Afuldan McKronik, on 02 March 2016 - 07:25 AM, said:
Just seems strange that with an ecm mech and going out of my way to relocate 500m and 105 degrees i still got hit as soon as i popped my head up.
Somone was probably running on the lowest setting on purpose so the clipping range goes down and so they can see through some of the terrain. With a few more "Performance Adjustments" you can really cut down on the terrain rendering. When I was having problems with my AMD 9590 (I was really adjusting things to get a decent frame rate) there were many times I could see a mech walking across the terrain and not shoot them because they were actually behind cover that wasn't drawing on my comp. (But I am much happier with the prettier graphics on my 6700K.
If it makes you feel better have some
Edited by nehebkau, 02 March 2016 - 08:35 AM.