Vyx, on 16 February 2016 - 11:44 PM, said:
IMO, if the flamer is seen as a weapon that vents heat from the engine onto the target, then you should have to have excessive heat to vent in order for it to work.
Which it doesn't. A flamer generates plasma on it's own, rather than sucking it out of the engine- which would hose the reaction. Similar reaction process to jump jets. This requires power, which generates waste heat.
If the flamer were seen as a chemical weapon (like a flame thrower or a napalm projector), then it should have ammo -- perhaps 40 seconds of burn time per ton. Fuel.
Just as lasers leave burn marks on buildings and snow and such, the chemical flamer should leave an animated fire effect on objects for a few seconds. If that object is a mech, it might add heat to that mech for the time it is considered to be "on fire".
This is actually a completely separate flamer system- in Battletech, there's an extra-powerful version called the "heavy flamer", and an ammo-based version for vehicles called (duh) the "vehicle flamer".
Flamers, once again are frickin' easy to balance.
Set flamer heat to enviromental heat. Cap enviromental heat. Put flamer heat generation to roughly 4 flamers = hits cap. Remove the exponential heat effect that's bugging destroyed flamers, since it's no longer needed to prevent stunlock. Remove the 90% heat cap, same reasons. Done.
As a side effect, the
Hellslinger quirk actually means it becomes mildly flamer resistant, Which actually means something now.
No complex mechanics required. It actually simplifies the weapon system and applies a useful limit for all other heat-based weaponry to work with later, as well.