DavidStarr, on 17 February 2016 - 10:12 PM, said:
TDRs are way too squishy. Just no. Ain't nothing user-friendly about them.
david although i would love more players in CW (hell i would like everyone to play it actually) im going to be very blunt, if you think that the TDR is squishy you are NOT READY for CW (as the tdr is tanky as hell when played right), stay in quickplay, learn to play your mechs, develop your skills (and get out of tier 5

) try out the trail-mechs and learn to play the laser/dakka mechs instead of LRM's. learn how to take dmg (torso twisting) if you just run straight at someone they'll just core you out in no-time even if you are in an atlass
as what to get for a mech i would say for now get the K2 and learn to play a different style of mech 2uac5 is fine 2ac10 or 2gauss also works, converting one of your lrm boats to srm's also works but require you to rethink the way you play, you need to be patient and cautious.
Now what are the other upsides of getting the K2 ? opening up the elite skills for starters, the second is that 3 cpt and 1 (trail) TDR fits the 260tons drop limit for CW if you really really want to play it for say an extra mechbay, but if you do get into CW dont come crying to the forums, because CW does not have a matchmaker and the people you face could very well all be tier 1 comp players (although they tend to stay away from CW it is possible) more likely though you will run into organised groups of people who know the weaknesses of most mechs and have the ability to keep their aim on target and will focus their fire on anyone thats exposed (at first you'll think you forgot to equip armor

) and for heavens sake drop by the FRR teamspeak and group up it'll make the experience much more fun(ish)
some TDR tips.
the TDR 9SE with the 3 LPL does not play like an in your face brawler (like FI the 7mpl 5ss) it lacks the raw dmg output for that, it plays more like a mid range poker, try to stay in the middle of your team and poke out from the left side of buildings/rocks/other mechs why ? because thats where the lpl's are located from your view the lpl's come out of the middle but thats because the cockpit is located to the left, so if you poke on the right side you have to expose you entire mech. and although it can poke over hills keep in mind that its weapons are not super high mounted so you have to expose your entire upper torso
Edited by quantaca, 18 February 2016 - 07:47 AM.