you want to call it that)

So please, everybody, stop crying about other people's builds, and if you must say something, don't be a d*ick about it. I shouldn't have to defend my choices in this game to anyone. Especially if I'm not losing games.

All I can say is that if you're having more fun than the others, then you're winning. There is a difference between constructively criticizing someone's loadout and B!tching about it.

Ignore the b!tches. They ain't sh!t

#44 Alek Ituin


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Posted 14 February 2016 - 09:14 AM

Replace the LRM20 with a better launcher, because it's terrible, LRM5's (ideally) or LRM10's (IIRC they aren't that bad) would be a better choice. It also plays directly in to the limits of the chassis, since the D-DC has a 10/6/6 launch tube setup. Using a 10/5/5 or 5/5/5 LRM setup would be much better since you could fire a 15-20 missile salvo at a decent clip.

More missiles per salvo means less damage intercepted by AMS.

Edited by Alek Ituin, 14 February 2016 - 09:19 AM.

#45 MeanFacedJohnny


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Posted 14 February 2016 - 09:19 AM

I definitely admit, 2 10's are better than the 20. Thanks again for that advice guy.

#46 Bud Crue


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Posted 14 February 2016 - 09:23 AM

View PostUltimax, on 14 February 2016 - 08:39 AM, said:

1) Yes, it's your mech.
2) It's OUR team, not your team, our team.

So when someone brings an Atlas that isn't even properly using their tubes, and the mech is literally incapable of fulfilling the one role that an Atlas is built for (Wrecking ball tank leading pushes) - while you might feel you "did fine" everyone else needs to play around the fact that they have one of their assaults in the back of the team safely lobbing LRMs.

So feel free to play whatever you want, but your team mates will probably feel equally as free to let you know when your personal choices directly affect them as well.

Its a two way street.

Not sure I am reading this correctly, but the gist of the above translates to me only a few possible different ways:

Play the meta, or else.
Play to quirks, or else.
Play the game the way I or "OUR team" thinks you should play, or else.

So in a game, you're not allowed to have a bit of fun and try odd things? How odd.

Guy wants to bring some Lrms on an Atlas when he pugs. Maybe play more of a support role. Doing so he is affecting your team's game so detrimentally that you are all forced to "play around" his build. As a result he should expect to be berated about not only about his mech, his build and his play.

This seems to be the junction of elitist, absurd and contradictory on the vin diagram of charming online behavior.

I mean what if your pug drop doesn't even have an Atlas or other mech best suited (in your view) for that "wrecking ball tank" role? Do you berate the whole team (including yourself) for not properly planning ahead for that random pug drop (I know, right?)? When you land on alpine skirmish in your Pirate's Bane do you say to your self "boy have I failed my team for not putting 2 ERLL on this mech". I some how don't think so. This is game guys. To each his own. Certainly at least when pugging.

Sure, you join a unit, and the CO has certain standards and requirements for group drops, fine that's different. But if I guy wants to play pug drops in a flammer Nova, its no one's damn business that you and the rest of the so-called "team" don't do as well as you might have if only that unworthy would have had the decency to simply run meta Timberwolves every drop, because that's what you think is the correct way to play. That's just silly.

#47 Satan n stuff


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Posted 14 February 2016 - 09:23 AM

View PostMeanFacedJohnny, on 14 February 2016 - 08:10 AM, said:

It's a good all around mech.

No it's really not, but if you want to use it that's fine. Just don't expect to do very well with it against good players.

#48 ScarecrowES


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Posted 14 February 2016 - 09:23 AM

View PostKing Alen, on 14 February 2016 - 09:13 AM, said:

Another bad way to give others advice.

Not sure how that's so. It's a bad build. He does poorly in it. His bad build and play is a liability to the team. There are many many better builds for the D-DC out there that anyone can do better in that utilizes the mech in what it's good at.

The advice, then, is to get a better build. Do better with it. Be a bonus to the team.

The OP clearly doesn't want advice. He doesn't want to hear the truth. He wants to come onto the forums and seek pity and validation for his bad choices. Some people are inclined to do that. I'm not one of them.

And if this were a single-player game, literally noone would care. That justification... that he can do whatever he wants because HE'S having fun... it's backwards. He's not the only player on his team. He effects each and every one of them and THEIR experience. To choose his experience over theirs is the definition of selfishness.

#49 MeanFacedJohnny


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Posted 14 February 2016 - 09:26 AM

View PostScarecrowES, on 14 February 2016 - 09:08 AM, said:

The problem is multi-fold.

First, this is not YOUR game. It's a team game. You should expect, at all times, to remain competitive for the sake of the other 11 players on your team. If you bring a bad mech and a bad build, you're forcing the 11 other players to carry you. And while you might be having fun slumming it in a bad mech, the 11 other players on your team that are suffering for you probably won't be enjoying the game nearly as much.

Second, I completely agree that you should be able to take whatever build you want, as long as it has the potential to be competitive. Your D-DC build is far from that. 300-600pts of damage in a match is nowhere near competitive for an Atlas. Hell, it's not even competitive for a 35-ton light mech. And much of the damage you're laying down is LRM damage, which in reality is worth half of what the damage total actually is because it's spread all over and not contributing directly to kills. If you were able to rack up ungodly stats in that Atlas, you'd put all naysayers to bed... but you're not. You're posting sub-par stats.

Third, you're not using the hardpoint configuration to best effect for your build, and you're not utilizing the mech itself for its strengths and weaknesses. To have an ECM mech sitting in the back lobbing LRMs (and a paultry number of those as it is) is an insult to the team, and the perfect picture of selfishness. A D-DC should be up front shielding the team and soaking damage. Beyond that, simply the configuration you've chosen under-utilizes the hardpoints you have available... namely the 2 ballistics in the purse, and the many smaller-tube missile racks. Your arrangement of the LRMs is poor, which leads to those weapons mounted to not work as well as they should. You're not using the defining traits of the mech, namely the second ballistic slot and the ECM. You've mounted an engine that is too small for the mech, making you a liability for ambush during the match.

I'm sorry. But you've got a bad build. You put up bad stats in that build. And the playstyle that build is built around is nothing but a liability for the team. All you've done for them is waste an assault slot. I know all this is kinda harsh, and your OP shows clearly you're not receptive to the advice... but it's best to simply change the build to something effective and useful to the team. You'll put up better numbers, enjoy the game more, and the team will thank you for it.

300-600 is pretty high in most games I'm in. Most people in the games i am in (teir 3) the average is right around or under 300. If you think that 300-600 is bad for a light mech you must be a god like player and my hat is off to you.

#50 Piney II


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Posted 14 February 2016 - 09:26 AM

View PostBud Crue, on 14 February 2016 - 09:23 AM, said:

This seems to be the junction of elitist, absurd and contradictory on the vin diagram of charming online behavior.

Well said!

#51 Jman5


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Posted 14 February 2016 - 09:28 AM

I think the LRM 20 is underpowered, but if you can force it to work for you, then I'll take what I can get. Nearly every game I play I get half a dozen jokers on my team who can't tie their own shoelaces. If you can carry your own weight in an LRM 20 atlas, I'll gladly take you over them any day.

So sick of these baddies who think doing well in this game starts and stops with mech builds.

#52 xWiredx


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Posted 14 February 2016 - 09:29 AM

View PostScarecrowES, on 14 February 2016 - 09:23 AM, said:

Not sure how that's so. It's a bad build. He does poorly in it. His bad build and play is a liability to the team. There are many many better builds for the D-DC out there that anyone can do better in that utilizes the mech in what it's good at.

The advice, then, is to get a better build. Do better with it. Be a bonus to the team.

The OP clearly doesn't want advice. He doesn't want to hear the truth. He wants to come onto the forums and seek pity and validation for his bad choices. Some people are inclined to do that. I'm not one of them.

And if this were a single-player game, literally noone would care. That justification... that he can do whatever he wants because HE'S having fun... it's backwards. He's not the only player on his team. He effects each and every one of them and THEIR experience. To choose his experience over theirs is the definition of selfishness.

If he consistently gets 300-600dmg in it, he isn't "doing poorly in it".

Again, pilot skill is more a bonus/detriment to the team in most cases compared to the build itself.

I'm also pretty certain he wasn't seeking pity or validation. He wants d-bags to stop telling him what to do.

"glhf" has been around in the game from day 1 of closed beta. Complaining about non-meta builds came after. Fun takes precedence. Don't like it? Group up with the other tryhards and go play frozen city skirmish repeatedly in the group queue.

#53 MeanFacedJohnny


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Posted 14 February 2016 - 09:30 AM

View PostScarecrowES, on 14 February 2016 - 09:23 AM, said:

Not sure how that's so. It's a bad build. He does poorly in it. His bad build and play is a liability to the team. There are many many better builds for the D-DC out there that anyone can do better in that utilizes the mech in what it's good at.

The advice, then, is to get a better build. Do better with it. Be a bonus to the team.

The OP clearly doesn't want advice. He doesn't want to hear the truth. He wants to come onto the forums and seek pity and validation for his bad choices. Some people are inclined to do that. I'm not one of them.

And if this were a single-player game, literally noone would care. That justification... that he can do whatever he wants because HE'S having fun... it's backwards. He's not the only player on his team. He effects each and every one of them and THEIR experience. To choose his experience over theirs is the definition of selfishness.

I have used many different builds in the years I have used this mech and this build is the one I find suits me. It's not about not taking advice, which I have already done just today, it's about this is the build I find optimal for me after trying many builds out.

#54 Bud Crue


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Posted 14 February 2016 - 09:31 AM

View PostxWiredx, on 14 February 2016 - 09:29 AM, said:

If he consistently gets 300-600dmg in it, he isn't "doing poorly in it".

Again, pilot skill is more a bonus/detriment to the team in most cases compared to the build itself.

I'm also pretty certain he wasn't seeking pity or validation. He wants d-bags to stop telling him what to do.

"glhf" has been around in the game from day 1 of closed beta. Complaining about non-meta builds came after. Fun takes precedence. Don't like it? Group up with the other tryhards and go play frozen city skirmish repeatedly in the group queue.

Posted Image


#55 xengk


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Posted 14 February 2016 - 09:32 AM

View PostMeanFacedJohnny, on 14 February 2016 - 09:19 AM, said:

I definitely admit, 2 10's are better than the 20. Thanks again for that advice guy.

Atlas DDC have tube count of 10,6,6.
The second LRM10 will still launch missile in waves of 6+4 missiles.
If you want to launch all missile in a single wave, suggest switching to a LRM10 with 2 LRM5.

example AS7-D-DC

Edited by xengk, 14 February 2016 - 09:38 AM.

#56 Tasker


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Posted 14 February 2016 - 09:33 AM

I've never, ever played another multiplayer game in which the community actively resisted getting better at it.

#57 Bud Crue


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Posted 14 February 2016 - 09:35 AM

View PostTasker, on 14 February 2016 - 09:33 AM, said:

I've never, ever played another multiplayer game in which the community actively resisted getting better at it.

Really? You've never played an online game (or any other for that matter) where you just play to have a good time, have some laughs with friends, and just have fun? Huh. Takes all kinds I guess.

#58 pyrocomp


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Posted 14 February 2016 - 09:36 AM

View PostScarecrowES, on 14 February 2016 - 09:23 AM, said:

The OP clearly doesn't want advice. He doesn't want to hear the truth. He wants to come onto the forums and seek pity and validation for his bad choices. Some people are inclined to do that. I'm not one of them.

OP got an advice and caries further. There is no incentive on Atlas to be a dedicated brawler. The OPs build has AC20 is it proper? Sure, meta-build has it. The OPs build has LLs is it proper? With current long range laser vomit meta it is definetly a good thing. Th OP changed SRMs to LRMs as he might be better at longer langes and not in a brawl. Is it proper? Sure. I better have on my team that Atlas than meta-Atlas with pilot bad at short range as the second will do less and the rest of the team will have to do more. It's not the build but the ability of the pilot to use it. If and when OP decides to go for brawling he will change it. Or, if range is more interesting for him he will go to the Stalker. Right now he pilots all round build that is more to the spirit of this setting than current meta builds.

And if you are so offended by improper builds the join the unit and drop in the group of competitive players. The solo queue is for casual play and for dedicated players who may try it against worse odds to snatch a victory or shape a team out of pugs as a commander (a rare skill, but when happens those are really good games from this side, not so sure about the opposing team).

#59 Tasker


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Posted 14 February 2016 - 09:37 AM

View PostBud Crue, on 14 February 2016 - 09:35 AM, said:

Really? You've never played an online game (or any other for that matter) where you just play to have a good time, have some laughs with friends, and just have fun? Huh. Takes all kinds I guess.

I've never played another multiplayer game where people thought it was fun to be bad on purpose for reasons other than trolling their teams, no.

#60 ScarecrowES


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Posted 14 February 2016 - 09:41 AM

View PostxWiredx, on 14 February 2016 - 09:29 AM, said:

If he consistently gets 300-600dmg in it, he isn't "doing poorly in it".

Again, pilot skill is more a bonus/detriment to the team in most cases compared to the build itself.

I'm also pretty certain he wasn't seeking pity or validation. He wants d-bags to stop telling him what to do.

"glhf" has been around in the game from day 1 of closed beta. Complaining about non-meta builds came after. Fun takes precedence. Don't like it? Group up with the other tryhards and go play frozen city skirmish repeatedly in the group queue.

Who cares about the meta? You can run non-meta builds and do well. Most of my builds fall outside of the meta, much to the chagrin of my unit that would prefer otherwise, but they know they can't argue much because the builds get results.

300-600 damage per match in an Atlas isn't very good. And because that damage is LRM damage, it's effectively worth 150-300 damage from a direct-fire build.

If he wasn't seeking validation, this thread wouldn't exist. He'd go on about his day in full confidence he was doing the right thing. But clearly he's not confident in his choices (as he shouldn't be) and feels the need to seek support. It's not like he's suddenly going to get the people who complain about his builds to feel differently on the matter merely because he posts on the forums about it. This thread can have no other purpose than to make him feel better about his build.

Like I said... It's harsh, and I don't mean to be that. But you can't come into a competitive multiplayer game with the attitude that it's all about YOU. That's not fair to everyone else playing the game who are depending on you to carry your own weight. It's a generally selfish attitude that I just can't stand to see these days, because it's everywhere.

You don't have to play meta. If you've seen me post at all over the years, you'd see I'm decidedly ANTI-meta... but please for the love of god build a decent mech.

And if you're going to insist on taking actions that harm the 11 other players you're playing with, understand that you're going to get called on it. Pure and simple... like someone else said... sure, you have the right to be the d-bag in the crappy mech pulling down poor numbers, just the same as the 11 other players have the right to be d-bags by calling you on it.

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