Nightshade24, on 25 February 2016 - 11:27 AM, said:
Let's cover the first base first. a "Deathstar" in the MW: O slang is a mech (typically assault) with 6+ PPC's which was first popular on the stalker before ghost heat was added (penalty heat for firing more than x weapons)
A direstar is a give all or nothing approach with a direwolf having 10-14 Clan ER PPC's... it often 1 shot kills any enemy with a well placed shot HOWEVER the heat penalty forces you to power down and take internal damage. This means you got 4 alpha strikes (firing all weapons at once) before you are well... a toaster on fire in the pits or Mordor after global warming in the middle of summer in a lava lake.
It's more or less a troll build and not practical
a few things to comment on
1. It does not necesarily have to be PPCs, I own a 14 MPL Direstar and that thing is absolutely horriffic if it gets in range, and is actually halfway usable if you don´t alpha all the time. 15 erll is also possible, and AFAIK currently the "second highest" alpha in the game with 165 pts up to 750M,It´s actually the same as the highest, but has a slightly lower range..
2. Not even a dire wolf completely stripped of armor can mount more than 11 PPCs, becasue you need at least 1 S side torso to get more tha 9 on (assumoing you´re using a B or W CT, otherwise the limit is 8 with 2 DW-Prime arms), and that S side torso forces you to take a jumpjet. you get 1.5 tons of armor with that setup. But it has the highest alpha in teh game currently with 165 pts. @810m
Yes, you can get a hint more by adding 1-2 MGs or a missile rack, but for ex. Fox with a Shotgun´s "broke the damage scale" build cannot be done. you may be able to build it, physically, but the game has a weapons hardcap at 16 weapons and won´t let you drop with more, no matter how many hardpoints you have
3. AFAIK a 6ppc stalker was always a 6ppc stalker, I cannot remember ever hearing the term "deathstar" applied to that mech in the last 5 years.... but Swaybacks (9ML hunchback-p) were sometimnes referred to as such during Open Beta... And of course there´s teh BattleStars...
Infinite Freedom, on 25 February 2016 - 11:30 AM, said:
Understood and thank you. I'm probably not going to run it then if it shuts you down after every shot.
For the record, they force you to shut down after every ALPHA STRIKE, not every shot... major difference... with some fire discipline you can put out quite a bit of damage before you start wrecking people´s day with alphas
Sister RAbbi, on 25 February 2016 - 08:02 PM, said:
Now, a certain combination of omnipods makes the Dire Wolf the king of the stars! (Though I suspect the Kodiak will have its version, perhaps the NorthStar or something, that will roll 9x ERPPC.
Kodiaks are not Omnimechs, we already know exactly wht the hardpoints will be. A kdk 5 can theoretically mount 11 (though only 9 if we´re talking PPCs or LPL, because while it has 5 hardpoints /arm and 1 ct, it also has lower arm and hand actuators that Omnimechs lose when PPCs or ACs are equipped taking up 2 crit slots /arm). A Kdk- 1 can also mount 9 (4 HP /arm and 1 ct)
Chocowolf, on 08 March 2016 - 08:23 PM, said:
True but if you thought max ppcs were bad go All Flamers and 2 guass because left over tonnage!!!
Or 14 ML+ 2UAC10, muahahaha
Edited by Zerberus, 08 March 2016 - 09:27 PM.