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About Those Op Is Agility Quirks

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#81 Gyrok


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Posted 23 February 2016 - 02:31 PM

View Post1453 R, on 23 February 2016 - 12:42 PM, said:

You've actually said exactly this several times, man. Or at least inferred it pretty strongly with complaints of being preyed upon by Opieopie supermegaultraquirked Sphere 'Mechs.

I don't like the thought of VTR Giganerfing Timber Wolves the way Bishop was talking about for a while back in the day either, but it was pretty clear a few months after the Clan release that the Timber Wolf had redefined the heavy 'Mech class. Something had to give...except it never did. So we got supermegaultraquirks instead, because people keep giving Paul grief. If you're going to keep a Timber Wolf that can do everything, then the Sphere ends up needing ludicrous quirkage to compensate. It's gotta be one or the other, man.

Gyrok, man...you have to know by now that most everyone on the boards sees you as That Guy. The crazy extremist dude who cannot be talked to, reasoned with, or even just ignored. You've been screaming about how badly the Clan tech base has been treated for so long now that you've lost pretty much all credibility you might've otherwise had. There's nothing left. Yeah...pretty much everyone does assume you want the Clans overpowered, because you've pitched an unearthly fit every time Piranha's done something to try and trim up the disparity between the two tech bases.

We all know the cXL shoulder blowout penalty is fair...except for you. We all know the cERML needs to go to 6/5, not 7/6...except for you. I agree that the game will not work properly until the Sphere gets the rest of its ER beams at the absolute least, and preferably the rest of its Ultra cannons, Streak launchers, and other major gaps between the two tech bases filled, but there are also clear outriders that need to be dealt with at some point. The Timber Wolf is still defining the heavy weight class, and if we cut quirks entirely then the only things that remotely compete with it are the Hellbringer and the Cauldron-Born - both Clan. The Stormcrow still rules the medium bracket, and again, without quirks in play the Arctic Cheetah dominates the light bracket.

Assaults are the only place where an argument can be made, and even then that's more because of the general weakness of most Clan assaults and the Whale's egregious mobility issues limiting it than because Sphere assaults keep up on their own. Even then, I ripped a Wubshee to tiny pieces today in my Executioner before heading to work in a face-to-face duel. The M.A.S.C. changes alone have given the Executioner a whole lot more leverage on the game, and now that it has Sphere-level mobility quirks that work...well, in the three games I got in with my mixed-dakka Executioner today (cUAC/10, cUAC/5, quad cERSL), I scored four kills, three kills, then one kill and three heavy assists. yeah, I know I'm down in T4 where none of that matters, but seriously. The Executioner is a whole goddamn lot more competitive now than it was last week...and remember, assaults are the only category where the Sphere can even pretend to contest the Clans for Best In Weight.

Something's going to give, Gyrok. Either the Clans take a few more hits to trim up the remaining disparity between tech bases, or the Sphere gets to keep its SMUQuirks to compensate. I know which of those I'd rather see happen.

1.) The 2 times I have openly complained about a specific chassis, it was overquirked, and everyone knew it.

2.) Have you played the TW lately? It is good...but honestly...comp units are still really not messing with them unless specific builds are in play. How is it redefining anything when it is not the defacto choice for many top players/units? In fact, with so many maps having vertical cover, I have actually gone away from playing anything but the HBR in a clan mech these days. Truth be told it is fragile as hell, but the high mounts make up for it. The TW has 80% of the mounts in knuckle dragger locations that are terrible for maps like tourmaline, polar highlands, terra therma, viridian bog, even the snow drifts on frozen city often present problems, and on Alpine you have to expose most the mech to peak effectively. To get around that, you can mount the massive "shoot me here plz" beacon that is the A-LT and gain *some small advantage* in the sense that you can clear things more easily. However, because the cockpit is significantly lower than the mount, you expose the "shoot me here plz" beacon well before you can actually see, or shoot, the target. I actually intend to make a post about this in the very near future with screen shots and maths to further illustrate the point.

3.) There are so many "That guy" people on this forum how can they bother to keep track of who is what? Seriously. I am not "that guy", and I have advocated for many reasonable things that would bring parity to this game. You cannot possibly hope to balance the tech bases without equal tech. 1453R, you and I both know this...people keep trying, in vain, to make things equal, when they will never be equal. The nerfs to clan tech are ********, because once the crazy powerful IS tech comes, then what? Play "I hope PGI figures out balance all over again now after years of assfucking quirks"?

4.) Once the IS gets the LFE and Compact heat sinks, then what will be fair? The LFE with single slot double heatsinks and regular endo/ferro will be no different than clans with DHS twice as big, and endo/ferro that occupy less slots. I mean really....that literally solves EVERY. SINGLE. PROBLEM. with the tech base differences. The IS ERML solves the gap in range, and frankly, with the IS being able to boat LLs as well as they can, I am not sure the ERML really needed the nerf...but I can tell you the mechs that relied on the ERML heavily, are not top of the heap anymore.

5.) As it stands, the BK, WHM, GHR are all in the topic of top heavy mechs, the BJ is outright the best heavy mech, has been for a while, and has yet to be dethroned by anything...if there is a conversation about best medium, the other breath in that conversation mentions the ENF-4R. Clan mediums have been irrelevant for a long time old friend. In the light bracket, the FS9 is outright better than the ACH for back hunting, without quirks, and without ECM. Period. The ravens are outright better snipers, and the oxide is an outright better brawler against heavier mechs. The cheetah cannot even bring as much armor as those mechs, and cannot go as fast either. Assaults...LOL! Yeah...there is not a conversation to be had there...the DW needs a spotter and a 3 point turn to change direction...any other clan assault is a joke. The EXE is mobile now...as mobile as a TW...it carries as many guns as a TW. Hey...wait...if we are tonnage constrained, and the EXE is a 95 ton TW...why the hell not save 20 tons and bring a damn TW, that can do more builds anyway?

6.) Move the timeline to 3060, give the IS their crazy OP ****, roll back the nerfs to clan tech because IS tech will be OP as hell after the new tech comes in...and maybe we can all have a reasonable conversation.

#82 Quicksilver Aberration


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Posted 23 February 2016 - 02:34 PM

View PostBishop Steiner, on 23 February 2016 - 02:24 PM, said:

Actually thought they were thinking the QuickDraw down?

Well, the QKG-4G yes, but the QKD-5K wasn't hit that hard with the energy range nerfs (and took over the 4G's role on top of its regular duties), and the agility quirks finally working help it out a bit to compensate for the range loss.

View PostGyrok, on 23 February 2016 - 02:31 PM, said:

In the light bracket, the FS9 is outright better than the ACH for back hunting

While a lot of what you just spewed is wrong, this is perhaps the wrongest thing I saw, to the point I had to laugh.

#83 Gyrok


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Posted 23 February 2016 - 02:38 PM

View PostQuicksilver Kalasa, on 23 February 2016 - 02:34 PM, said:

Well, the QKG-4G yes, but the QKD-5K wasn't hit that hard with the energy range nerfs (and took over the 4G's role on top of its regular duties), and the agility quirks finally working help it out a bit to compensate for the range loss.

While a lot of what you just spewed is wrong, this is perhaps the wrongest thing I saw, to the point I had to laugh.

FS9-S, without range quirks, still has more range than the nerfed ERSL build, runs higher DPS, has more armor, and can do as many JJs.

How the hell is it wrong?

#84 Quicksilver Aberration


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Posted 23 February 2016 - 02:42 PM

View PostGyrok, on 23 February 2016 - 02:38 PM, said:

FS9-S, without range quirks, still has more range than the nerfed ERSL build, runs higher DPS, has more armor, and can do as many JJs.

How the hell is it wrong?

The ERSL build isn't relevant, and despite the extra range the FS9-S has, the extra firepower of the cSPL allow it to do its job better than the FS9-S. The FS9-S is good when you need a jumping light and already have as many ACH as you can take, but that's about it these days.

Edited by Quicksilver Kalasa, 23 February 2016 - 02:50 PM.

#85 Nauht


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Posted 23 February 2016 - 02:48 PM

At least Gyrok can see and acknowledge MWO mechanics. Unlike some, particularly from IS in that mega thread, that just plain ignore Clan negatives and put in a blanket "clans op" purely based on the very superficial base stats of equipment.

#86 1453 R


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Posted 23 February 2016 - 03:10 PM

Gyrok, man...if you honestly think that compact heat sinks are a game-changer technology for the Sphere...

I know it seems stupid to club the Clans down to tech level 1 when the Sphere is going to close the gap in a few years (and then be forced to eat every single nerf they forced on the Clans), but you cannot tell me there isn't merit in the idea of stepping down both sides. The Sphere doesn't need 50% quirks, agility or otherwise, and we don't really need 7-damage medium lasers. The IICs are largely proof that the cXL is still A Thing, and if they aren't the Kodiak g'damn will be.

I just don't see where you're coming from, man. Yeah, I know I'm a useless T4 scrublord with no brain in my head and no hands to fight with, but come on...you can't actually believe some of the stuff you say, can you?

#87 Quicksilver Aberration


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Posted 23 February 2016 - 03:11 PM

Compact heat sinks are worthless, I'd have to be a lab monkey to see what all I could build with them, but I could've sworn these were somehow worse than SHS.

Compact Engines/Gyros are nice, but wouldn't be worth it in this game (though having a CT Heavy PPC on a SDR-5V would be hilarious).

Edited by Quicksilver Kalasa, 23 February 2016 - 03:12 PM.

#88 Gyrok


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Posted 23 February 2016 - 03:20 PM

View Post1453 R, on 23 February 2016 - 03:10 PM, said:

Gyrok, man...if you honestly think that compact heat sinks are a game-changer technology for the Sphere...

I know it seems stupid to club the Clans down to tech level 1 when the Sphere is going to close the gap in a few years (and then be forced to eat every single nerf they forced on the Clans), but you cannot tell me there isn't merit in the idea of stepping down both sides. The Sphere doesn't need 50% quirks, agility or otherwise, and we don't really need 7-damage medium lasers. The IICs are largely proof that the cXL is still A Thing, and if they aren't the Kodiak g'damn will be.

I just don't see where you're coming from, man. Yeah, I know I'm a useless T4 scrublord with no brain in my head and no hands to fight with, but come on...you can't actually believe some of the stuff you say, can you?

I honestly feel like there is no need to step down both sides.

Here is why:

How much should we dumb down the game for sake of the purists, or the CoD crowd?

BT/MW is what it is, and it has always been this way. We have higher TTK now than we ever have...honestly...and some would not be happy until we are all hugging at theta, on conquest, with 1 small laser trying to kill each other for 15 minutes with no one dying. Sorry, but the whole participation trophy ******** is for the birds, and if anyone does not like it...I could not honestly care less what they think because it is not worth listening to anyway.

With the current meta game dominated by lasers, and not weapons that actually take a fair bit of skill to use, we have lowered the skill floor to the point that mouth breathers can play the game with proficiency in a very advanced time table compared to what it was when mechs with Gauss and PPCs roamed freely, and the highlander was not extinct. This is what pandering to the lowest common denominator does. Does it take skill to use lasers extremely effectively? Sure...but the ceiling is not as high as FLD weapons that have varying projectile speeds, ammo to account for, etc.

If we bring out the equal 'sphere tech, they will not need 50% quirks...hell...I would even argue we might just be able to actually completely remove quirks once the timeline advances well enough. I know it seems to crazy to think that a 5-10% quirk would be crazy in such a scenario...but how much better for the game is it if your PPCs all travel mostly the same speed on every mech because they are actually ******* balanced, and not band-aided to hell and back on a specific mech?

I absolutely believe everything I say...and I would not put it out there otherwise.

#89 Aresye


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Posted 23 February 2016 - 03:20 PM

View PostBishop Steiner, on 23 February 2016 - 02:24 PM, said:

Interesting. The ON1-VA is already my favorite Orion. I usually run it a little fragile, with a 360xl? ( because of IRL been a couple months since I played it, so can't recall if it's a340 or 360), AC10 and 4x SRM4. I love that thing, though over the last year, Alphas have gotten so bad it's a bit squishy. Have tried it with a 300 STD, but wasn't feeling the lack of speed/agility. Haven't compared the current quirks, but it's one of my best KDr and Avg Dmg mechs, and had both my highest kill total (9, my first ace of spades), but also my highest single damage match (a little over 1300) and the most 1000+ damage matches of any of my mechs (9 at last count, though my Warhawk is catching up).

Give this one a try:
Posted Image

A little toasty, but since you're brawling you don't really need arty or airstrikes, so I generally just pack 2 coolshots. If I outlast both coolshots and somehow still need to put down continuous fire, I'll switch to just the AC-10 with some occasionally chain-fired SRM shots.

I got swarmed in a corner on Emerald Taiga by 2 TBRs, 1 EBJ, 1 SMN, and a SHC while in this build. Thankfully many of them were previously damaged, so I was able to take down 4 out of 5 before a couple more mechs showed up and finished me off.

#90 Gyrok


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Posted 23 February 2016 - 03:21 PM

View PostQuicksilver Kalasa, on 23 February 2016 - 03:11 PM, said:

Compact heat sinks are worthless, I'd have to be a lab monkey to see what all I could build with them, but I could've sworn these were somehow worse than SHS.

Compact Engines/Gyros are nice, but wouldn't be worth it in this game (though having a CT Heavy PPC on a SDR-5V would be hilarious).

They are 1.5 tons for a single crit double...so there is *some* drawback, but not enough to matter unless you are trying to get 40 DHS onto something...

#91 Quicksilver Aberration


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Posted 23 February 2016 - 03:25 PM

View PostGyrok, on 23 February 2016 - 03:21 PM, said:

They are 1.5 tons for a single crit double

Actually they are 3 tons for single crit double iirc, a single CHS is 1.5 tons for 1 heat dissipation. Which is why they are really silly.

Edited by Quicksilver Kalasa, 23 February 2016 - 03:25 PM.

#92 Gyrok


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Posted 23 February 2016 - 03:28 PM

View PostQuicksilver Kalasa, on 23 February 2016 - 03:25 PM, said:

Actually they are 3 tons for single crit double iirc, a single CHS is 1.5 tons for 1 heat dissipation. Which is why they are really silly.

They are experimental tech, so it could easily be set to 1.5 tons for the sake of making things relevant here. I mean, it is not like PGI is holding hardcore to the rules here...they pretty much just pick and choose what to use, and what to ignore. They specifically even fabricated a BS interpretation of heat scale for the ST loss on clan mechs. The ST speed loss penalty is not actually a rule in TT at all, and is based on the premise that the mech would break heat scale once ST destroyed...which is actually outright BS, because almost no mechs had issues with heat scale unless they were not paying attention to their weapon heat.

#93 Lupis Volk


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Posted 23 February 2016 - 03:28 PM

View PostBishop Steiner, on 23 February 2016 - 07:04 AM, said:

Some folk, when they have performance issue... They work to improve. Some folk.... Take a little pill. And still others look for any excuse to explain away their performance issue.

Suffice it to say... Some folk got used to crutch mode Clan mechs, and assist unable to adapt and perform without them being egregiously OP.

Since he's been complaining that It S is OP and Clans garbage tier since the first TBR nerf was discussed.

ah. He's one that pines for the old days.

I have no issue with the Clans atm (apart from that steamer Nova)

#94 Quicksilver Aberration


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Posted 23 February 2016 - 03:29 PM

View PostGyrok, on 23 February 2016 - 03:28 PM, said:

I mean, it is not like PGI is holding hardcore to the rules here...

Tonnage and crit space is one of those things they do actually hold hardcore too, unfortunately.

#95 Gyrok


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Posted 23 February 2016 - 03:30 PM

View PostLupis Volk, on 23 February 2016 - 03:28 PM, said:

ah. He's one that pines for the old days.

I have no issue with the Clans atm (apart from that steamer Nova)

Actually there was a post a little further back, (page 3 maybe...?), where I specifically answered your question.

View PostQuicksilver Kalasa, on 23 February 2016 - 03:29 PM, said:

Tonnage and crit space is one of those things they do actually hold hardcore too, unfortunately.

Like the anti-personnel pods on the HBR Prime, right??

#96 Quicksilver Aberration


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Posted 23 February 2016 - 03:32 PM

View PostGyrok, on 23 February 2016 - 03:30 PM, said:

Like the anti-personnel pods on the HBR Prime, right??

That's a different situation.....removing a piece of equipment from a stock config does not equal decreasing the tonnage or crit space of a piece of equipment.

I'm not saying it is a good thing they are holding so hardcore to tonnages, but if you are going to compare situations, at least make sure they are equivalent.

Edited by Quicksilver Kalasa, 23 February 2016 - 03:33 PM.

#97 Gyrok


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Posted 23 February 2016 - 03:39 PM

View PostQuicksilver Kalasa, on 23 February 2016 - 03:32 PM, said:

That's a different situation.....removing a piece of equipment from a stock config does not equal decreasing the tonnage or crit space of a piece of equipment.

I'm not saying it is a good thing they are holding so hardcore to tonnages, but if you are going to compare situations, at least make sure they are equivalent.

My point was that the precedent already exists. Which means they could consider it...additionally, because CHS are experimental tech, there are no stock builds, to my knowledge, that actually use them. Which means they would not be risking breaking any stock builds by changing them.

#98 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 23 February 2016 - 04:06 PM

I think the scariest sniper light these days is 35 tons, Clan and runs 105 kph.

#99 Mawai


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Posted 23 February 2016 - 04:19 PM

View PostLugh, on 23 February 2016 - 07:44 AM, said:

They don't PROVE. They CAST DOUBT. As Russ said that the Tiering system for the quirks wasn't recognized a la the new system that should have been in place, it COULD be that a single low tier quirk was indeed applied when the mech was meant to get more generous higher compensation.

As to the other question. Metrics mean little to people that have little experience in qualitative statistical analysis.

And to a group as mathematically challenged as PGI has shown itself to be over and over, would you really be surprised that 5% looks the same as 50% to some of their people ?

I mean 2.9% means 15-30% jam chance per their conversion from TT so...

I was basing my comment regarding non-functioning quirks on the announcement from PGI that was pretty categorical.


"This caused any and all Acceleration, Deceleration, and Turn Rate Quirks to become non-functional, for every 'Mech that had such Quirks."

ALL and NON-FUNCTIONAL are the key words in this sentence. PGI stated the code wasn't working at all. So it doesn't "CAST DOUBT" on comments made ... any comments made previously on "OP agility quirks" were completely imagined by the author of those comments.

Finally, if you haven't learned not to accept anything that Russ says at face value (especially when he doesn't ask someone who actually knows the answer) ... over the past three years ... then I have a "CW .. 90 days after open beta" feature I can sell you :)

#100 Quicksilver Aberration


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Posted 23 February 2016 - 04:41 PM

View PostGyrok, on 23 February 2016 - 03:39 PM, said:

My point was that the precedent already exists.

And my point is, the precedent doesn't exist because the situations are different....

Edited by Quicksilver Kalasa, 23 February 2016 - 04:42 PM.

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