PraetorGix, on 18 February 2016 - 09:43 PM, said:
Oh but these poor people need something to whine about, don't you see? I mean FFS, PGI changed flamers, so these crybabies cannot keep shouting at the heavens that flamers are useless!! I mean, it's not like you can simply stop firing and relocate to where your group can assist you, you NEED to have the option of going rambo by yourself and be singled out by a troll using flamers!
I'm so glad these gentlemen found a new evil, lest the forums start resembling a place for grown up people to discuss, and stop looking like a kindergarten full of spoiled brats.
Although I don't agree with the insults ... I do agree with much of the sentiment.
I spectated a Jenner with 4 small pulse lasers and 2 SRM4 kill a Maller that was split off from his group. It was cool to watch.
ANY mech that is by themselves is vulnerable.
Adding flamers to the mix that can max out heat only really works if there is no one shooting at the flamer mech ... which in turn only works if you don't have a wingman or lance mates. Most lights with 4 tons of flamers have only a limited selection of DPS weapons left over ... there are a couple of firestarters that might have 4 flamers and enough lasers to make a difference.
Making flamers effective has simply increased the number of light mech builds that are available to solo lone mechs ... but honestly, throw a flamer mech against two others or a lance and the flamer will likely die first without killing anything since it has limited DPS.
That said ... folks using flamers should just count to 4, release and press again to avoid the exponential heat increase. THIS is a broken mechanic but I don't think it makes the flamer OP. If you wanted to put in something to mitigate this concern then PGI could simply add a cooldown ... maybe 1s ... before a flamer could be reactivated after being shutdown. They could also give flamers a fixed duration of 4s and a cooldown of 1s ... using mechanics similar to lasers but doing heat instead of damage.
There are lots of options.